
I'm The Ice King In Adventure Time?

A man dies and is reincarnated as Simon Petrikov AKA the Ice King in Adventure Time. Watch as he tries to master magic and stay sane as the crown is slowly breaking his mind apart. This will be sorta slow plot as you know... Simon is 1000+ years behind the start of the plot of the show. Also, this is my first try writing a character like this for this series. Mc will behave similarly to the original Simon Petrikov but instead he will be more invested in magic and generally just smarter/less cartoonish. I'm trying to have him be a really smart ancient guy by the time the plot starts.

GaZe_Zero · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

A Chilling Agreement

Standing up from my computer I felt my lips just slightly twitch upward. My virus has made its course and is now ransacking the more secretive server files from the government.

Depending on the outcome, I can wait an hour to less than a day. An hour for my virus to implant itself within these servers so that I can look at the files, and around a day for them to find me if their systems are more advanced than my virus.

I do hope to not get found out, but if I do it still works for me and might even be more beneficial.

Laying down on my bed I opened my Master Key and began to reread bits of information related to magic. There wasn't much I wrote down besides key figures, the masters of magic, and some potential magic artifacts.

Looking at a page I specifically highlighted, I began reading about the elementals. Candy, Slime, Fire, and Ice. 'Truly such a weird combination of elements, but then again I am not the dreamer who created this world, am I?' I thought as I flipped the page to the Ice Elemental.

I was curious as to if she was the current Ice Elemental. Elementals can live longer than a mortal can, but they aren't ageless or immortal. Truthfully one of my goals with this virus is to see if the government knows anything about her.

Pinching my nose slightly I sighed at the thoughts of Patience St. Pim. She causes far too much trouble for me to not deal with right now. Besides being a troublemaker she is cunning and that's what worries me the most.

Not only did she know when to drop the boat with her dumber gonk elementals, but she survived the Bomb. Sure surviving it isn't too difficult if you are not directly within the blast range, but she predicted the bomb.

She was a menace that mellowed out due to becoming the true embodiment of her element. Closing my eyes briefly I thought of my potential plans for her.

'I can spare her, remove her element, or something... more drastic.' I mentally pictured my choices.

Despite having the chance of sounding greedy by wishing for this, I do want her element. In the future, I will need her elemental power more than she needs it, and if I don't remove it from her she's going to donk up everything in the future.

I specifically remember her and the other elementals meeting before the bomb, so that means they must know each other and meet depending on the situation. 'Could I possibly integrate myself within their group?' shaking my head at that thought I frowned.

They needed to die, everyone except St. Pim that is. Their next incarnations after the Bomb each play integral roles within the world, such as Princess Bubblegum and the Fire Elementals. Yes, more than one Fire Elemental, as despite Fire Princess being the elemental, there were family members before her that weren't, yet made of fire.

I suspect that Fire Princess's lineage has a long history of Fire Elementals, but I'm distracting myself. The other elementals must die, so I shouldn't become close to them so that I lose something when they pass.

I will have it hard enough with living for 1000 years, I don't want to make too many connections with people as I plan on outliving them.

*Deep, Deep, Deep*

My computer began to play the sound effect I set to play when my virus was within one of the government's servers. Quickly getting out of my bed I sat down and looked at my screen.

A massive background with a badge for the FBI was shown on my screen, alongside hundreds upon hundreds of files. Sharply inhaling I scratched my head. 'No time like the present I guess.' I thought.

With that thought, I began to search the files that I first had available to me. Deciding to ignore most of the files I went directly to files on people of importance and began to search.

Deciding to search for Patience St. Pim I looked for her file and only found a completely classified document. Similar to documents from the SCP game where everything was sharpied out, it was exactly like that.

Reading what I could I can see she caused an incident of some sort within Wyoming during the winter 4 years ago. 'Useless information, where is she?' I thought as I began to look at other files on St. Pim, but everything else was blacked out or didn't exist.

Bunching up my brows in confusion I sighed and just began to search files randomly. Some secret terrorist group file here, racist files there, I went through anything that interested me and then chose to look up myself.

"Huh?" I whispered as I looked at my file. I expected to see only a file that contained the most basic of info on me alongside who my family is, but it seems that something more interesting occurred.

I didn't have a family, as in no relatives, and even the FBI didn't know who my parents were. That is something that piqued my interest, as it seems that I have no family. Nothing at all, and that scared me slightly.

Even orphans have their bloodwork done and are checked for any relatives, just for record's sake, yet I didn't have that. It looks like I almost just appeared one day, meaning either a file error, which I doubted, or something higher is at play.

'What could've sent me here...' I began to ruminate on my thoughts before I heard my computer beep again.

Looking at what server I just gained access to I frowned and chose to ignore it due to the server belonging to the Supreme Court.

Time passed quickly after my virus and slowly but surely I was gaining access to any server in the government, at least I hoped I was. One of the servers that deeply interested me was the server for Homeland Defence.

I found many interesting bits of info that talked about military operations, Vietnam, war crimes, and finally something that almost made me giggle in excitement. It was another blacked-out file with the title "Weapon Tests Using Artifacts, Led by the Director of Magic and Thaumaturgy."

When I first read the file name I spit out the coffee which I was drinking, but quickly regained composer and read the file. Sadly the file was entirely blacked out, but this meant that the government knew about magic.

