
I'm the Greatest Cultivation Teacher

With a glance from his eyes, all tremble. A mere stare robs mortals of their longevity. What happens when the Son of Destiny, meant to inherit untold power, vanishes from the world for countless years then suddenly returns? A story of the Greatest Cultivation Teacher and his Legendary Students! _____________ Cover is not owned by me, so if you would like me to take it down please say so.

CocoonedDaoist · Fantasy
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67 Chs

The Legend of Senior Brother Li

As the five new arrivals silently approached, Ji Haogui had a thought.

"If they want to step onto the floor tiles, they need to silence their existences beforehand. Right?"

"Right," Jiji enthusiastically responded, glad and proud that he could help the esteemed guest learn something new.

"Is it hard to do that?"

"That is relatively easy, but advancing past each pillar makes it become harder and harder. I'm supposed to increase the pressure, which is what I was using... on you... earlier."

Ji Haogui did not seem to care about what Jiji was suddenly regretful about. He watched the approaching figures and smiled. "Can you give me some tips?"

At this, Jiji stiffened and trembled, its fists tight. Ji Haogui's question triggered the most intense inner-conflict it had ever experienced, almost causing it to short circuit and pass out.

"Well, you see... One the one hand, defying the will of the hall's creator is impossible for me. On the other hand, defying the will of your master is far beyond what the realm of impossibility can contain. I... I..."

Before Jiji could develop a fatal headache, Ji Haogui stopped him. "It's okay, I'll just ask them to share some insights with me."

At that moment, Senior Brother Li and the others had just arrived at the stairs leading into Tranquility Hall. His fancy white robes were spotless, an indication of his position. Most of the others wore grey robes that did not look as nice, a sign of their significantly lower status. Only the girl was wearing black clothes, which indicated something else.

Still as smug as ever, Senior Brother Li turned around and folded his arms behind him, communicating with his fellow students.

"Remember, if you don't step onto the tiles you won't be targeted. Stay at the top of the stairs and watch as I make history!"

Suddenly, one of the young men looked behind Senior Brother Li and saw a young boy standing atop the staircase. "Huh? Was he there before?"

Looking to where he was pointing, they saw Ji Haogui smiling and waving at them, seeming friendly.

"Huh? Who's this brat?" Senior Brother Li approached, trying hard to look down his nose at Ji Haogui. However, Ji Haogui was standing above him so he just ending up looking awkward. Quickly establishing a spirit link between himself and Ji Haogui, he said, "Hey, you! Who are you? When did you get there?"

Ji Haogui responded, still smiling, "I'm Ji Haogui! I got here a while ago, but was passed out on the ground."

"Oh?" Senior Brother Li sneered, then told his peers what Ji Haogui said. They, too, snickered amongst themselves.

"Poor sucker, he probably can't even silence his heartbeat!"

"What's this? I can't even sense his cultivation!"



Senior Brother Li didn't bother hiding his amusement. Instead, he started walking up the stairs toward Ji Haogui. "I'm Li Yifeng, but you can call me Prince Li- actually, you should."

Ji Haogui, taking a page from Logean Wuji's book, kept his smile on and said, "Alright then! I was just wondering if Brother Yifeng could give me some pointers. I'm new here and don't know anything about true meditation. What does Brother Yifeng think about this?"

Li Yifeng frowned, stopped ascending the stairs and glared at Ji Haogui. "Listen kid, I don't know how a bumpkin like yourself got here in the first place, but don't think I'm gonna be doing you any favors. Now stand aside before I turn you into a bloody stain!"

Being the kind of person he was, Li Yifeng had already extended his and his fellow students' spirit link to Ji Haogui, enabling them all to listen and speak directly to him.

"What's the deal with this kid? Senior Brother Li, let's just ignore him. He must be an idiot or something."

"What are you saying, Ling Qi? That braindead weakling spoke down to Senior Brother Li!"

"Yeah! Didn't you hear, Ling Qi? He called him 'brother' instead of 'prince.' That's deserving of a real beatdown."

Senior Brother Li chuckled, but then shook his head. Condescendingly, he waved his hand as if brushing aside a speck of dust, then walked past Ji Haogui. "Come on, guys. Trash like him just isn't worth it. Let him figure it out on his own."

After that, they all continued to the end of the staircase, making sure to shoot Ji Haogui a glance as they passed him by. He seemed unbothered on the surface, but he was laughing coldly inside. At that moment, he reached out with his mind to Jiji. This was an exclusive spirit link, so the others could not possibly listen in.

"Jiji, you there?"

"Of course, Ji Haogui."

"I know you can't offer any special treatment to help me, but can you do other things?" An icy glint flashed in his eyes as he said this; his eyes never left Li Yifeng's back.

"What did you have in mind?"

"I want to make them suffer..."

Senior Brother Li stood at the precipice; one more step would place him on the first tile and begin the struggle. He stood motionless, adjusting his breathing and calming his spirit. The others silently cheered him on, but the young girl, Ling Qi, seemed skeptical. As she looked around, she caught Ji Haogui observing them.

She was the one that had offered to just ignore him earlier, since he had done nothing wrong in her opinion. She gave a light smile but was then called back to being Li Yifeng's spectator.

"Focus up, Ling Qi! Senior Brother Li is about to begin!"

In the dark waters, the massive octopus glided its way around the bubble, it's one eye hanging above the air pocket like a dismal moon. It's head alone was far larger than the bubble and, as it's tentacles snaked about on the surface of the bubble, it caused clouds of dust to rise up and block out most of the view.

Ji Haogui saw this, but was more focused on something else. His conversation with Jiji, for example, was proving far more fruitful than he had hoped.

"I can definitely do that, Ji Haogui. I have a very clear idea of that one's capabilities; he won't be able to get past the second pillar in his lifetime. There's nothing in the rules that says I can't mess with him a bit."

