
I'm So Lucky

Wang Yu transmigrated to a world where reality and games merged and were cursed by the world. Malicious Curse: The chosen main characters will instinctively loathe you and prevent you from becoming stronger. Wang Yu awakened cheats. His own malice and negative emotions would bring him good luck. Other people's malicious behavior would bring Wang Yu constant good luck. He would pick up money on the street, fight monsters to get good items from them, and pick up treasure wherever he went. First main character Ye Fan: I have obviously replaced the awakening crystal with a broken crystal. Why did Wang Yu still awaken? And he awakened the only hidden class? D*mn! Second main character Xiao Jian: I have used a diversionary tactic and said a lot of bad things about Wang Yu, but why did the most beautiful woman in the Great Xia Country fall in love with Wang Yu? No way! Third main character Lu Changsheng: In order to slow down Wang Yu's leveling speed, I gave him a fake treasure map, but he found God's Treasure! This is driving me crazy! Ten years later, the beasts descended. The chosen protagonists all failed miserably. Wang Yu tore through the sky in people's shock and blew up the beasts, shocking the world."

Bean Paste Huahua · Games
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40 Chs

An Innumerable Gift

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


Ye Fan considered for a moment and decided not to follow.

Instead, he was prepared to use the messaging app 'Huixin' to trick Wang Yu, so he continued to send messages.

[I won't go tomorrow. I'll bring you along when your level is higher. That way, it won't affect your leveling.]

[Alright, it's really hard not to level up together, but you're my good friend, so I'll listen to you.] Wang Yu said this intentionally.

[My good brother, don't worry. I can use Huixin to give you suggestions. For example, where is the best place to level up? Where are you going?] Ye Fan asked.

[Xian'er suggested that I go and kill the Big Rats. She said that the drop rate there is high, the experience points are high, and it's suitable for leveling up. I can also dig out the rat skin there.] Wang Yu replied.

[Don't go there!] Ye Fan hurriedly stopped him.

The Big Rat Area was a good map area. The monsters were very cost-effective and very suitable for leveling.

Ye Fan wanted to stop Wang Yu from becoming stronger so he definitely could not let Wang Yu fight the Big Rats. Hence, he suggested: [Go fight the Scarecrows.]

[Scarecrow? Xian'er said that the Scarecrow drop rate is very low and the experience is also very low. It's not very suitable for leveling.] Wang Yu was puzzled.

"Hmm…" Ye Fan frowned, not knowing how to answer.

He was already thinking of scamming Wang Yu so the suggestion he gave was a little unreliable.

However, he thought about it and found a reason to say it.

[I know that the experience is low, but the probability of Scarecrows dropping top-grade equipment is very high. They can be sold for a lot of money.]

[Top-grade equipment? Really?] Wang Yu was shocked.

[Of course, I promise. In addition, fewer people are leveling in the Scarecrow Area, and there are fewer people stealing monsters.]

[And I know an exclusive secret.] Ye Fan sent a message mysteriously.

[What exclusive secret?] Wang Yu was curious.

[It's very simple. If you dig the Scarecrows, there's a chance you'll find the Resurrection Gem. As long as you wears it, you will have a second life.]

[You must know that Classes only have one life. If they die, they really die. With the Resurrection Gem, they can have a second life.] Ye Fan said.

[Resurrection Gem? Digging up scarecrows? Can scarecrows be dug?] Wang Yu was puzzled.

[Of course, I didn't tell anyone about this secret. Please don't tell anyone.] Ye Fan continued to be mysterious.

[Okay, I won't tell anyone. Brother Ye Fan, thank you. You're really my good friend. I'll go beat up the Scarecrows tomorrow.]

Wang Yu sent a thumbs-up emoji.

[Hahaha, don't worry, Brother Wang Yu. You're my good brother, I'll definitely tell you what I know.] Ye Fan gloated.

[Alright, wait for my results tomorrow. Oh right, I'm going to register a live broadcast account so that you can watch me level up.] Wang Yu sent another message.

[Live broadcast? Good idea. This way, I can accompany you, Brother.]

Ye Fan was even happier because he could see Wang Yu fighting monsters through the livestream.