About 3 hours after the file for Homeland Defence I stared at my code trying its best to penetrate the most well-defended server. It was already approaching dinner, and my code has been trying to breach this server for 2 hours but I believe I am almost in as my code is getting less and less resistant.

Leaning back in my chair I stood up and decided to waste some time as I waited for the code to finish. Approaching my very small cabinet I looked at my bedroom door just to make sure it was locked before grinning.

'Alright Simon, let's see how our suit is coming along.' I thought as I pulled out a grey wool suit jacket with brown patches on the elbows. Along with it I pulled out a black turtle neck sweater and put it on.

Looking for the pants I pulled out some simple grey dress pants alongside a belt. Putting on the full outfit I began to pose in front of my mirror. "Oh yeah Simon, it seems the workout I have been doing has been paying off."

Doing a few more poses I began to comb my hair in different styles until I heard my computer beep. Quickly pocketing my comb I ran to my desk and sat down. Looking at the screen I saw a logo I had never seen before.

It was what seemed to be a bald eagle holding a book of some kind with a... magic wand in its beak? Shaking my head at the dumb logo I looked and saw the name of the agency's server that I just hacked into.

"Ahh, the United States Agency for Thaumatology and Magic. Come to Simon..." I whispered under my breath only to pause as I heard something.

'What's that noise?' I scrunched up my eyebrows only to hear what seemed to be a... HELICOPTER?!

Standing from my desk I quickly hid my Master Key under a floorboard and began to grab any object that would help me. Grabbing a notepad and pencil I stuffed them down my suit jacket pocket and stared at my computer screen again.

I can hear shouting now and the screams of some of the children in the orphanage. "Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" I yelled as I quickly sat down at my computer and tried to look at as many files as I could before my arrest.

Taking a sip from my coffee I opened files randomly looking for Patience St. Pim.

"FBI! Come out with your hands up!" I heard yelling outside my door and began to search faster.

'Oh shoot! I don't have time!' I looked back at the files and quickly tried to save as many files as I could.

"Last chance before we come in!" I heard multiple men begin to shout outside my room.

Glancing back at my computer I just shook my head in disappointment. 'Shitty 70s computer wifi' I simply turned off my computer and stood up.

"One-second officer! I am coming out with my hands up!" I yelled at the door and approached my mirror.

Taking out my comb I straightened my hair and went back to my desk to grab a mug full of coffee. Trying my best to look calm and collected I yelled at the door "I'm coming out now!" and slowly opened the door.

With the mug of coffee in one hand I exited the room and saw what awaited me. At least 30 fully armored men in unidentifiable black pieces of armor all aiming their rifles at me.

Looking closely I could see agents from practically every agency that I hacked today. 'Well, isn't this an interesting turn of events?' I thought as I took a sip from my mug of coffee.

This seemed to stupefy most of the agents, to see a 15-year-old boy in a suit drinking from his mug of coffee.

"Get on the ground!" At least half of the agents began to scream random orders at me causing me to grin.

One of the agents who wasn't in a suit of special ops gear, but instead in a black suit with a black tie approached me. He looked like one of the agents from Men in Black. He had combed-back brown hair and was at least 6 feet tall.

The other agents and armed men seeing him approach slowly lowered their guns. "Son, do you have any single clue to what you just did?" he calmly said to me.

'Look calm look calm!' I shouted in my mind as I grinned and took another sip from my coffee. "Hmmm, well I have done a lot of things today, you'll have to be more specific than that."

The agent looked taken back for a second and began to chuckle. "Well if you must know you have just become the most wanted man in America. Congratulations Son, now I am going to have to ask you to come with me."

"Well, I doubt that I can say no. So let us go." I took a sip from my coffee to hide the nervousness on my face.

The agent simply laughed and shook his head. Waving at the rest of the agents and special ops behind him he slowly walked towards the exit of my orphanage. Following him I passed by multiple agents and special ops that glared at me like I was evil.

Looking at the agent I was following I decided to make some small talk. "So, might I ask for your name? I believe you already know mine. Besides that where are we going?"

The agent led me to a car and ignored the multiple helicopters that suddenly put their headlights on us. Looking down the street I could see the orphanage being questioned by a multitude of other agents.

"Well Simon, I'm Special Agent Carter from the CIA, and you are now being taken into custody. We can talk more once you are at the station." After saying that Special Agent Carter motioned to an armored SUV and opened the door for me.

Pouring out my coffee on the ground I got in and watched as he locked the door. 'Well, I seem to have drastically underestimated how the government would react. But then again I did just hack every agency in the United States.'

Shaking myself out of my thoughts I held onto my mug and looked out the window at the dozens of agents that began to get in their cars.

"Alright Simon, I hope you are ready to be asked some questions, as tonight... Let's just say that people are going to be asking you a lot." After Agent Carter said that the car slowly began to leave the orphanage.

'Well, let's get the show on the role Simon.' I looked out the window of the car and began to plan out what I was going to say for my very fun night ahead of me.


Author Note: Hey hope you enjoyed this chapter, not much happened but the next chapter will be him being interviewed and enacting his plan with the government.

After that, I plan to skip into the future with him beginning his journey in search of magic loot and junk. I also tried to include a few words that adventure time would use, but I do plan on slowly adding more.

Anyways hope you enjoyed it.