
I'm Patricia

When the gateway to the realm of beasts was opened, a multitude of perilous creatures were unleashed upon the human world, resulting in significant damage and loss of human life. In light of their family's impoverished state, Patricia, a resilient young girl, and her twin brother Patrick, a skilled wizard, made the decision to embark on a quest to vanquish these beasts and earn much-needed funds. Operating covertly, they harnessed their extraordinary abilities, harboring the hope of evading detection. Their endeavors progressed smoothly until an unexpected turn of events transpired—the inspector uncovered their true identities. This revelation completely upended their lives, compelling them to embark on a new and challenging journey. During their arduous expedition, they were approached by a nobleman who enlisted their services to slay a formidable dragon. Now faced with this daunting task, what fate awaits the twins? How will they confront such a ferocious creature?

Dream_catch · Fantasy
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83 Chs

The Choice

Upon awakening and not finding Lilith, Patricia's panic drove her to search frantically. When the Elf woman appeared before her, Patricia's anxiety boiled over. She shouted urgently, "Where is Lilith? What have you done to her?"

The elf woman's serene smile remained, and she replied, "Whose Lilith?"

Patricia's frustration was palpable. "The girl who was with me!" Her urgency was undeniable.

The elf woman's demeanor remained unchanged. "What are you talking about, madam? You've been alone here since the beginning..."

Patricia couldn't believe what she was hearing. "What... what nonsense are you saying? I was with Lilith all the time."

"I'm afraid you are imagining things, lady. There is no other female human beside you."

To Patricia's astonishment, the Elf used magic to show her the sequence of her actions: bathing, eating, and sleeping all alone. There was no trace of Lilith.

"Impossible!" Patricia's patience crumbled. Convinced that the elves had tampered with Lilith's presence, Patricia seized the elf by the neck, strangling her but carefully avoiding applying excessive force that might prove fatal. "If you don't want to lose your life, take me to Lilith."

The elf struggled to breathe in Patricia's grip. Other elves attempted to intervene, using their magic to stop her, but remarkably, their efforts had no effect. They were astounded by the magnitude of power she wielded.

"It is useless. I won't let you go until you take me to Lilith, right now," Patricia declared firmly.

Amidst the turmoil, Patricia suddenly heard William's voice calling out for her. "Patricia, dear. Where are you? I've been looking for you."

Patricia was utterly surprised, and her grip on the elf loosened unconsciously. "W... William?"

Approaching her with a warm smile and eyes filled with love, William's presence bewildered Patricia. She had never seen him express himself in such a manner. As she took a step back, grappling to comprehend the situation, William took her hand and pulled her into an embrace. "I missed you so much."

Patricia's heart skipped a beat. "William, is that you?"

"Of course, it's me."

"Where is Patrick and the others?" Patricia's confusion lingered.

The elves released all of them, and Patricia's happiness was palpable as she scanned her surroundings, hoping to spot their companions. "Really? This is good news."

William gently cupped her face and kissed her. "I love you, Patricia..."

Patricia was nearly overwhelmed, her face turning intensely red and her heart pounding in her chest. The sudden confession left her speechless.

Without waiting for her to absorb the moment, William took her hand and beckoned her to follow him.

"W... Where are we going?"

"You'll see," he replied, his gaze warm and reassuring.

He led her to a stunning house surrounded by a garden brimming with diverse flowers. Patricia was awestruck by the beauty of the place. It resembled her dream home.

"Do you like it?" William inquired.

"Yes, I like it so much."

He guided her on a walk through the garden before approaching the house. "Is it okay to enter? The elves might get angry."

"Don't worry. Actually, this is our house," William revealed.

Patricia's surprise was evident. "Our house!"

"Yeah, you and I will live in this house and build our family together. Come on, let me show it to you."

Despite the idyllic setting, Patricia felt something was amiss. She suddenly snapped back to reality, remembering Lilith. She tugged her hand away, her expression concerned. "Lilith has disappeared. We need to find her!"

William's demeanor changed. He questioned, "Why would you care about her?"

Confusion filled Patricia's eyes. "What do you mean? She's my friend."

"Do you think she's equally concerned about you?" William's tone took an unsettling turn.

- "Yes, of course!" Patricia replied, her confidence unwavering.

"What if I tell you that she chose to leave with Patrick and abandon you?" William's words struck like a lightning bolt.

"That can't be! Lilith and Patrick would never do such a thing to me," Patricia retorted, her voice laden with disbelief.

William pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Don't be so sure, my love. They chose each other, and now you must also choose. Either be with me or leave and search for them. What do you want?"

Patricia embraced William, her eyes radiating love as she gazed at him. She caressed his face tenderly. "Of course I choose you..."

Then, suddenly, her eyes turned sharp, and her demeanor shifted. In an instant, she pulled out her sword and swiftly stabbed him.

But as the blade made contact, something extraordinary happened. William's form shimmered and began to fade, his eyes shining with an eerie light. His voice resonated, almost ethereal. "I see that you've figured it out."

Before her eyes, the illusion of William dissipated, leaving Patricia standing alone with her sword in the empty space.

A wave of sadness washed over her. Part of her had desperately wanted the illusion to be real, to believe that William loved her genuinely. Yet, she had recognized the truth: the elves had created the illusion to ensnare her within their world.

"I must find Lilith. These elves are dangerous. I don't know what they might do to her," Patricia resolved.

She took one last look at the house, a mixture of longing and determination in her eyes. "Maybe it's all fake, but I still have a chance to make it true."

With newfound resolve, Patricia turned and sprinted toward the elves' village, determined to find her friend and navigate the treacherous world of illusions and traps that surrounded her.