
I'm Really Not A Villain(English)

Core World: NTR:Netsuzou Trap First World: Rakudai Kishi No Calvary --------- Ren was a normal young man, with a single extra detail, who slept with his friends' girlfriends. Which cost him his life when one found out

MoonDevourer · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Yakushi Hospital(1)

Waking up the next day to a long white-haired woman dozing on his chest with a peaceful expression on her face and who is wearing simple pink shorts and a shoulder-length blouse with the shorts being soft light blue. It could be said that Ren's morning was already something that many would wish for.

"Are you going to continue pretending?" Ren asked as he ran his hand through Edelweiss's long hair.

"It does not pretend if I feel at peace right now"- Saying those words while she kept her eyes closed. Edelweiss 'looked' at Ren -"Besides, I don't see you complaining".

"You're right"- Accepting Edelweiss's words as the truth, Ren continued stroking her hair-"But we have to start the day"- Sighing as he said those words. Ren and Edelweiss got up from the bed.

Standing once in Edelweiss's bedroom which featured a king-size bed, two nightstands beside it with lamps above each, and a dark wood dresser in one corner with three mirrors and several drawers to store her things, next to a 32-inch TV facing the wall of the bed and the room is about 6 square meters. Edelweiss's room was a good place to rest, as it also had the same homey vibe that the cabin exuded.

"Sleeping with you was something satisfying to do"- Edelweiss said as she ran her hands through her hair smoothing out the messy places, although these were a minority if not null.

Yesterday when Edelweiss and Ren's relationship was formalized thanks to their several weeks of being together and telling each other all their stories during one afternoon, where Edelweiss noticed that the feelings she felt from Ren changed to affection.

Edelweiss asked Ren if they could sleep together since she was curious about this activity done by couples that she had seen in series, movies, and novels.

For what Ren being the gentleman that he is had accepted Edelweiss's request without blinking as if it was his sacred duty, drawing a laugh from Edelweiss since she thought he would blush or be embarrassed, but as usual. Ren did not disappoint Edelweiss by being shameless.

Taking a shower separately as Edelweiss wanted to advance their relationship little by little until their feelings turned completely into love and not just deep affection that was what she felt. Ren accepted that since he thought the same. Also, remembering his sister Shizuku, he had a few words to say.

The newly engaged couple decided to rest early, after taking a shower and having dinner harmoniously with each other, so after a night of sleeping satisfactorily, they began their first day as a couple, which would be today a few seconds ago.

"We can repeat it as many times as you want" -Ren answered with a smile on his face as he approached Edelweiss.

"I can think about it"- Edelweiss said as she looked at Ren who stopped in front of her a few centimeters from their lips touching -"Leaving that, I'm still worried about your age"- With a worried look on her face, Edelweiss said that, since she was of legal age while Ren was still a minor.

"Don't worry, anyway I won't be telling the whole world that you are my girlfriend, unless you want it"- Finishing saying those words, Ren completely closed the remaining distance and gave Edelweiss a loving kiss calming her worries a little.

"What you should be thinking about is what our love life will be like"-Separating his lips and saying those words. Ren stroked Edelweiss's silky hair. "Don't worry about this matter, just leave it to me."

Calming down upon hearing Ren's words. Edelweiss decided to trust him, after all, that's what couples do. Also, if Ren couldn't do that, she would step in, but until he got to that point. Edelweiss would trust Ren.

"Then I'll leave it to you"- Giving Ren a small kiss, Edelweiss separated from him to go to the bathroom.

Watched with a smile the figure of Edelweiss that moved away from him. Ren returned to his thoughts once Edelweiss disappeared from his sight -"Then it's time to visit Shizuku"- Whispering those words. Ren waited for a few minutes until Edelweiss came out of the bathroom before entering it.

Leaving after bathing and brushing. Edelweiss and Ren headed towards the living room. Once reaching the living room, Edelweiss headed towards the kitchen while Ren was checking his phone since he was texting Shizuku that he would be visiting her in a while.

Finishing sending that message, Ren turned his gaze to Edelweiss-"Once we finish breakfast I plan to visit Shizuku, do you want to come?"-Asked Ren as he watched Edelweiss who was grabbing a cookie.

