
Chapter 7

Chapter 7


As I reached the edge of the roof, I looked down and, satisfied that the Lizard was dead, exhaled a sigh of relief. If anything, he could start wreaking havoc and death among the civilians. No, I didn't consider myself a hero for looking out for everyone's well-being. I only cared about my own well-being, but it wasn't my policy to involve people who were just passing by.

Then I noticed something flying in the distance. It didn't take a genius to realise it was Iron Man.

I didn't want to mess with him yet, because with all of his high-tech tools, he could probably easily detect my identity.

So, deciding not to stay here any longer, I jumped off the roof, and then started flying away on my web.

To my surprise, Gwen decided to follow me.....

If you looked from bottom to top, you could see a strange picture of two people in suits flying between skyscrapers.

The guy in the dark suit and the girl in the light suit.

Like two sides of a coin, like yin and yang. Like good and evil that can't exist without each other.

Gwen and I balanced each other out. From what I could see, she was incredibly kind, that she was willing to help everyone despite the odds. But that's exactly what, someday, could bring her pain and hardship. And to prevent that from happening, sometimes it takes evil, which I was going to become in the eyes of others, eliminating all possible threats in the most primitive and yet effective way, namely their complete destruction.


- Stop! - I was pulled out of my thoughts by Gwen's shout.

Having landed on the roof of a building, I looked at Gwen, who also landed after me.

Why are you running away? - She came up to me.

- Running away? Don't talk rubbish! I'm done with my business, and now I'm going home. Besides, you may not have noticed, but Tony the Old Man was flying towards us, and I wouldn't want my identity to be recognised by him. You don't just hide your face behind a mask, do you, Gwen Stacy? - I grinned.

Hearing my words, Gwen warily took a few steps away from me.

- You... How do you know my name!? - she said in shock.

- It's all about attention to detail and deduction. You shouldn't rely on just one mask all the time. Habits, behaviour, voice and many other factors can go into revealing your identity. - I spoke slowly, and unlike her, I changed the timbre of my voice as I spoke. Although the change wasn't particularly significant, but until I could construct a compact voice changer, it was the best way not to reveal my identity.

- Well, if that's all you have to say, I'll be on my way. - I turned my back on her and prepared to jump.

- Stop! You haven't told me who you are yet! - Gwen jumped at me and tried to grab my arm.

Reflexively, I caught her arm and pulled her to me to knock her to the ground, but Gwen wasn't timid either. Twisting in the air, she landed on her feet in front of me, then reached out in an attempt to rip my mask off.

Yanking my head back, I dodged her hand and then let loose a web across her leg and yanked it towards me, causing her to fall on her arse.

- What's that supposed to mean? - I looked at her questioningly.

- I just wanted to know who was under the mask! - Gwen got to her feet and rubbed her buttocks.

Immediately after that I jumped up to the expecting Gwen and pinned her against the wall.

Raising her arm, Gwen tried to shoot a web at my face, but I tilted my head slightly to the side, causing her shot to go off

was unsuccessful. And to stop her from doing it again, I grabbed both her hands and held them above her head.

- What are you doing? Let go of me! - Gwen tried to break free, but our strength was not equal.

- I thought I'd take a closer look at you. - I grinned, and then with my free hand began to pull off her mask.

As soon as the mask was off her head, I saw an incredibly beautiful face in front of me.

My heart beat faster, but I was quickly able to calm it down. I've noticed that since gaining superpowers, I've become much more confident and collected.

- You're beautiful. - I grinned, then stroked my hand over her face.

- I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. - I began to run my hand from her face downward.

- But your costume, made of such thin fabric, can hardly help you protect yourself from wounds. - I slowly lowered my hand until it stopped at her breast, and then I squeezed it.

In a flash, Gwen's cheeks flushed slightly, and she finally deigned to speak.

Let go of me, you pervert. - She looked me in the eye.

- Heh, what if I don't want to? - I started to lower my hand lower and lower.

- You will! - said Gwen and slapped her knee on my groin. I reacted in time and moved away from her with one jump.

- You're dangerous, you almost made me a eunuch! - I grinned.

- Yes, I am dangerous! - Gwen grinned, pulling her mask back on.

- Well, since you're dangerous, I'd better go. - I got ready to jump again.

- Wait! - I heard her voice again.

- What? I turned my head.

- How do you make a web? I don't see you have web shooters! - Gwen was surprised.

- 'Hmm, is that what these things you have?

- It's simple, I'm special! - After dropping those words, I decided to leave after all.




When I got home, I quietly snuck into my room and started thinking about everything that had happened today. About how I had defeated the Lizard, about the differences in Gwen and I's abilities. I mean, she couldn't even let out a web. Apparently the fact that I manually altered and strengthened the serum, the abilities are much better instilled in me. And most importantly, I was able to talk to her up close, even though she still doesn't know who I am.

With all these thoughts, my gaze casually fell on my hand, which I used to squeeze her incredibly nice breasts. And just remembering it made my heart start beating faster.

- All right, Peter, pull yourself together! - I slapped myself on the cheeks, and then got up from the bed and sat down at the table to start doing all my homework. After all, the school days start again tomorrow....






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