
I'm Too good to be blessed by Paragon of Murder

For the past few years since he graduated and received the INSA Young Scientist Award, Dax Grayson has lived an isolated life with only his nursery and research. Growing up with his grandparents in the countryside, he was introduced to farming and gardening at an early age. Ever since then, he has only grown closer to florals. They are like family to him, and in turn, he feels their affection. People around him let him be, as he never intrudes or disrupts them while going on with his eccentricities. One day, during a regular hike, he comes across a peculiar red flower that he has never seen before. Upon closer study, the flower seems to radiate a golden hue across the petals. All of a sudden, the hue flashes, and in that instant, Dax feels his internals churning and loses consciousness. Upon regaining himself, he finds that he is in a strange place surrounded by chaos. Unable to contemplate his current predicament, he falls victim to his anxiety and fear. The life he led until now cannot be said to be harsh or dangerous, but a sudden incomprehensible chain of events puts him in turmoil. As he tackles his fear and tries to get a grip on himself, he realizes something. Everyone around him seems to be more cautious and afraid of him than he is. Finally, he understands that he was a vessel blessed by an entity on the level of demi-godhood called Paragon of Murder.

Laddu_Ji · Fantasy
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7 Chs

\Chapter 6\

Dax was cautious to not explicitly ask anything but nonetheless his curiosity was running high, before he believed everything to be a dream and was worriless. But now it was slowly sinking to him that his new reality was unfathomable and dangerous one single mishap could likely get him annihilated like the zombie from before. He needed all the information he could get from this world luckily for him he is getting tutored, even if he is vary he was excited to learn what kind of wonders this world has to offer. 

Seeing the boy sitting so steadily and not having his claw knife by his side proved his prior suspicions right, which was that someone entered into his dimension in order to alter the boy's memory or plant a seed that would bear fruit when their conspiracy comes to play. To able to pull this off whoever it was needed to be proficient in dimension magic, formation magic and bionic domains. All three of these domains are indifferent to each other and very powerful domains to master, he himself is a master in dimension domain so he clearly understood that he was dealing with a very powerful group. 

Giving a break to his investigations head butler sighed a soft breath in reluctance, because whatever that was conspired today in order ever come true the boy has to pass the test and step out from his sealed dimension. It was something almost impossible to overcome, more so for the bloodline of Lequeox. "How are you feeling right now?" the head butler asked.

"Umm... I'm fine" the boy replied in a low tone, seeing as the head butler was concerned for him he gained new hope that he won't be obliterated into nothing without a good reason. 

"That's good, I know you are confused right now but tell me every detail you know of earlier incident"

He knew that eventually he has to give an explanation and was prepared to do so earlier in the room, so he started from the beginning where he heard the dripping noises till the time he met with head butler. He doesn't know the proper designation of the head butler so he recalled the zombie calling him 'Lord' and used the same word.

Listening to the boys explanation it cemented the theories he had made, the temporary blindless was the proof that a high level bionic magus intervened and altered the boys memory. Tears of time isn't a normal healing pond what is does is far more extraordinary, It takes reference of a single blood cell and reverts entire body back to time when the reference was formed. It has to be noted that the life of a blood cell is around 4 months so whoever get healed in the tears of time will revert back to their state in between of 4 months. 

So if tears of time was unable to heal his altered memory it meant that the level of bionic mage should be at 7th resurgence. It means that he has 7 pupils too but it does not mean that he has same power level as head butler. However it was evident that it was an indomitable which trespassed into his territory, he was angry inside that they trespassed into his manor but since the issue was of concerning the boy he had to let go of the incident. 

"You don't have to call me lord, for as long as you stay I'm the Head Butler of this manor and you are the young master of this manor. So please refrain yourself from calling me lord, young master"

Dax Slowly nodded head in turn, he was more hopeful that the scary skeleton won't do him any harm for the time being. But it was still how everyone in this place looked like ghosts. He understood the painful reality that he has to get used to seeing ghosts everyday. 

"How much do you remember about yourself, young master?"

