
I'm the enemy of the whole game

This is an extremely difficult game. If you don’t have enough ability, you won’t even be able to get out of the Novice Village!

Daoist2ootOY · Games
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275 Chs

for justice

The resounding roar of dragons deafened the ears, resonating with the players on the battlefield, who stood at the edge, witnessing the spectacle.

The endless dragon breath unfolded both inside and outside the city walls, creating a magnificent storm of elements that escalated the ongoing fierce battles, painting a poignant picture of war.

"The Sword God looks incredibly handsome!"

"There's still a Dragon Guardian without a matching opponent; this siege is secure!"

"Jiang Han is doomed; he joined the Dark Camp, tasted the initial sweetness, but justice will eventually triumph over evil, and he will surely meet his end in the Meris region!"


Facing the fluctuating pressure due to the distance change, Jiang Han remained unwavering, gazing intently at Chang Feng, showing no signs of timidity.

Indeed, the situation was grand, but he possessed sufficient confidence to persuade Chang Feng.


At the mention of it, Chang Feng, standing proudly above the silver dragon, raised an eyebrow slightly, descended from the sky onto the city tower, shaking his head, "Given the current situation, what else is there to discuss?"

"To suppress the Dragon God is indeed a questionable move by the Dark Camp. However, choosing to suppress rather than kill also indicates that the Dark Camp does not wish to be enemies with the Dragon Domain," solemnly stated Jiang Han.

Chang Feng chuckled and did not agree with his statement, "Then let me ask you, if the Dragon Domain joins the Dark Camp and, in order to conceal Atikas's identity, the Dark Camp decides to suppress the Dragon God, burying the truth forever in history?"

Suppressing the Dragon God, allowing Atikas to impersonate him, and thus altering the Dragon Domain's leaning towards the Light Camp. If this scheme were exposed, the consequences would be dire.

In his view, once the Dragon Domain chose the Dark Camp, the Dragon God's fate was sealed.

If he hadn't discovered the Dragon God's presence by the lakeside, the Dark Camp's sinister plan would have succeeded.

"No, Atikas cannot perpetually masquerade as the Dragon God. The truth will inevitably be revealed to the world. I believe the higher-ups' intention is to temporarily keep the Dragon Domain neutral, giving the Dark Camp time to demonstrate sincerity," asserted Jiang Han.

Will they?

Who knows!

How the Dragon Domain would maintain its inclination towards the Dark Camp in the long run could only be understood once events unfolded accordingly. However, Jiang Han was determined not to admit it, even finding a lofty reason.

As for those who chose to acknowledge it, they were fools!


Chang Feng frowned tightly, maintaining a skeptical attitude towards Jiang Han's statement.

"Let's set that aside and discuss the Dragon Domain's needs," continued Jiang Han. "You mentioned to me that the Dragon Domain requires resources, wealth, and safety, right?"

"That's right!"

Chang Feng was somewhat surprised, "Don't tell me you can fulfill these three points."

Indeed, he had disclosed relevant information, informing Jiang Han of the Dragon Domain's needs. However, this did not mean he believed anyone could achieve them.

Aside from that, in times of chaos, safety was simply an unrealistic proposition.

"Forget about three points; I can't achieve even one!" truthfully admitted Jiang Han.

Chang Feng nodded, "..."

"But, the Light Camp also cannot achieve it," confidently declared Jiang Han. "Otherwise, you would have already led the Dragon Domain to join the Light Camp without hesitation."

"True," Chang Feng nodded, admitting, "But at least the Light Camp can provide some resources and wealth. Even if it doesn't cover the Dragon Domain's daily expenses, it's still better than joining the Dark Camp."

"Wrong!" decisively concluded Jiang Han, "Your thinking is fundamentally wrong, and by doing so, you are dooming the future of the Dragon Domain!"

"Don't speak nonsense!" Chang Feng's expression turned unfriendly.

Was he the one dooming the future of the Dragon Domain?

The other party was clearly fearmongering!

"Now, although they can provide a considerable amount of resources, it doesn't mean they will be able to provide more in the future," Jiang Han expounded, "As the conflicts intensify, do you think the resources provided by the Light Camp will increase or decrease?"

"..." Chang Feng was speechless.

"Joining the Dark Camp is different," Jiang Han said with a hint of a smile, "By sustaining war through war, as long as victory is pursued, the Dark Camp's resources will only increase."

Chang Feng puzzled, "Why do you say that?"

More resources?

What kind of statement was that? Could resources just magically appear...

Wait a minute!

A glint flashed in Chang Feng's eyes as he grasped the key point.

Appear out of nowhere!

Yes, how could I forget that resources could appear out of nowhere!

"It seems you've figured it out," Jiang Han's gaze seemed profound, "The adventurers in this world are all in the Light Camp. They can create wealth out of thin air and even produce resources!"

The power of spending money is formidable!

Among the players, there are too many wealthy individuals!

