

"Man what a day it's been can't wait the for the next issues about immortal hulk and issues about knull the symbiote god." I said as I was walking down the street I didn't notice a car speeding down the road. I'm walking across the street as I was finishing the latest issues about knull I failed to pay attention to my surroundings, that cost me my life as the speed pick-up truck hit me I felt no pain. I suddenly notice I was in a room with a note that say's" Write a max of 10 abilities of what you desire for you adventures across the multiverse."Oh I definitely know what I going to get as my abilities. So I wrote down the 10 abilities I wanted which of course are not reality bending which are"

1. I want to be merged with the incredible hulk persona soul included

2. Have invictus from the worm cyoa

3. Inspired inventor from worm cyoa, help,with the banner persona when needed

4. Immunity to Reality bending abilities

5. Immortality for both me and bruce banner

6. Shattered Limiter from worm cyoa

7. Badass Charisma because come on the hulk has always been badass the dude beat the shit out of marvel's superman The Sentry while he was still holding back

8. Timeline erasure immunity

9. The ability to travel the multiverse

10. All powers of canon 616 hulk."that should keep me alive while also not too powerful in most universes. After I wrote all my desire down, there was a flash of light. I noticed I'm sitting down in what seem to be a laboratory and I'm Green and huge sitting at 10 ft. I'm muscle like the incredible hulk from the 2008 film and look like that version too. Well I know when and where I am, cause I see one Betty Ross. people are in panic as I move with speed betrayed by my size , I ran through walls as if they were made of wet paper. I come out of the building I roared"rrraaaaaaahhhhh" I jumped off hundreds of miles in single leaps , commotion didn't matter my old name didn't matter what matters now is our future. I know challenges lays ahead because of my emergence, I can even feel banner in my head fighting me to not hurt innocence, not that I was going to anyway the weak ants we may as well be god to them The power we have are unlimited. I won't go evil or anything, it's just I won't take shit sitting down. As I settle a couple miles away from a random city I put 2 charges in for all forms of Martial discipline and the rest in general survival to banner making him a god-damned sage in the wilderness while making him a Martial arts master.