

Akira Tomioka goes to another world for the second time, let's see how it goes,fufufu

Nethercrimson2354 · Fantasy
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1 Chs


Akira Tomioka comes back from office,drained, looking around he sees a towel, he grabs it using it to clean his face and hair and thinks,"if only I had stayed why did I leave,or else I won't be here suffe--", His words are cut short with an unexpected glow, a smile appears on Akira's face as his body suddenly dissasipates in the bright light ,

Akira is seen standing in the middle of a field as wind blows violently, he looks around seeing his surroundings he says,"well velscade, I'm back !", he looks at himself and smiles as he sees his handsome young self through a mirror he summons,

His red flaky hair, round eyes with red pupils ,his red shirt and black jacket complemented his looks, still looking at his handsome face ,he feels a strange energy around,

We see a devious grin on his face as he activates his ability flame aura ,

Red hot flames dancing round him as he begins to float he then starts flying towards the wierd energy on his way he thinks,"my second time in another world, hehehe,I won't let this opportunity slip by me I am going to stay here till the end this time", he thinks,

He finds three men and a woman standing but he looks at a man with long black coat and sees the two men and the girls injured and panting, he then shouts in the sky ,"hey!!Velsciezz it's metour worst nightmare ",Velsciezz the man in long black coat looks up wondering what was going on but as his eyes fall on Akira , beads of sweat start to drop off his face,Akira continues,"I'm back",

Velsciezz dumbstruck freezes not able to do anything shoots purple flames at Akira , Akira dodges and flashsteps right behind Velsciezz and was about to decapitate Velsciezz,

Velsciezz moving quickly on his feet dodges and decides to teleport farther a little away from Akira , Akira noticing the distance says ,"Velsciezz, as cowardly as ever ,aaaayyy",Velsciezz angry talks back, saying,"you shouldn't even be talking about being cowardly, you've been gone for a decade now!", Akira answers, " wow its been that long,I didn't know, well I'm back so that means the war between hums and dragons begins again" Velsciezz answer's,"Yes I tried my best in resurrecting my brothers, now all it remains is for them to find a way to resource the dragon King, hahahahahaha","well I don't really care about such shenanigans ", said by Akira, surprising Velsciezz, right at this moment the girl speaks up,"bu-bu-but the gods chose you as the hero,so why ", as she starts to cry thinking all hope is lost ,

Akira then says ,"I didn't mean it that way, I just meant I was going to end every last on of them ,cause I don't care about the dragon King,",

Velsciezz hearing this words thinks ,"I won't give in he is strong but I'm stronger, no matter what I'll end him",as sweat still drips from his face as he gets into battle stance, Akira follows suit both of them lunging forward at each other.

I'm making this new peice, so I hope you'll love it

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