Head butler voiced in between his painful revelations , "I..I don't remember anything at all"

Excepting similar answer already, head butler passed the book in his hands telepathically on to the desk before Dax and began flipping pages and stopped at the middle, the catalogue read 'Candidate number 500, Quinn Leo Lequeox'.

"This your assignment for today, recollect about yourself before breakfast. And after breakfast you may begin your regular lessons" saying that butler stood from his chair and took a step forward vanishing from the spot. Being left alone Dax breathed a sigh of relief at last, whenever he was in presence of the head butler he felt as if a mountain was weighing on him. He turned his focused on to the book in front of him, his reading speed was quite slow it took around a minute to spell the name 'Quinn Leo Lequeox'. But he sat through channelling all his focus on the page before him :

[Candidate number 500, Quinn Leo Lequeox - hailing from the renowned warrior clan of the merfolk realm to south under the sovereignty of the Genmo Empire. He is the 18th candidate to be coming from this clan, with him Lequeox clan overtakes Petrin Family in the ranking to 4th place to be a bloodline that generated a greater number of blessed of Murder Paragon. 

Son of the fourth commander of Blood eagle regiment Denzo Leo Lequeox, born in Mellgarden Island. Growing up as a single child of the commander he was thought to wield a curved blade from the age of 2. Having an affinity to swordsmanship outgrew the basic curved blade arts at age of 5 and started to cultivate his aura. 

After initially cultivating aura, on the day of blessings he killed his duelling partner and was blessed with the insignia of Murder Paragon on his left hand he couldn't control the blessing and killed 732 practitioners before finally subdued. In murdering spree he achieved second resurgence and evolved his second pupil and resonance of it is yet unknown.

Identity marks - green hair, murder insignia on left hand, mole on right ear lobe and has a burnt mark of blood eagle on his chest 

Likes - relberries, buck meat & Mother. 

dislikes - doing anything that is not a fight.]

It took him around half an hour to read through the entire page, he was getting better at reading slowly but still drained a lot of his focus. He gained a lot of useful information the page, a lot of things were still unclear to him but what blew him out of his wits was the fact that this tiny boy was on a killing spree that laid rest to 733 adults. He didn't ask how because he knew his common sense is of no use to him in this world, so he only shook his head in picturing how a 5-year-old killing 733 adults and now he has the same power he was a bit shaken what kind of world has he stepped into.

He was so lost in focus while reading the page that he completely missed out the pale maid from before was wating at the door for last ten minutes. Knocking on the open door to grab his attention , Dax finally realized he was in presence of someone else. He remembered the words of the butler and walked to the door. If possible he wanted to speak to as less as possible so he stayed quite and followed the maid to the dinning hall.

The dinning hall was quite small considering the manor, he was expecting an enormous hall with tables stretching the entire way. Instead there was one tiny table which was tailor made for him, it only had a single chair signifying that he is the only one to be dinning. Somehow it all made sense to him considering that all the beings he come across were ghosts and skeletons. He pulled the perfect sized chair and sat at the table. Maid went to backroom in order to get his breakfast, meanwhile Dax began preparing himself for the unknown whatever he is to face he should be unhinged now he knows cause at the first sight of disadvantage they would do horrible things to him. He still remembered how hard the zombie kicked him to send him flying , he sat there clinching on to the silverware this is his life now. He is not Dax Greyson anymore, he is Quinn Leo Lequeox.

'In order to fool others I must begin it from myself, for all I know I could be sentenced here for my life in this dark place for life for all the murders committed. I still don't understand a lot about my situation but there is no sudden threat to me now so I can take it slow and adopt'

Unknowing to Dax regretted thinking this moments later when his classes began, but for now maid brought his breakfast which looked like some meat dish and salad. Breathing a sigh of relief Dax completed the breakfast under the scrutiny of the maid. After the completion he again followed the maid believing he'd be led into a study room like before, but their route has changed out and they were walking out of the manor itself. Finally they stood before a structure it seemed to be a open arena but it was built strange and was in a shape of honeycomb. Dax is having a premonition whatever that awaits him inside is bad news.