If they join the Dark Camp, plundering the wealth of adventurers would be a matter of course. As for resources...

Although adventurers die and are reborn as white light, their bodies remain, evidently reserved as "food" for the dragons.

Jiang Han knew that after saying these words, players in the Light Camp would undoubtedly be moved. Even tears of joy might be shed, as he unintentionally increased the game difficulty.

As a player, their favorite thing is challenging high difficulty levels!

Thinking about this, Jiang Han couldn't help but secretly commend himself for being considerate, ensuring the completion of the main storyline while also taking players' feelings into account.

"So that's how it is... So that's how it is..."

Chang Feng felt enlightened, his confused thoughts suddenly becoming clear.

He understood that adventurers could spend money, leveraging the power of the rules to obtain gold coins. Therefore, he specifically expanded the Dragon Knights, accumulating wealth in various ways. However, he never thought of being enemies with adventurers; while accumulating wealth, he could also use their bodies as "food" for the dragons.

After all, adventurers in this world are different from the indigenous people. They can resurrect, and consuming them doesn't matter, causing no guilt or shame.

"Besides, joining the Dark Camp has another advantage!" Jiang Han continued, "Another one?"

Chang Feng was surprised.

"Yes," Jiang Han pointed to Xazo, who was currently deadlocked with the Dragon God, "Thanks to your reminder, I found the whereabouts of the Dwarven Clan, and the Dwarven Clan also chose to join the Dark Camp..."

"I understand your point."

Chang Feng comprehended.

Dwarves excel at forging, and a dragon's body is full of treasures.

War is cruel, and dragons are bound to fall. Regardless of which faction they join, the outcome won't change. The corpse of a dragon can be fully utilized, crafted into equipment by the Dwarven Clan, yielding a significant fortune.

Moreover, apart from the wealth brought by the corpses of deceased dragons, materials such as teeth, scales, and claws shed by adult dragons are extremely valuable for forging.

Furthermore, dragon blood is also a treasure. Occasionally, the dragons "donate blood" without harm to themselves.

For these reasons, he reminded Jiang Han to find the whereabouts of the

 Dwarven Clan. After all, between the two races, there existed mutually beneficial trade that could create a virtuous cycle.

"In this way, the two major problems of wealth and resources can be solved."

After a lengthy discourse, Jiang Han breathed out gently, "Guardian of the Dragon Domain, if you truly wish to protect the Dragon Domain, you should know what to do..."


Not far away, the Dragon God sent Xazo flying, causing him to trace a deep trajectory on the city tower, shattering bricks, and scattering dust.

"Dark Swordsman, die for me!"

The Dragon God, brimming with killing intent, swung his sword.

The disheveled Xazo stood up, unable to block in time. Seeing this scene, his face changed dramatically, and he shouted, "Jiang Han Shui, be careful!"


The next moment, a cold light flashed, and Chang Feng instantly appeared in front of Jiang Han, blocking the Dragon God's attack.


The Dragon God was greatly shocked, erupting in anger, "Chang Feng, do you know what you're doing?"

He had considered the possibility of this sword failing, but he never expected it to be Chang Feng preventing him from killing the Dark Swordsman.

"Of course, I know!"

Chang Feng forcefully repelled the Dragon God, loudly proclaiming, "In the Light Camp, all are a bunch of hypocrites. My Dragon Domain disdains associating with them. All dragons, heed my command, kill every soldier and adventurer of the Light Camp!"


Confusion engulfed the battlefield.

The unexpected turn of events was beyond anyone's anticipation.

"You... you..."

The Dragon God's face turned ashen, cursing angrily, "Do you fucking know what you're doing? Are you betraying the Light Camp?"

"How can it be called betrayal?" With a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, Chang Feng shook his head, unwilling to agree, "Even if you want to label me as a traitor, history will prove that this is... a righteous betrayal!"

A righteous betrayal!

Hearing Chang Feng's words, Jiang Han's gaze flashed, indifferent and silent, devoid of joy or sorrow.

What is justice?

He didn't know.

Perhaps Chang Feng didn't know either.

Maybe even the high-level figures of the two camps didn't know if their actions were just.

In history, no rebel ever thought of themselves as unjust.

Advocating for justice is just a simple and necessary means.

He profoundly understood one thing—historical records were just that, records, not necessarily representing the truth.

The same goes for the history of the game.

If the Dark Camp wins in the future, the dwarves joined the Dark Camp for justice, not out of lack of choice. The Dragon Domain joined the Dark Camp for justice, not for maximum benefit.

What did Jiang Han join the Dark Camp for?

For the unique hidden profession, for the protection of the Dark God, for gaining more money, for a more enjoyable game?

No, none of these!

Although people might sneer at it now and find it hard to accept, it doesn't matter. As long as the Dark Camp wins, the indigenous people of the Tianheng Continent will know...

He, Jiang Han Shui, joined for justice!