
I'm Playing Celestial Skills In Ishgar (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail I'm Playing Celestial Skills In Ishgar

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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298 Chs

Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Relieving the knot (first more)

Seeing what Laxus looked like, Su Jue sighed.

Looking at the wine glass in his hand and seeing his face reflected in the drink, Su Jue slowly said, "Are you particularly concerned about the evaluation of those people? I have also heard a lot this year."

"Those who don't understand you always take your strength for granted, thinking that you are the grandson of the president, that's why you are so strong."

"But in fact, the reason why you can become so strong has nothing to do with this! You only become so strong for the faith in your heart."

After hearing Su Jue's words, Laxus put down the wine glass in his hand, and his face gradually became a little gloomy.

"If you don't say these things to me, you won't understand my inner thoughts at all!"

"Besides, how can I care about the words of the weak?"

Laxus said disdainfully.

However, Su Jue saw a trace of unwillingness from his face.

As Su Jue said, Laxus actually hates the title of grandson of the president.

Because of this title, all his efforts were taken away!

Laxus's heart was roaring countless times.

Why take my hard work for granted, and why refuse to face my hard work!

He felt very unwilling, because everyone attributed his powerful credit to Makarov, and it was precisely because of this that a twist in his heart appeared.

So he wants to defeat Makarov and become the new president of Fairy Tail. He wants to let everyone know that he is stronger than his grandfather, and he wants everyone to face his existence! ! !

Hmm… Secondary two boy in the rebellious period.

I saw Laxus pour the wine in a big mouth and drank all the wine in the glass before putting down the glass.

He vented all the depression in his heart on the wine. He felt that only a magical thing like wine could make him forget the unwillingness in his heart.

But when he woke up from alcohol, those painful memories immediately came to mind.

Wine can only temporarily relieve the depression in his heart.

If he can't get rid of the frustration in his heart, his heart will only be suppressed all the time. When the accumulation reaches a critical point, it will burst out completely because of a small incident.

"Actually, I have heard similar remarks before, but the object they are talking about is me."

After taking a sip of wine, Su Jue looked far away, and the whole person was lost in memory.

"Ur is my teacher and a very powerful ice wizard. His strength is so high that it surpasses ordinary S-level wizards."

"She is always so gentle and kind. Every time a nearby town encounters a powerful monster runaway, or when a monster wave occurs, she always comes forward and protects the people in the town time and time again."

"As her best disciple, I have great strength, so people in the town take it for granted, because my teacher is Ur!"

Su Jue didn't look at Laxus's expression, but just told her 'personal experience'.

After hearing Su Jue's words, Laxus looked at his calm expression, with an unspeakable emotion in his eyes.

It is a kind of emotion similar to sympathy.

Because Su Jue's "experience" is almost the same as his, this direct touch touched the depths of his heart.

"But for this situation, I just smiled."

"Because I know that the reason why I am so strong is entirely dependent on my own efforts."

"And my teacher also knows very well that I can become strong because of my hard work and my talent."

"Her teaching is important, but my own hard work and talent are also indispensable."

Su Jue smiled and continued:

"The world has countless opinions, but as long as my teacher and I can understand each other, is the world's perspective still important?"

"Maybe you can't open your heart yet, but the president will always be in a corner of this world, watching you all the time."

"He can understand you, and at the same time he is also very clear that the so-called grandson of the president is just a fake name. The truly powerful is actually yourself!"

After hearing Su Jue's words, Laxus fell into deep thought.

At this time, his heart was extremely tangled, and he was struggling at the same time.

Could it be that the old man, he really, has always been able to understand me?

So why, never tell me these things?

Maybe, am I unable to understand myself?

The figure of Makarov appeared in Laxus's mind. Under the impact of countless confusion, the lonely shell deep in his heart was gradually breaking down.

That shell was born slowly because of the evaluation of the world.

With the shattering of that shell, Laxus really saw his heart. *