
I'm Supergirl in a Weird Crossover!? (DC x Twilight)

"I've been Isekai'd and reborn as Supergirl! Wait!? Where are all the other super heroes?...Are those vampires Sparkling...Dammit! I'm in a Crossover!" (-A DC/Twilight/TBA crossover story) Reincarnated as Supergirl in a world where the other heroes don't exist yet. Self Insert.

FiveStarTomato · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

The Outing

I arrived at school the next day with a slight yawn. For some reason, the criminals chose to be extra active last night. After departing from my visit with the newly renamed Green Arrow, I had gone on to bust three burglaries, six muggings, and a few cases of grand theft auto.

"Morning, Jessica. Good morning, Angela," I greeted both of them in the parking lot with a smile. "You're looking pretty chipper today, Jessica."

She gave me a big smile in return. "Mike called me last night, and we talked for over an hour," she said excitedly.

"That's great, Jessica," Angela smiled at her friend. She then turned to me and gave me a playful glare. "And we heard all about how you got Edward Cullen detention yesterday. Your first day here, and you're already causing mischief," she playfully said.

"Yeah, we didn't expect you to be such a prankster," Jessica jumped in. "You gave a totally different vibe yesterday, you know."

I just smiled warmly at both of them. Yesterday, I kind of went out of my established comfort zone as Kara El, but it was damn well worth it! Just watching Edward choke on that tomato was the highlight of my isekai life so far! And I had caught a literal plane falling out of the air!

I paused my thought as I noticed the two girls were looking at me weird.

Jessica and Angela were both looking at me with small blushes on their faces for some reason. That was a bit strange. "Is something wrong, you guys?" I asked them.

"O-o, w-well…" Jessica stuttered out.

"It was your smile!" Angela cut in. "It was just so bright, and you know, without those ugly bulky glasses of yours, you look a lot prettier! I think you're actually prettier than Rosalie Hale even!" She exclaimed, with her cheeks still a bit red.

Without my glasses? What is she talking about?

OH… Shit…

I reached my hand up to my face, and to my newfound growing horror, I had forgotten to put on my glasses for my disguise! What's more, my hair wasn't tied up either! They were literally standing in front of Supergirl right now, and it was only my profound luck at this point that they weren't recognizing me…

"Oh," I stuttered out a bit nervously. "I was wondering why everyone was looking so blurry." I let out a fake yawn. "I'm just a bit tired this morning, so I forgot my glasses in my car. Let me go get them."

The two of them just gave me some concerned nods as I immediately spun around and walked at, what I hoped, was a totally normal human speed towards my car. I was still a bit zoned out in my panic.

I reached my car and threw open the door as I frantically searched for my glasses. Luckily, I found them in the glove box where I'd left them the day before!

I placed them on my face as I looked myself over in the rearview mirror. These glasses really were extremely bulky and really distracted from my features… They were perfect for a disguise! I'd better not forget them again.

I made it back into the school and took my morning seat next to Jessica.

"Awww, you put those ugly glasses back on," she pouted at me.

"Yeah, I just can't see without them," I lied.

"Glad you kept your hair down though," she said. "It looks much better like that!" I just internally sighed at my mess up this morning. I thought putting it up along with my forgotten glasses might be a little too suspicious, so I decided to leave my hair down today.

The rest of the morning had passed relatively slowly, with no more people commenting on my looks, thankfully.

Eventually, lunch rolled around, and I once again joined everyone at the popular table. "Hey, guys," I said as I sat down. "Where's Lauren?" I said, noticing her absence from the table. Not that I cared; I was just being polite.

"She's out with mono," Jessica said.

"Gross," I replied. Mike held his fist out to me, and I returned it, giving him a small fist bump.

"Daaaaaaayum," he said slowly for comedic effect. "You getting Cullen detention yesterday, that was the stuff of legends, man," he added dramatically. He was almost looking at me with stars in his eyes, like I was his hero or something. I giggled internally at that because he was currently wearing a T-shirt with the famous "S" symbol on it. Those had been getting really popular among people lately!

