
C630 Plan Z

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): BenBagMan!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

The Spider-Society Headquarters loomed ahead, its towering structure casting shadows that danced across the tense faces of those approaching it. Jessica Drew, still visibly shaken after witnessing Peter's power firsthand, led the group through the entrance, her eyes darting nervously as if expecting an ambush at every turn.

The Spider-Society's main building, usually bustling with activity, now echoed with an eerie silence. There wasn't a person in sight, which was certainly odd, especially for those who knew how crowded it always was.

Even taking into account the dozens of defeated Spider-People that they left behind, there should still be many more Society Members around, going about their day.

"Where is everyone?" Ben asked, feeling as though he was walking through an abandoned building.

"Probably setting up some sort of trap…" Spider-Punk replied, his demeanor rather calm for the tense situation.

Peter couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, his eyes glancing to the side, where the omnipresent surveillance cameras tracked their every move, following the group like vigilant sentinels.

Noticing Peter's gaze, Uncle Ben spoke up, his voice a low growl, "That holographic bitch is watching…" He said, almost in disgust. "Miguel must know we're coming."

Peter, unfazed, shrugged off the revelation. "Doesn't matter if he knows or not," he replied nonchalantly. Turning to Uncle Ben, he raised an inquisitive brow, "So, why do you want to kill Miguel again?"

Uncle Ben's face tightened with a mix of pain and determination as he explained the same story he told Ben back in their cell…

Peter's eyes narrowed with understanding. The severity of Miguel's actions in this universe seemed a bit more drastic than he remembered. 'He's a bit more hardcore here, huh? I don't remember him killing women and children in the movies.'

Uncle Ben's jaw tensed as he finished recounting the grim details of his past. "He's a ruthless murderer and he needs to be stopped… permanently."

Silently, Peter delved into Uncle Ben's mind, a subtle probe to validate the truth behind his words. The memories unfolded, painting a dark picture of Miguel's brutality. Peter frowned, the weight of Uncle Ben's vendetta becoming apparent.

After the brief telepathic inspection, Peter broke the silence. "Alright, I get it. I'll leave Miguel for you to handle. Decide how you want to deal with him." He shrugged uncaringly. "Kill em, don't kill em. I don't mind either way."

Uncle Ben's eyes gleamed with a mixture of gratitude and triumph. This was his moment, the chance he had sought across countless universes. "Thank you, Peter. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this."

The group continued deeper into the Spider-Society's main building, an unnerving stillness enveloping the surroundings. Jessica Drew led the way, her nervous glances betraying an underlying tension that resonated through the corridor, solidifying the fact that they were most likely walking into a trap.

Peter, indifferent to the potential threat, moved forward with a sense of unwavering confidence. In his mind, power trumped any potential traps or obstacles. The very idea of Miguel O'Hara as an opponent seemed almost laughable to him, which is why he didn't mind allowing Uncle Ben the chance to fight him instead.

As they ventured further, the group entered a large, dark room, the door sealing shut behind them with an ominous thud. Panic gripped Ben, Miles, and Gwen, their futile attempts to break down the reinforced door leaving only faint dents.

Ignoring their efforts, Peter's attention focused on a large screen which brightened as soon as the door closed, displaying Miguel O'Hara's smirking face. Miguel's voice echoed through the room, exuding confidence and a hint of arrogance, "Hello, Peter, and welcome to the Spider-Society! How do you like the place so far? Impressive, right?"

Peter replied with casual indifference, "Meh. It's alright. Your minions are rather weak, though."

Jessica felt a twinge of frustration, knowing that Peter spoke the truth. But compared to him, just about anyone would be seen as feeble, let alone the Spider-Society.

Miguel, undeterred, nodded in acknowledgment, "Yeah, well, we can't all be like you…" He said, his tone turning almost jealous for a moment before returning back to normal. "You know, there was a time when I thought about recruiting you, but sadly, I ended up chickening out. Looking back, I probably should have given it a shot. You would have made a great addition to the team."

"Yeah, no thanks." Interrupting Miguel's monologue, Peter retorted, "Is this all? You're acting like a third-rate villain, and you don't even have the balls to show up in person. I'm starting to get bored here. Either say something that matters or I'm moving on. I promised my wife that I'd be back by dinner time."

Miguel's expression shifted, "Speaking of your family, are you sure they're safe without you home? Maybe you should worry more about-"

Before Miguel could finish, Peter used his telekinesis to obliterate the screen, reducing it to a compacted cube in a matter of half a second. "So annoying. If you just want to stall for time, then at least make it entertaining."

Continuing his stride, Peter grumbled in annoyance as he approached another sealed door at the opposite end of the room.

Miles, uneasy about the mention of Peter's family, spoke up, "Hey, what about your family? It sounded like he was planning something. Should we go back and check on them?"