When he thought about how Wang Yu did not get much experience from killing monsters, Ye Fan was extremely excited. He was looking forward to seeing Wang Yu's depressed expression.

Hence, he helped Wang Yu register a live stream account and was the first to follow him.

After settling everything.

Ye Fan put down his phone happily and said happily.

"This kid is really stupid. He actually asked me how to level up and even did a livestream. See if I won't kill you. Hahaha."

Just as Ye Fan was thinking that he was smart, Wang Yu, who was on the other side, also smiled.

He had absorbed another wave of negative emotions, and his luck had reached 99 points. It was heading towards 100 points.

This made Wang Yu extremely happy. The key was that apart from the Protagonists, he could also obtain negative emotions from others.

However, the negative emotions provided by others were very few and very weak. They were not even one-ten-thousandth of Ye Fan's.

This might have something to do with Ye Fan being the Destined Protagonist.

However, if he were to do a live broadcast, the more people watching, the more negative emotions he would have. This was why Wang Yu registered for a live broadcast account.

To absorb the negative emotions more accurately, Wang Yu purposely named his live stream 'Wang Yu's Live Stream Room'. He was afraid that others would not know his name.

After doing all this.

Wang Yu and Li Xian'er started chatting again, asking about the Resurrection Gem.

He learned from Li Xian'er that the Resurrection Gem was priceless and was the only precious item that could give a person a second life. It was very rare.

Most importantly, this item would disappear after one use. No one would complain about having too little. Wang Yu was very interested in the Resurrection Gems and wanted to get a few to save his life.

"Oh right, Wang Yu, be careful of Ye Fan. He's a hypocrite. When you were awakening your profession today, he actually tried to stop you..."

Li Xian'er was worried that Wang Yu would be deceived so she told him everything that happened today.

"Don't worry, I know what to do." Wang Yu laughed.

"It's good that you know it in your heart. I only hope that you won't be deceived by Ye Fan. He's a villain, and you're too kind. You have to be careful of him," Li Xian'er warned.


Just like that.

Under Li Xian'er's repeated exhortations, the next day arrived.

Early morning.

The sun was shining brightly, the birds were singing, and the flowers were fragrant.

Not long after Wang Yu woke up, he heard a knock on the door.

When he opened the door, he saw Li Xian'er smiling at him.

The key point was that a tall woman in the shadows appeared beside Li Xian'er.

Wang Yu took a closer look and realized that this woman's name was Qiu'er. Her level was marked with three question marks which meant that she was over level 10.

"Wang Yu, this is Big Sister Qiu er, a Shadow Assassin. She is responsible for your safety," Li Xian'er introduced.

"Hello, my name is Wang Yu."

Wang Yu smiled as he greeted the other party, guessing her level.

"Hello, don't worry. With me around, no one can hurt you. Here, this ring is for you. This is the Life-Saving Ring that the City Lord gave you."

Qiu 'Er handed a storage ring to Wang Yu.

"This is?" Wang Yu took it and looked at it. He did not know what it was but he noticed that Li Xian'er was looking at the ring in shock.

"What is this?" Wang Yu asked.

"This is a Resurrection Gem, but it's embedded in the ring." Li Xian'er quickly explained.

"Resurrection Gem? This is the Resurrection Gem?"

Wang Yu looked at the ring in shock and realized that there was a small gem in the middle of the ring. Under the light, it glowed faintly and looked very mysterious.

"Wang Yu, quickly drip your blood onto the Resurrection Gem. This way, you will have a second life," Li Xian'er quickly reminded.


Wang Yu was pleasantly surprised as he immediately pricked his finger with a needle and dripped his blood onto the Resurrection Gem.

In an instant, the light shone and enveloped Wang Yu before slowly returning to normal.

Wang Yu had a strange feeling as though he had gained an extra life.

"Good stuff, really good stuff." Wang Yu looked at it in admiration.

"Of course it's good stuff. This world is very dangerous. If you die, you'll really die. If you have a Resurrection Gem, you can have another life. Unfortunately, even I don't have this thing."

Qiu'er looked at Wang Yu enviously before disappearing into the darkness.

When Wang Yu heard this, he touched the ring with even more care before walking out of the city with Li Xian'er.