"Thanks," I replied. "It was really just a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing—"


I was cut off as gasps rang out all over the school cafeteria. The Cullens had once again made their fashionably late and dramatic lunch entrance. I turned toward Angela and was surprised that even she was, staring at their dramatic entrance, mouth agape. Doesn't this happen every school day? Why is it always so dramatic!?

"Hello, Angela," I waved in front of her face to snap her out of her staring. I thought she was the normal one of the group, too. The supposed innocent church girl...

She looked embarrassed at being caught staring at them so openly. I honestly don't know why, considering every single student in this room besides me was also staring, mouths agape. "Is this something that happens EVERY single day?" I questioned her. "Haven't they been here for a year now? Why does everyone in the room look so shocked every time they enter a room?"

Angela just put her hand on her chin, looking like she was in deep thought at my question. Eventually, her face softened, and she just shrugged at me. "I don't know," she said. "It's just every time they enter a room, all eyes just seem to gravitate towards them. I've never really thought about it being strange before." She had a contemplative look on her face after that.

After the Cullens had been seated for a few minutes, the majority of the students stopped openly gaping at them and resumed their collective conversations. Jessica and Mike also snapped out of their lustful gazes towards Edward and Rosalie, respectively, and we restarted our table's conversation.

"So, Kara," Jessica started. "Have you heard about the new girl?" She said, looking excited.

I pointed at myself questioningly. Wasn't I the new girl? Who was she talking about? She just giggled at my confused look.

"No, not you, silly. I'm talking about the new new girl!" She exclaimed.

"Is she hot?" Mike chimed in. I laughed at that, while Jessica sent him a bit of a sad look. Oh right, she was supposed to have a crush on him and probably isn't happy about him asking about other girls' looks…

Jessica quickly snapped herself out of her sad look, though, before she turned towards me again and ignored Mike's interruption. "So apparently, her name is Isabella or Bella," she continued. "What's more, is that she's the police chief Swan's daughter." She made a finger gun to signify that last part.

"She's probably a stickler for the rules and a buzzkill, then," I said jokingly. Mike nodded at that, while Jessica just pouted.

"I'm sure she won't be that bad," Angela chimed in. She had apparently finished her spacing out and rejoined our conversation. "I think she actually lived here when she was younger, and I vaguely remember us hanging out in the summers?" she questioned herself.

"Was she hot?" Mike asked again, to which I snickered out loud. His tone this time implied that he was joking, so Jessica didn't look so sad about his comment again.

"Ew, gross, Mike! We were like six at the time," Angela replied, and Jessica nodded along. Jessica, who had been friends with Angela her whole life, said she vaguely recalled meeting Bella as a kid as well. But it was so long ago she just couldn't quite remember her.

"There's too much reminiscing at this table for my taste," Mike said as he stood up. "I'm gonna go hang out with Tyler over there. I'll see you in Bio, Kara." He gave us a final wave before he left.

I noticed Jessica watched him go with a subtle pining look before she turned back to me and noticed I had caught her staring at him. She just gave me a shy look. "Do you think I have a chance?" She asked. I myself was a bit confused about this girl.

"Can you elaborate something for me?" I asked her, to which she nodded. Angela looked curious as well. "You like Mike, right?" Jessica nodded in affirmation. "But I also saw you staring at Edward over there, too." She nodded again, with a small blush, as Angela and I snickered at her. "So, you want both of them."

Jessica let out an exasperated sigh. "I just can't help it, okay!" She exclaimed. "I've known Mike for years now, and I've been wanting to date him for a while now, and Edward is just so... EDWARD, you know!?" She asked like I knew what she was talking about. I did not.

"Honestly, Jessica, to me, Edward looks like he's a walking advertisement for a 2-in-1 bottle of hair gel and sunscreen solution."

"Hahahaha!" From across the cafeteria, Emmett suddenly started laughing loudly enough for everyone to hear. Clearly, their table had been listening in on everything we've been saying. Nosy little vampires...

"She got you there, man," my enhanced hearing heard Emmett ripping on Edward. I turned to glance over at him, and he looked mortified.

"I don't really look like that, do I?" He asked, somewhat shocked. Alice and Rosalie just looked at him up and down.

"I mean..." Alice started.

"You kind of do give off that vibe," Rosalie bluntly added on. He just slumped in defeat.

