
I'm Otsutsuki Toneri

It was just another night at work when suddenly a person fell to the floor and lost consciousness. Waking up, the person found himself in an unfamiliar environment. What even shocked him more was that his appearance changed and looked exactly like the main antagonist in Naruto: The last movie; Ōtsutsuki Toneri! He also seems to have gained the Tenseigan... But, he soon found out that he was in Korea and there are what people call 'Gates' in this world. "Huh? The new 10th S-Rank Hunter is revealed? Am I perhaps in Solo Leveling?" What will a person, who has the tenseigan, do in a world with hunters? === Notes- MC's alignment is Chaotic Lawful I try my best to re-read SL, okay?

Vennyon · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


Just some character sheet




[Go Gun-Hee]

[Woo Jin-Chul]

[Liu Zhigang]

[Ma Dongwook]

[Mari Ishida]

[Fukui Natsumi]

[Cha Hae-in]

[Choi Jong-in]

[Baek Yoon-Ho]

[Yoshimoto Ryuu]

[Albert Reed]

I'll update this later on as the novel progresses with more characters introduced, especially my OC's

By the way, I haven't really added any details regarding the mc's home.

[Here's the pic]