
I'm Patricia

When the gateway to the realm of beasts was opened, a multitude of perilous creatures were unleashed upon the human world, resulting in significant damage and loss of human life. In light of their family's impoverished state, Patricia, a resilient young girl, and her twin brother Patrick, a skilled wizard, made the decision to embark on a quest to vanquish these beasts and earn much-needed funds. Operating covertly, they harnessed their extraordinary abilities, harboring the hope of evading detection. Their endeavors progressed smoothly until an unexpected turn of events transpired—the inspector uncovered their true identities. This revelation completely upended their lives, compelling them to embark on a new and challenging journey. During their arduous expedition, they were approached by a nobleman who enlisted their services to slay a formidable dragon. Now faced with this daunting task, what fate awaits the twins? How will they confront such a ferocious creature?

Dream_catch · Fantasy
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83 Chs

The Arrival

Startled, Patricia and Lilith rushed to the surface to see what was happening. Their expressions turned to shock when they saw what lay before them.

Dark and foreboding clouds loomed overhead, and the thunder rumbled loudly in the distance.

"Oh my God! What a huge storm!" Patricia exclaimed.

The wind began to pick up, growing stronger and colder, while the sun disappeared entirely behind the black clouds. It was clear that this wasn't going to be an ordinary storm.

Patrick quickly pulled Lilith back towards their room, a sense of urgency in his actions.

"Stay here and don't leave the room until I come for you," Patrick instructed.

Lilith was worried. "What's wrong? Is there some kind of beast?"

Patrick's expression was grave. "That storm is worse than any beast. Let's hope the ship can withstand it, or we might end up in the water."

The storm raged on, with the rough waves and powerful winds tossing the ship about like a small toy. William struggled to control the ship with Jacob's magic, but their efforts proved futile.

Patricia stood beside William, but he paid her no attention. It was as if their romantic encounter from the night before had never happened. His cold glare and demeanor left Patricia disappointed.

"You shouldn't be standing there. It's dangerous. You should join your friend," he finally spoke, his voice devoid of warmth.

Patricia, feeling a mix of anger and disappointment, replied, "You're right, I shouldn't be here."

She joined Lilith to protect her in case anything happened during the tumultuous storm.

During the chaos, Patrick had an idea.

"Captain, give me the heart of the sea!" Patrick exclaimed. "I can use it to control the storm."

William appeared displeased with the suggestion. "What nonsense are you saying? The moment we use that stone, the elves will detect it, and they'll realize the truth."

Patrick persisted, his voice urgent. "But what if the storm destroys the ship? We are in the middle of the sea!

William, however, remained focused on giving orders to his crew to prevent damage to the ship, seemingly prioritizing the safety of the heart of the sea over the lives of those on board.

Patrick's frustration intensified. "This bastard! For him, keeping that stone safe is much more important than saving the ship and everyone on it. Day after day, I become more convinced that he's a bad man. His selfish attitude and arrogance will lead to a disaster."

The storm intensified, tearing at the ship's sails and causing rough waves to fill the vessel with water. Jacob and Patrick struggled to create a protective shield against the relentless waves, but it was a losing battle. The ship couldn't withstand the excessive hits, and it began to sink.

As Patrick realized that there was no hope for the ship to weather the storm, he made a quick decision to save Lilith. The water reached his waist as he fought to reach their room.

"The ship is already full of water," he thought. "I shouldn't trust that bastard and leave Lilith inside."

But when he finally reached the room and opened the door, it was empty.

"Where is she?" Patrick exclaimed in panic. "Lilith! Where are you?"

Patrick desperately searched for Lilith but found no sign of her.

"Did Patricia reach her before me?" he wondered as he continued to scour the area.

The water continued to rise until the entire room was flooded. Patrick had no choice but to return to the surface, where he was greeted by Jacob.

"Where is the rest?" Patrick asked.

"They've taken the safety boats," Jacob replied.

"Did you see Patricia and Lilith?" Patrick inquired anxiously.

"Yeah, they were on one of the boats," Jacob confirmed.

Relief washed over Patrick as he realized that both Patricia and Lilith were safe.

"Come on, let's go!" Jacob urged.

Using their magic, both magicians levitated into the air, leaving the sinking ship behind them.

"Now, where should we go?" Patrick wondered as they hovered in the air.

Jacob pointed in the direction where the safety boats had gone. "The boats went that way. Let's follow them."

As they floated through the turbulent storm, a sudden thunderbolt struck both of them, sending them plummeting into the sea. They lost consciousness.

When Patrick awoke, he found himself lying on a beach. The sunlight was bright and warm, causing him to squint as he opened his eyes. He could feel the sand beneath his hands and the gentle lapping of seawater against his back.

"My head hurts so much," Patrick mumbled as he tried to sit up, his memory gradually returning. He looked around, trying to piece together what had happened.

As he scanned his surroundings, he noticed Jacob lying unconscious beside him. Concerned for his friend, Patrick called out urgently, "Jacob! Wake up!" Patrick gently shook him and called out to him. Fortunately, Jacob began to stir and eventually opened his eyes.

"Patrick! What the hell happened to us?" Jacob groaned.

"I don't know exactly," Patrick replied. "All I remember is that a thunderbolt hit us while we were flying. I don't remember anything after that."

Patrick helped Jacob to stand up, and together they surveyed their surroundings. They found themselves on a vast beach, and ahead of them lay a dense forest.

"What is this place?" Patrick wondered aloud.

Jacob rubbed his head, trying to ease the headache from the ordeal. "It's obviously an island."

Patrick's concern grew. "Do you think the others landed here?"

Jacob sighed. "Let's hope so..."

The both of them ventured into the forest in search of food and shelter.

Jacob cautioned, "We don't know what's on this island. We must be careful and stay focused in case anything happens."

Patrick's thoughts, however, were preoccupied with worry for Patricia and Lilith. He couldn't shake the concern for their safety.

"Where are Patricia and Lilith? I hope they're okay," Patrick thought anxiously.

Jacob interrupted his thoughts with a pinch and a stern reminder, "Didn't you hear what I said? Stay focused and don't dwell on useless thoughts."

Suddenly a deafening roar echoed through the forest, causing both of them to flinch.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" Patrick exclaimed.

Jacob's face paled as he identified the source of the sound. "That's a dragon..."

"A DRAGON?" Patrick repeated incredulously.

Jacob nodded gravely. "Yes, we've arrived at Majorca..."