Jessica's voice brought me out of my own eavesdropping. "So what do you think I should do?" She looked at me with such a hopeful expression, like I could solve all her romantic problems or something. Give me a break! I've only known this girl for two days. How am I supposed to know!?

It seemed like I would have to say something, though, so I took a minute to ponder. Jessica and Angela were both patiently waiting for me to say something as I looked like I was deep in thought. I could also no longer hear any talking from the Cullen table, so it was clear that they were listening in on what I would say as well. "I've got it," I said as I snapped my fingers for dramatic effect!

"What is it?" Angela and Jessica asked at the same time.

"This'll be good." I could hear the eavesdropping Rosalie sarcastically mutter.

I took a breath before I spoke, trying to seem serious. "You should date the new girl, Bella Swan!" I declared with the straightest face I could manage. I still think I accidentally let a bit of a smile through, though...

"What!?" Jessica sputtered out, her face bright red. "...Why!?"

Angela was just muttering incoherently, her face also red. I think I broke the sheltered church girl.

Meanwhile, over at the Cullen table, everyone was cracking up. I even got the ever-silent Jasper to start laughing, and that dude hasn't spoken once since I'd been at this school!

"Why!?" Jessica asked me a second time in exasperation.

"Okay, hear me out," I said, to which she gave me a small glaring nod. "If she turns out to be really pretty, then Mike's going to try and go after her. Maybe even Edward himself will try as well."

"No, I won't..." I heard him mutter from his table, to his family's snickers. Oh, how wrong he was about that.

Angela was still muttering to herself, red-faced, about forbidden love or whatever. Meanwhile, Jessica was waiting for me to continue. "As I was saying, if both of them start pining after her and you swoop in and snatch her up, then that means you're... better than them or something?" My plan wasn't exactly that well-thought-out at this point. I was just making stuff up... "Either way, it will make the two of them have to pay attention to you!" I finished up, explaining my on-the-spot plan to her.

Jessica just looked at my face for a few seconds, as if trying to see if I was serious or not. Eventually, she turned her head to the side with a blush. "I'll think about it..." she trailed off.

Wait!? Really!?

I just pulled that out of nowhere, and she might actually try it.

"Hahaha." I heard Emmett laughing. "You hear that, Edward? You better step up, or you're going to lose your girl to... well, another girl. Damn, that's hot! Ow, babe."


A very loud bang was heard throughout the cafeteria, causing everyone to pause and look around for the source of the noise. It appeared Rosalie had slugged Emmett for his comment but temporarily forgot how loud it was when they hit each other with super strength and durability. After a few seconds, none of the students found the source of the noise, so they all just shrugged and resumed their conversations. Rosalie had her head down in embarrassment as she was being scolded by Alice and Edward for almost exposing them.

My snickering over their antics was interrupted by Angela, who had finally snapped out of it. "So, Kara," she said somewhat quietly. "Do you have any plans for after school today?" She asked that while looking to the side somewhat.

"Yeah, actually, I was going to go and..." I stopped myself from accidentally saying "patrol a new city." That would have been bad, especially since she had seen me without my disguise earlier. "Yeah, I was actually going to go and look for some furniture for my place. I haven't really gotten around to that yet." Which I hadn't. I'd been so busy patrolling as a hero that I had been basically sleeping in a large empty house... maybe I should actually do that and take a day off. Maybe I should invite Angela to go with...

"Oh, I'll go with you!" she perked up and invited herself immediately!

"Um... okay, then." I was slightly startled by her enthusiasm. After blurting that out, Angela actually looked to the side and blushed to herself, occasionally taking small glances in my direction...



Does she like me!? Well, that's... something, I suppose. I don't really know how to feel about that, to be honest.

"Angela has been having some small fantasies of going on a date with Kara all lunch. She finally worked up the courage when Kara mentioned that Jessica could date Bella Swan," I heard Edward explain to his eavesdropping table. "Apparently, she saw Kara without her glasses earlier, and she was the prettiest girl she'd ever seen. Even prettier than you, Rosalie," he said to her with a smirk. Rosalie just scoffed at him.

"...As if!"

