
I'm the Kaiju who will Destroy this World

They left me for dead when I was human. My life was never a well of wonders. Now, with this power, I became a kaiju. Some call me a monster, others the god of the kaijus. Armies? They will be defeated. Governments? They will fall. I am the kaiju who will destroy this world!

gustavkoh · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Accepting Who I Am!

"No, please!" The interrupted scream penetrates Lance's ears, but is replaced by the sudden sound of the blade slashing the kneeling man's throat.

Blood spills like a waterfall on a rainy day, soaking the ground. Lance's feet are bathed in the viscous liquid, but he doesn't move an inch.

That was the last person still alive at the hotel.

"I didn't expect that from you, Lance," Venya said as she gently licked her bloodstained fingers. "A surprise. But a good surprise."

Lance continued to stare at the fallen man, the rest of his neck reeling as if it was about to tear tissue and flesh. "I just needed to accept who I really am from now on." The body hit the floor, making a small thud on the wooden floor.

Venya approached slowly, bathed in human blood. She leaned on the Kaiju's broad, defined shoulder beside her. "I like you that way." she spoke with her eyes fixed on Lance's, not for a moment thinking of moving them.

The moment was interrupted by the crashing noise in front of the monsters. Hermann came out of a room with a sign that said 'Employees Only'. There, he gathered all of the hotel's children and saved them from the massacre that took place.

He turned around with his finger to his lips, as if asking them to keep their voices down.

Hermann looked around at the bloodbath that covered walls, paintings and the entire floor.

The old man had definitely seen massacres all his life, but even a monster like him was surprised at something of this level. "Was that really necessary?" he asked Lance without meeting his eyes. "Can you look in the mirror even after you've done something like this, Mr. Fehrman?"

"Yes," he replied still static, Venya at his side.

"For which of the questions?"

"Both." he says, his voice thicker and more moody than usual. Venya smiles, blood running down her canine teeth. Hermann approaches Lance, placing his hands on his shoulders. He barely hears when Venya complains that he took her away from Lance.

"Incredible, Mister Lance! A real monster. You didn't even think twice about massacring these humans, really monstrous." he took his hands off Lance's shoulders and leaned toward Venya. "Even you look pretty covered in blood, Miss Venya."

"You moth..." she said, holding back.

Lance walked for the first time in minutes to the glass door stained with gallons of blood that continued to slide. The door opened automatically calmly, Venya and Hermann close behind.

"Where are we going Lance?"

He stopped again.

"No. Not Lance. That name is in the past, when I was human." he continued "Call me..." he stopped to think what to say.

"Ashborn?" said Hermann.

"Almost certainly another novel uses that name, but… Yeah. Ashborn."

"OK. A-S-H-B-O-R-N. Where are we going?" Venya asked once more.

He looked at the innards-covered woman, for some reason more beautiful than before.

"We're getting my sword back."