
Chapter 1 Alexis

I woke up from a knock on my door. I sat up angered. Everyone in this place knows I hate being woken up. They would often choose straws to see who was the poor soul that had to enter my room. Soon the door opened. In walked Samuel. One of the best assassins there is, and the one who usually gets sent in here to wake me up.

No, I'm not a prisoner to assassins. These people that could kill easily are my family. Not biological family you see. I have no parents. Not that it mattered because these people are all the family I need.

"Why on earth are you waking me up, Sam," I growled. He was the only one brave enough to wake me up. Not only because he's one of the best but because he's the one who decided to take me in, in the first place. If it was anyone else, I would have been dead long ago.

"Boss wants everyone up. Breakfast will be ready soon. So get your lazy ass up." He said.

"No," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. He let out a loud sigh as he rubbed his temples.

"It's not debatable Al. Now get up. Boss wants to tell us about a job we have." He said and then he walked out. I let out a small growl as I got decently dressed. In a plain t-shirt and blue jeans. My pitch-black hair was cut short in a boyish kind of way so I didn't have a hard time brushing through it. Then I did my other morning routines. I brushed my teeth, put deodorant on, slipped on my combat boots, and placed my throwing knives in their place. I walked out and to the dining room where everyone was already sitting.

"So sleeping beauty is finally awake." Damon, another member of my family said. He always jokes around. He's probably one of the most carefree people out of all of us.

"Don't mess with me," I growled. He smiled and held his hands up in surrender.

"Chill Al. It's just a joke." He said.

"Leave her alone Damon. We all know she could kill you in a blink of the eye." Naomi said as she scolded him. She has always been like a real sister to me.

I gave her a small smile while I sat down. She sat at one end of the table mostly because she was the second eldest. The man we call Boss is the oldest out of us all. It's Boss at the age of 27, Naomi at 25, Samuel at 21, Trinity at 19, Damon at 18, and then myself at 16.

"When is he going to get here. I don't like waiting." I stated as I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back in my chair.

"You're lucky we all like you, Alexis. Your attitude would have had you killed long ago." Boss said as he walked into the room with a small smile on his face.

"If I wasn't here you all would have been dead by now," I stated dryly.

"As if. Now down to business. We have another job. Once again we will be protecting someone." He started to say.

"Who?" Damon asked. We all looked at him for interrupting Boss but it was quickly brushed off.

"His name is Mr. Jameson. We will be protecting him, his son, and his daughter. Now Naomi and I will be staying watch with Mr. Jameson himself, Damon and Samuel you will be looking after his son. Damon, you will be with him in his room while Samuel will be waiting out in the hall by the door. Trinity and Alexis, you two will be looking after his daughter. Trinity, you will be out in the hall as well and Alexis you will be in the room with his daughter." He said.

"You know I'm not a people person Boss. Trinity is better with people than I am. I will gladly stay in the hall." I said.

"No my decision is final. It's about time you make at least one friend." He said.

"I don't need a friend." I snapped.

"I said no Alexis! My decision is final!" He yelled. I knew that there was no getting out of this situation. To him, it's finalized. I let out a small growl and I pushed myself out of my chair quickly which only cause it to fall. I stormed off to the training room to blow off some steam.

"Al." I heard Naomi say. I knew she wouldn't follow me though. She never did. It was always one of the guys. I pulled out my throwing knives from where they were and started throwing them at my target. Hitting the place I wanted them to hit every time.

"Al," Damon said as he came to my side. He always had some sort of soft spot for me. Everyone knew he did but I never had an interest in anybody. I don't even feel pain.

"Leave me alone Damon," I said and I threw another knife.

"Alex." He said as he slowly wrapped his arms around me to stop me from throwing any more knives.

"Let go of me. I'm not in the mood to talk." I hissed. I was making a move to get him off of me because I knew if I did it would start a sprawling contest between the two of us.

"Alex this is childish behavior. You know better. Just try. You're 16 and you don't have a single friend." He said.

"I don't need friends how many times do I have to say it." I hissed.

"I know you don't like people. Sometimes it seems as if you hardly even like us. But please. Just cooperate. You don't even have to talk to her. Just stay in there with her. It's not that bad. Honestly." He said.

"Yeah for you. You don't know what it's like for me. They fear me right away. I gave up on making friends. No one likes me. End of story." I said.

"Not true. I like you. Everyone in this house does." He said.

"Y'all are different. Y'all got stuck with me because Sam wouldn't let Boss leave me. He didn't want me. Yes, I'm good at what I do and that's the only reason why he tolerates me. I do what I have to do to live. We all do. We're assassins nothing more, nothing less. Now leave me." I said. He sighed but he never moved his arms. I pushed him away from me and ran towards the window. It was always open for an easy escape if need be. Either way, I would be safe considering I had mastered using devices that could allow us to move from place to place.

"Alex!" He yelled as I jumped out of the window. I landed on the roof across the building he was in. He was still at the window looking out at me. I shook my head and walked away. They knew I liked my space. They all did. They knew I didn't like people as people didn't like me. There was no point in trying to get them to either. I went to a cliff that looked over the city.  This is the place I come to when I need to get away from my family. The only one who knew about this place was Sam. He was the only one who would know to look here. I still had time though. I sighed as I let the sun warm up my already tanned skin.

About an hour passed when Sam finally showed up.

"Hey, Al." He said as he sat next to me.

"Hey." Was my only reply.

"I know you don't like this job very much right now but it's a job. You'll get it done. I know you will. Come on. We will be leaving soon. I had Naomi pack the things you need." He said as he gently grabbed my arm and pulled me up with him. From there we both made our way back.  It didn't take long either. As soon as we got back we were met by Boss and the others. Boss had a disappointed look on his face. I didn't care though.

"Let's get this over with," I said with a sigh.