And that sadly confirmed it for me... I was going to have to figure out how to let this girl down easily. I wasn't particularly looking for a relationship so soon into my isekai life, and dating an ordinary human was honestly just me asking the universe for trouble. How many times did Superman almost get screwed over because someone had used defenseless Lois Lane as a hostage?

"Aaaawww, that's just adorable," Alice spoke up in a musical tone. "I hope it works out for her. Let me check." Alice paused for a few seconds, presumably trying to look into mine and Angela's futures. "Huh," she said, surprised. "I couldn't see anything," she said with a depressed tone. "That's never happened before..."

Ring Ring!

The lunch bells rang, and it was time for me to head for biology. I'd never been so thankful to get to a class before because these last few minutes had been awkward, to say the least...

Biology turned out to be the kind of boring class I needed to gather my thoughts. It helped that as I sat down next to Edward Cullen, he also decided to ignore me the whole time. Maybe he was just too engrossed in the Bill Nye video the teacher put on, like Mike and everyone else was. Or he was just plotting vengeance against me in brooding silence...

Following biology, my final class of the day was art, where I just proceeded to draw something at super speed and then put my head down for a power nap for the remaining 99% of class time. I'm thankful that the class's teacher, whose name I didn't bother remembering, pretty much just let everyone do their own thing.


The rest of the classes for the day finally let out, and I was hanging out in the parking lot, anticipating and dreading what was to come.

"HI KARA!" An enthusiastic voice spoke up from behind me. I turned around, and it was Alice Cullen who had called out to me. That was strange. I don't remember ever interacting with her at all.

"Hi Alice, is there something you needed?" I asked her curiously, to which she started enthusiastically nodding up and down. She was full of energy and, frankly, adorable. You'd never suspect she was a potentially dangerous vampire at first glance.

"YES!" She cheered back at me. "I actually heard through the grapevine that you don't have any furniture for your new place yet! My mom is a professional home decorator, and some of it has rubbed off on me, so I thought I could go with you and Angela to Port Angeles to help you pick things out." She glanced up at me with a hopeful expression that said she'd be hurt if I turned her down.

But why would I want to turn her down? Now I had a perfect excuse to not be alone with Angela!

I smiled at her. "Of course, you can come. I'd be happy to have you tag along, and I'm sure so would Angela," I lied about the second part. I'm pretty sure Angela will not be happy to have her come! And here she was walking over now.

"Hi Kara! Ready to go?... Oh, hi Alice." Angela enthusiastically greeted me before petering off at seeing Alice next to me. "Did you need something from Kara, Alice?" She asked her.

"Great news, Angela," I responded first. I explained about Alice being experienced in interior design and how she was nice enough to come along with us. As expected, Angela did not look too enthused by the idea...

"Alice!" Rosalie called out from between her siblings across the parking lot. "Can we talk for a second?" She yelled again. Alice just waved back at her before turning to me with a slight guilty look on her face, saying she'd be right back. I watched as she skipped over the lot to talk to her family.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Rosalie spat out quietly once her sister was close enough.

Alice sighed. "I couldn't see either of their futures for today! I was afraid something bad might happen to them," she explained. I was actually a bit touched by that. She obviously didn't know she couldn't see my future because I wasn't human or a vampire, so she assumed we might kick the bucket or something and wanted to save us.

Rosalie just sighed in resignation before adopting a more understanding expression. "Fine, then I'm coming too!" She declared.

"Yay!" Alice cheered as she started jumping up and down. "Girls' trip!" She turned to the now dumbfounded Cullen boys. "See you guys later, and bye, Jaz, I love you!" He was the only one who laughed at her antics, probably being the most used to them after being together for decades.

"Babe, I thought you and I were gonna have date night," Emmett called out to Rosalie, who had already turned and started walking away.

"Go play video games or something, for all I care," she said, ignoring his pleas after that. Was date night code for something else? Did I just blue-ball a vampire?

Oooooof. Better luck next time, buddy...

I just shrugged to myself as the two vampires started heading towards my car. I guess our duo that became a trio has now become a foursome.

Alice and Rosalie walked back towards us. "Hi, Rosalie," I called out to her. "Are you coming too?" She just gave me a curt nod in reply. Rosalie held out her hand in front of me. Did she want something?