Delighted, Ji Haogui then continued to discuss with Jiji just how he would mess with Li Yifeng.

As for Li Yifeng, he had taken the first step into Tranquility Hall. Once he did, and his hearing intensified, he sighed. He could not hear his heartbeat, meaning he had managed to silence himself properly.

Suppressing the nerves and hiding his relief, he turned around and gave the others a thumbs up. Taking slow breaths, he raised his foot and prepared to take another step. While doing so, he just barely heard the rush of his blood and was forced to pause in order to silence it. His internal energy worked swiftly yet calmly, eliminating any sound.

He continued, pausing a few times again as a few beads of sweat formed on his forehead. Before long though, he had taken ten steps and was finding it easier than it had ever been before. In fact, it was so easy that he could very casually walk on while appreciating the scenery within the hall.

He looked back at his friends, not even having to pretend. He was indeed advancing effortlessly.

"That's my Senior Brother," one of the young men cried out.

"Isn't he such a boss? What did I tell you, Ling Qi?"

Ling Qi was stupefied, finding it hard to believe and understand. She had to close and rub her eyes to be sure she was not seeing things, and even took a second look at the venue to be sure they were standing within the same Tranquility Hall she knew.

She happened to notice Ji Haogui standing in the same spot, finding the smile on his face a bit different than the friendly one he had before. There was something... cold... about it.

A strange premonition overcame her, but she did not dare believe it. If it were true, then the consequences would be far too heavy for them to bear.

Senior Brother Li was having the time of his life! He skipped, hopped and jumped his way along, passing the second pillar and thus shattering his past records. He did not realize it, but his increased hearing had gone away. This way, he could not hear the loud sounds of his heartbeat racing as he excitedly pressed onward.

The third pillar... passed!

'Just what is the meaning of this? Have I become something else entirely? Did I ascend to divinity in my sleep last night? What was it that I dreamt of again- a blazing sun? Perhaps some passing deity decided to bless me when she saw my handsome sleeping form- ahee-ahee!'

"Senior Brother Li is on fire!" One of the young men cried out, tears forming in his eyes as he jumped up and down in place. His companions joined with him, shouting out all sorts of things through the spirit link.

"Logic hath no power over Senior Brother Li! All is as nothing before Senior Brother Li!"

"This is too much! Senior Brother Li is too much!"

"Overwhelming! I think I have a boner!"

Li Yifeng was hearing their words, and his ego was inflated to a dangerous degree. With arms wide open, he turned around to face them, threw his head back and opened his mouth to let out a laugh.

Seeing this, they cheered even louder for him. However, Ling Qi was not excited at all. Her intuition was flaring, giving every possible alarm to try stopping Senior Brother Li from making the biggest mistake of his life.

It was a known fact that no sound could be made in Tranquility Hall, so his actions would be naught but a harmless taunt. Still, Ling Qi could not shake the feeling that it would not be seen as harmless by the emblem spirit. That was when she saw Ji Haogui.

That was when she understood.

The look on Ji Haogui's face, at that moment, was the most devilish and despicable grin she had ever seen in her entire life. It seemed that not even Ji Haogui himself was aware he was doing it.

Rubbing his hands together, Ji Haogui watched as Li Yifeng laughed. In that moment, the sound suppression power vanished from around him, causing his raucous laughter to fill the hall.


All cheering ended in that moment. The young men were stunned, stupefied and befuddled- but most of all they were frightened. They were truly frightened.

Ling Qi took an unconscious step back, watching and waiting for the inevitable to happen.

'What is this? What is this!?' Li Yifeng shrunk back, sensing his impending doom and sweating profusely.

'Was it all a hoax? What about my divinity? What about my divine blessing? Was it all a joke!?'

Dark shadows swirled above on the ceiling, then the cacophonous whispers of Jiji's intimidating voice spoke in the silence of Li Yifeng's mind, terrifying him and leaving him a shaking mess.

"Insolence! For this... you will... suffer."

Before their eyes, Li Yifeng began to glow a golden light. His body weightlessly flew into the air, moving closer and closer toward the mass of shadow above. With monstrous movements, it opened itself up to receive him much like the giant jaws of an evil beast.

Fearing for his life, Li Yifeng desperately tried to fight against the force pulling him toward the shadowy jaws of certain death. In his despair, he even opened his mouth to scream and plead, forgetting what sealed his fate in the first place.

"Please! Please, no! Stop!"

Loud gasps escaped the mouths of Li Yifeng's junior brothers, but Ling Qi was still able to keep a clear head.

"Senior Brother Li spoke again! Just what is wrong with the laws in this place? Why don't they work?"

"This is madness! Madness!"

"You guys... we're talking too..."

Petrified with fear, those three students helplessly watched as they were also enveloped in light and begun floating up into the sky.

"You dare! What is it... with this generation? You are all... so... disrespectful!"

Listening to their screams, Ling Qi covered her mouth and trembled. Though she did not agree with their behavior all the time, they were still her friends. They were some of the few people she knew in all the sect.

Now, they were being sucked into the mouth of a shadowy monster and there was nothing she could do.

Once they could no longer be seen, the shadowy mass faded away and Ji Haogui finally ended the silence.

"Haha! Serves you right, you bullies! Now stay there until I'm finished with MY training!"

Ling Qi's head snapped over to the left and she looked at him, shock and terror in her eyes. This little boy who had no cultivation, no knowledge and looked to be nothing but a bumpkin... Were her suspicions accurate? Was he the manifestation of the emblem spirit, testing them in secret?

Suddenly, he looked at her and once more put on his warm smile, then he walked past her and stepped onto the first row of tiles.

"Tianshan would be proud."

This was pretty quick, huh :) Hope you enjoyed!

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