Peter, reaching the sealed door, turned back to the group, dismissing their concerns, "Nah, he's just doing the usual weak villain stuff, trying to distract us and buy time for himself. Besides, even if my family was in danger, I have failsafes in place to protect them. And he isn't nearly strong enough to get past those."

Especially not his most recent failsafe, Galactus…

With a nonchalant touch, Peter shattered the sealed metal door, reducing it to fragments that scattered on the floor, revealing another room with a swirling portal on the other side. From it, a massive green figure tumbled out, crashing onto the floor.

The impact resonated through the room, and the group watched in bewilderment as the hulking figure began to rise, the portal snapping itself shut behind him.

Miles muttered, "What the hell is that?"

Peter, however, immediately recognized the fallen figure. He answered, "That would be the Hulk."

"What the hell's a Hulk?" Miles asked, voicing everyone's thoughts.

Ignoring Miles for a moment, Peter approached the confused Hulk, undoubtedly kidnapped from its universe by Miguel as a means to combat him.

"Hey there, big guy-" Peter attempted to speak to the Hulk, but the behemoth showed neither recognition nor patience for explanations.

Before Peter could say more than four words, the Hulk bellowed, "Hulk smash!"

"Peter!" The group behind Peter yelled in concern, fearing for his life as two colossal, green fists descended upon him. But to their astonishment, Peter effortlessly caught both of the Hulk's fists with his hands, looking up at the surprised giant.

"Well, I gave you a chance..." Peter said, his figure disappearing, only to reappear seated on the Hulk's shoulder. Placing a hand on the Hulk's head, he continued, "Why don't you take a nap for now? I'll send you home later."

As Peter spoke, his hand emitted a soft purple glow, which flowed into the Hulk's head. Within moments, the Hulk began to sway on his feet, eyes closing as he collapsed onto the metal floor, unconscious.

The group stared in awe, their apprehension replaced with a newfound respect for Peter's seemingly limitless abilities. Miles, still processing the events, finally asked, "Did you just put him to sleep?"

Peter shrugged and replied nonchalantly, "Yeah, now let's go. Who knows what else Miguel plans to summon…"


Watching from the concealed confines of his lair, Miguel frowned as Peter effortlessly defeated the Hulk. He had hoped that the battle would wear Peter down at least a tiny bit, but it seemed his expectations were far from met. Peter dispatched the green giant in a matter of seconds, rendering many of Miguel's other intricate plans useless as well.

Sighing to himself, Miguel realized he had to abandon several contingencies. The ease with which Peter handled the Hulk forced him to reevaluate his strategy. Contemplating his next move, he acknowledged the necessity of taking risks and adapting to the unforeseen circumstances.

Summoning LYLA, Miguel ordered, "Contact your plan Z and tell him that a portal will be opened if he agrees to deal with Peter for us..."

Initially, he was against using this contingency plan, which LYLA masterminded, but he didn't really have a choice anymore. Peter was far stronger than he realized, leaving him with no other path to follow.

LYLA, standing behind Miguel in her holographic form, smirked evilly, her image briefly stuttering before returning to normal. "I'll contact him immediately…" She responded before vanishing, leaving Miguel to sit in silence, watching as Peter sped past all of his meticulously crafted failsafes, inching closer and closer to his hiding spot.


Elsewhere, in a vast, pitch-black expanse, LYLA projected her holographic form. The darkness receded as her image brightened the surroundings ever so slightly.

Standing before her was a tall, ghastly white man with glowing red eyes. He wore black armor adorned with a crimson symbol on its chest. At his side, a wine-red sword wriggled and moved, seemingly alive.

[Insert picture of Knull here]

This mysterious figure, known only as plan Z, regarded LYLA with an air of anticipation as the holographic entity spoke, "It's done. He agreed to open a portal for you…"

Knulls eyes glowed brighter, a sinister smile spreading across his face as he accepted the new terms.

"Good," plan Z responded in a deep, resonant voice. "Open the portal and I'll do as Centurion asked..." He said gesturing with his hand for her to hurry, which rolled up his sleeve ever so slightly, revealing the image of a laughing skull tattoo on the back of his hand.

The same tattoo that Peter received from Death…

LYLA nodded, her holographic form maintaining a wicked grin. With a flicker, she transmitted a message back to Miguel, who would be the one to open the portal.


Back at the Spider-Society Headquarters, the group, unaware of Miguel's plans, or LYLA's for that matter, followed Peter like useless ducklings, watching as he easily thwarted everything that Miguel threw at them. From portals which deposited strong enemies, like the Hulk, to mundane technological traps, nothing seemed to work, until finally, they arrived at Miguel's lair…

A/N: 1775 words :)




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