"What's up?" I asked her.

"Your car keys, hand them over. I'm driving," she said in a tone that was clearly not up for debate. I just shrugged and reached into my pocket, giving them over to her. I knew she could be considered standoffish, but it was highly likely she thought we were going to die in a crash from Alice's lack of visions or something and wanted to prevent that by driving herself.

"Hey, that's rude!" Angela spoke up defensively for me. "It's her car, she should drive!"

I just waved her off. I really didn't mind and found her standoffish attitude slightly endearing, to be honest. I just hopped in the backseat with Angela while Alice and Rosalie sat in the front. She started the engine and floored it towards Port Angeles!

"Whoa, Jesus, slow down a bit!" Angela called out. I snickered a bit aloud at that.

She turned to me with a slight pout and asked me what was so funny. I just told her it was funny that the church girl was taking the Lord's name in vain. She blushed at that, while the two vampires laughed.

We'd been on the road for about 20 minutes, probably making fantastic time when I decided to break the quiet tension.

"So, Rosalie, Alice, I don't really know much about either of you. What are you guys into?"

Rosalie, who was driving, didn't take her eyes off the road when she replied. "I like working on cars and going to help at women's shelters," she said frankly.

Alice nodded enthusiastically as she turned to us. "She's really good at fixing cars too. If your jeep here ever has any problems, just ask Rosalie, and she'll be glad to help."

I heard Rosalie quietly scoff, which meant she probably wouldn't be "glad" to help, but she'd probably still do it if asked.

"Wow, that's really cool," Angela said from next to me. "I'd never expect that because you just look so... you know..."

"Runway?" I blurted out, to which she and Alice just nodded as the latter giggled.

Rosalie from the front seat just scoffed again. "Looks can be deceiving, after all. Just take a look at Supergirl. She always looks amazing in that costume of hers, and she's the greatest hero ever!" Rosalie actually sounded proud when she said that. Was she my fan!? ... Woah.

Angela next to me squealed at the mention of Supergirl. "Oh my gosh, Supergirl is absolutely so amazing! The world's first-ever superhero, and it's actually a girl! Take that, chauvinism!" Alice nodded along enthusiastically as she started listing off all of my greatest saves so far. I, meanwhile, was shocked that there was apparently an actual list trending online! The number one spot was obviously me catching the plane out of the sky. That would be hard to top for a while. Maybe I could stop a tsunami or something to top it?

"You've been a bit quiet over there, Kara," Alice spoke up, bringing me out of my thoughts. "What do you think about Supergirl?"

"Oh," I said, startled. "I think she's great too! Hopefully, she becomes a real trendsetter, and other heroes can follow after her." As much as I appreciated Arrow, he wasn't exactly the face that pops up when someone thinks about the Justice League. I was hoping more heroes would reveal themselves soon. There had been some rumors of a man dressed in black prowling Gotham at night, but I hadn't yet confirmed them yet.

The conversation continued from there, as apparently Supergirl was a topic all three of the girls could get behind. It seemed like Angela had even started to warm up to the two vampires, and vice versa.

"We're here."

Finally, we arrived, and Rosalie pulled us into the parking lot of the largest furniture store in Port Angeles.


"What about this couch? It's huge and looks great," Alice said in excitement. I agreed; it would look good in my living room.

"Okay," I said, "I think that's it." I had stocked up on a pretty good supply of furniture for my house now. At least it wouldn't look embarrassingly empty anymore.


It was getting pretty late, and a stomach grumbled, and for once, it wasn't embarrassingly mine! It was Angela's. I don't think vampire stomachs could grumble. "Good, because I'm getting kind of hungry," she said. She turned to me. "So, Kara, what's your favorite food!?" She asked me enthusiastically. I told her it was pizza.

"Oh, I heard there's a pretty good Italian place by the harbor I've always wanted to try," Alice lied smoothly. "Let's go." While she originally came to protect us from our "blank futures," part of me thinks that now she's just happy to be out and about with "friends" who aren't her family. It must get kind of boring only hanging out with the same people for over 50 years...

I paid for all the furniture they helped me pick out, and once I gave the store my address and picked a delivery date, we headed out and piled back into my jeep.