"Are you sure to do that? I've seen how your sister looks at you, and it's not the way a sister sees her brother "- Took a bite of her cookie while she finished saying her part. Edelweiss looked at Ren curiously, since Ren and Shizuku's interactions are as if they were a couple.

"I know"- Sighing when saying that. Ren was not going to deny that Shizuku had grown up in his heart since he had never had a sister. Since both in his first life and second life, he had been an only child. Therefore, it was difficult for Ren not to look at Shizuku as a woman, since practically the 'rewards' he asked for were not something a sister would ask of her brother.

But at the same time, Ren wanted to keep his sibling relationship with her, his brothers. Ren spent most of his time with her, enjoying the moments when he acted like her cool older brother. Which he was still doing, after all, he had a reputation as an older brother to uphold.

"For as long as I can remember, Shizuku had always seen me as her brother and partner, but I always made me blind to this last part. So introducing you as my girlfriend would break her heart, which I don't want to do" -Recounting his dilemma towards Edelweiss who was looking at him while she took a bite of her second cookie. Ren hoped that she would give him some advice. Knowing each other though, Ren already knew the decision he would make in his relationship with Shizuku.

"It seems that your relationship with your sister is not as simple as I thought at first" - Thinking about Ren's words and looking at his eyes that had a firm look. Edelweiss knowing that look just smiled softly - "But it seems that you already have a decision, right? Do what your heart wants, I won't bother. But you'll have to buy me a lot of sweets, ok?"

"I'll buy you all the sweets in the world"-Smiled him while he looked at Edelweiss. Ren was able to relax his tense shoulders-"Until then, I will watch you during this time. I don't want negative emotions to invade your mind."

"It is not necessary, although I will accept the offer"-Edelweiss said, since although she wanted to keep Ren with herself like every woman who wants to keep her partner for herself. Edelweiss had noticed that Ren's behavior with the girls was as if he had experience, which was easy to see since Ren himself didn't hide it.

"(I wonder they probably had girls in their life)" Edelweiss wondered as she looked at Ren since his behavior and attitude to be only 12 years old was something extremely rare in someone his age. Also, his behavior with girls was very experienced, just like he also knew what to say when that girl was depressed or hid the need for her as he did a few moments ago, basically Ren was very attentive with girls.

"(A 12-year-old boy with more experience in love than me" - Laughing at that thought. Edelweiss would patiently wait for Ren's secret, although it seemed that he had told her everything. Edelweiss had noticed that he seemed to hide something else since she had noticed it in his eyes.

With that last thought on her mind. Ren began to pamper Edelweiss by feeding her, taking care of her, and fixing her hair, among other activities during the time that she was still in Edelweiss's cabin since she was mature and older. Still, Ren wanted to make sure all of her girls got the attention they needed from him, and even more so in this kind of situation.

Time quickly passes where Ren was pampering Edelweiss, as the latter is pleased with how attentive and caring Ren provided. The two left the hut after a while and headed towards Japan, where Ren used his [Morningstar] form to carry Edelweiss in a princess bag towards the aforementioned place.

Flying at a fast speed to get to Japan and with Ren using the Light to shield Edelweiss from the wind. Ren and Edelweiss arrived in Japan within about 15 minutes of travel.

Landing in front of a hospital called Yakushi Hospital with about 4 floors. Ren deactivated his form returning to a normal state, while Edelweiss, used to these types of trips, adjusted her clothes.

"Ara~, isn't it Ren-kun?" - With a soft and gentle voice listening behind it. Ren and Edelweiss turned their gaze to find a woman about 165 cm tall with shoulder-length green hair and long bangs on her forehead, with light-green eyes and wearing a medical gown and a shirt black with a deep neckline, showing her breasts and matching pants.

The girl named Kiriko Yakushi had a mischievous smile and an amused look that she didn't match with her soft and gentle tone of voice-"It seems I found you before Shizuku this time~" -With her smile getting bigger. Kiriko walked over to Ren and put his arm between her breasts.

"Hello, Edelweiss~"- Greeting Edelweiss with the look of someone who has just found a person. Edelweiss could only sigh at her playful attitude.


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