
A Maid will help the Hurt

"Ah! No Sebastian! sniff..." I sobbed, I lied on my bed crying for a fictional characters that had more human feelings than the female lead, I clenched my chest as my heart was throbbing, there was this gut-wrenching pain in my heart. I felt so empty after reading 125 chapters of the novel, My favorite and the most loved character was killed. Executed. He loved so purely and so innocently, yet he decided he would do anything in his power to get her back. The duke was gentle and kind, while the prince was so wild and cute, like a tiny beast. He'd been cursed due to the duke.

"Why did sebastian have to die this way? All he ever wanted was her love, above that she tried to mock him, why?" I cried, I felt like shouting at my phone at the female lead that made fun of Sebastian since the day of his curse. He fell in love with her either way, she treated him nicely when she wanted to but treated him like a piece of trash when she felt was right. He was only a tool to her, for her to use as she pleased to sit on the throne.

"Dammit!" I punched my pillow harshly, Tears streamed down on her delicate face as she cried endlessly through the whole night for the fictional character. I think he's more human than any of us.


"Nngh..!" Sebastian turned and turned on his bed as a memory resurfaced onto his mind, it was like a dream. He met with a black-haired woman in this dream with beautiful red eyes like jewels and and fair face with a button nose, her eyebrows always knitted together in worry for her husband. But she still greeted him with a bright smile like always, when he wasn't at work he would become obsessed with her and follow her around everywhere, the woman found it quite cute that her husband even though he didn't like romance novels would still follow her wherever she went because that showed how much he loved her.

"Welcome Home, Sebastian!~" A woman with black hair and red eyes greeted him in this dream and smiled warmly as she removed his coat and cardigan. He caressed her face and looked at his wife lovingly, she smiled warmly at him and hugged him for a few seconds.

"Beatrice, I'm home.."

"Oh Come! Let's go eat! I've made your favorite! Spaghetti with cream! I've warmed it up for you!"

"Thank You, beatrice, you know you could just order someone to do this right?"

"Yeah, but I like making it for you personally."

"Thanks, Chu~" He said as he kissed her warm lips that always had the taste of strawberries, probably since she always wore a strawberry balm, personally made by her. He grew happy and ate with his wife.

"Gasp! What was that?! That dream..!!" In that moment the 16 year old boy woke up from his dream and looked down at his hands as they were shaking with excitement and eagerness. [I can't believe it! What a strange dream I had!!]

"Oh Sebastian, I wish you'd be much happier...! If only I could help you out..." I cried, my eyes were puffy and my pajamas were drenched in boogers and tears that had fallen to the laws of gravity. The girl's life hadn't been any better, because it just wasn't, it was actually much like sebastian's life. She had suffered at the hands of her stepmother and was abandoned both emotionally and physically at the tender age of 9. But she always managed to smile to hide all her pain. She didn't want to be a burden to her best friend or to any of those around her.

"Sniff..! I wish you'd be happier...You wouldn't be so lonely anymore...After everything you'd one through you still decided to love her even after everything." I grabbed a tissue and put my phone down letting the novel stay on the screen, I then threw the tissue away and read the part over and over again, which traumatized me even more and I grabbed onto my phone and lied on my bed holding the phone in my hands.

Where am I? Why is this place so luxurious? I walked towards a mirror in the hallway and looked at my face which was, indeed, beautiful, but average. I had white silver hair so I wouldn't be a brunette and I had red crimson eyes that shone like rubies, my face was fair and no pores this must be a miracle!

I smirk at my reflection and start to laugh maniacally.

[This is great! Just great! But wait-!]

I cleared my throat and start to remember anything that could help. Wait! This can't be-!

"Charlotte! The Prince needs a maid, go and help him."

"...?" I turn to look around just to find a woman in her 20's carrying a basket full of clothes, wearing a maid's apron, and a gold brooch on her chest. Once I took a look at her face she seemed to look ugly with furrowed eyebrows. [eww...]

"Charlotte! I'm talking to you! No one else is named Charlotte here right?!" The maid yells, her face turned to a scowl and she stomped her way to the laundry room. I turn to look around and find the prince's room, which in the story was written to be luxurious and every piece in it valuable itself. I walk down the hall and finally encounter the luscious door in front of me.

I knock and someone yells, "Go away! you'll be cursed!"

I ball my fists and bang more on the door and that's when he yells loudly, "You wench! Didn't you hear me?! You'll be cursed! Leave immediately!" He sounded angry.

[For a little kid, he sure uses vulgar words to scare people away... But not me!]

I barged into his room and it was the messiest room I had ever seen in my entire life. It was messier than my brother's, underwear was on the sofa and dirty shirts were thrown on the once clean carpet, which is now covered in cake and pudding from a week ago. I stood there in shock for a few seconds and chuckled, I walked around picking up the clothes on the rugs and the food that was thrown on the floor.

"What are you doing?! Did you not hear me?!" A boy from the corner yelled, When I looked closely, He had refined features but the dark spots covered his face, it's like he had scars all over. I smiled at the boy who sat in the corner and longed for someone to hug him.

"I told you to go away! I'll curse you!" He furrowed his eyebrows and stomped over to me and snatched the things I'd picked up from the ground and threw them to the floor again. He's 16 years old but to be honest, he looks 12.

"Your Majesty, I've come to help!" I said and smiled, the boy let his guard down for just a second and then furrowed his eyebrows again.

"I don't need your help! I'll curse you! Wench!"

"It wasn't proved by the priests yet." I smiled I felt myself smiling at the cute small boy before me. To think he went to battle and killed millions. Now, that's scary...

"What's your name, Maid?" He said in a scary voice, I smiled and answered, "I'm Charlotte. Your Majesty."

He nods and then says, "C-Charlotte..." he says and then looks down smiling for a second and continues, "GET OUT."

He's starting to get on my nerves. This kid.

"Your room is a mess and it stinks, you should order someone to clean this up. I'll help you with the bath, and please sit your highness, you'll tire yourself out."

I hum as I clean the room and when I finish up with the last shirts lying on the ground I walk over to the prince sitting on his large luscious bed and feed him the food I left earlier on the nightstand next to his bed.

I place a chair next to his bed and nightstand and grab the spoon to feed him since he can't see well. In the novel when Sebastian was still cursed his vision was blurred since this curse only runs in the royal family to those with 'Noblesse'. I think it's outrageous, to come and curse an innocent kid. it's horrible.

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