A minute into the ride to the restaurant, I could hear Rosalie whispering concernedly to Alice. "So, has anything about their futures changed?"

"No," Alice sighed. "Everything is still blank. What's more, even our futures are now blank too."

Rosalie's voice had a worried tone. "Do you think we're in danger too!?" I heard her whisper to her sister.

"No," Alice said before attempting to subtly glance my way. "I think Kara has some kind of gift herself that blocks others' gifts."

"But I thought only vampires could have gifts..."

"So did I, but remember Supergirl did confirm that there were other people out in the world with powers. I don't think she was talking about vampires when she said that. If Kara's power is to block other powers, she herself might not even know she has any powers or anything," Alice explained.

'Oh, believe me, I know,' I thought as I smirked to myself.

A couple of minutes later, we reached the restaurant, but all the parking spots were taken. "This is annoying," Rosalie muttered from behind the wheel.

"We can just park a few blocks away and walk," her sister suggested.

"Is that safe?" Angela asked, a bit worried.

"We'll be okay," I said. After all, we weren't with Bella "I attract trouble" Swan. We should be fine walking a couple of blocks in the dark, right?


We were, in fact, not fine. "Hey, girls, where are you going?" A drunken voice called out to us. I could immediately feel Angela's heart start to speed up, and Alice and Rosalie also tensed up as they even forgot to continue their fake breathing to blend in.

"Wowzers! Would you get a load of these girls?" Another voice joined in as four drunken men stumbled out from a nearby alleyway and moved towards us.

"Hey, babies," the third one joined in.

"Y'all like to party?" The last one sneered.

"Piss off right now," Rosalie said, her voice absolutely seething with rage. I hoped she wasn't having flashbacks...

Angela's heart was pounding in fear right now. "Don't worry," I said to her. "It's going to be okay." Even if I had to reveal myself, I wasn't going to let anything happen to her. Or maybe Rosalie and Alice will just murder these four in front of us... Alice certainly looked pissed enough that she was about to. And she had nothing on how furious Rosalie looked at the men.

The first man got closer to her and raised his hand to try and touch her. "Come on, baby, don't be like that," he said, trying to grab her. Rosalie was faster, though, and grabbed his wrist at beyond-human speed.


"Huh," the man said before what just happened registered in his inebriated brain. "OWWWWW, this bitch just broke my arm!" He screamed in pain as he backed away, holding his broken wrist.

"Steve! You okay, man?" One of the men shouted.

"Fuck these bitches! We were trying to be nice! Well, now that ain't happening anymore!" Another guy shouted angrily before he reached into his coat and pulled out a revolver! He pointed it at Rosalie!

Logically, I knew she would be okay. Logically, I knew she was also bulletproof and would probably be able to disarm this guy before he could do anything. In that moment, the only thing going through my mind, however, was that this bad guy had a gun... and I was a hero just standing around doing nothing while one of my new friends was trembling in terror at the sight of the weapon.

So, I moved.

Faster than even Rosalie and Alice's vampire-enhanced eyes could keep track of, I was immediately in front of the man as I snatched the weapon from his hand and delivered a punch right to his face!

"Wha-" Only one of the other three was even able to partially speak before I had already delivered vicious blows to each of them. They all hit the ground slower than it took me to render them unconscious.

"K-Kara...?" Angela stuttered out as she probably just watched me teleport, and all four of the men dropped to the ground instantly.

Rosalie and Alice were also both looking at me, mouths agape and absolutely gobsmacked. Too shocked for either of them to even remember they were supposed to be furious a second ago.

"Holy crap!" Alice exclaimed. "Y-you're Sup-"

"I've got to go!" I interrupted her in a panic before I lifted myself off the ground and started flying, much to their continued shock. I took off into the dark sky, heading to I don't know where,internally panicking that I had just blown my secret identity after not even two days...

-End Chapter-

Leave some comments / reviews!!!

How'd you like it!? If you want to read ahead you can at p.a.t.r.e.o.n / FiveStarTomato. Thank you, regardless, for following my story to this point!

I would like to give a special thank you to my current Hero Team Patron(s): Rick, Nirojan, Benzaboyo, Carl, and William — Also another thank you to all my other patrons!