

Huh, where do I even begin, it's been quite some time since I've set a pen to paper. Let's start off with introductions, My name is Jack, Jack Oximourn and I like others have powers.

Now, I know what you may be thinking, powers are amazing I know. Imagine being able to have the power to fly or telekinesis or super strength, all the typical powers, but I don't have anything super flashy like morphosis or supernova.

I am a healer... for the most part, my power is the ability to revert people back to a previous state of being.

Typically that entitles being a hero or doctor, but life had different plans for me. You see, I didn't realize that this shit life was going to fuck me over from the start. Since I was young I've had encounters with the law due to the group I hung out with.

I miss my friends from back then but it's been years and now I don't think I can face 'em. The few I truly miss are Zarish, Ishna, and Landon. They were true friends, sadly when push comes to shove I got thrust into trouble, but that's a story for another day.

What I want to talk about is the beginning, how I got to where I am in life, and in order to do that we need to go back quite a bit. I remember it like it was yesterday, I have a pretty good memory I would say.

My first memory was of seeing my brother getting beaten by his enemy at the time, Leroux Sprager son of that bastard Sigmund, I hate his guts. I remember him standing over my brother while three others were beating him down constantly.

My brother wasn't screaming, only covering his vitals while his legs and arms were getting scratched and cut. However, Leroux was laughing his fucking head off, the most obnoxious laugh I have ever heard.

I didn't realize it in time but the biggest attacker started walking towards me after Leroux pointed at me. I was scared for my life, being five years old at the time. I closed my eyes hoping it was all a bad dream and heard a resounding WHAP echo through the street. I opened my eyes to see my brother standing in front of me, bleeding quite a bit, with pure rage in his eyes.

He had an aura of calm around him and all my fear went away, I looked over to the side and saw the big guy leaning against the wall blood trickling down his forehead.

My brother, Liam, then said to me, "Listen Jack, I need you to run, run as far away from here as possible. Find the others and leave the hideout, it's not safe anymore. I can feel myself growing weaker, please just run…"

He then rushed Leroux and the other two boys furiously punching and swinging causing them to get scared and run away. After he was sure they ran he walked over to the big guy, picked him up and threw him towards Leroux. He didn't go far but the impact woke him with a start and he began to scramble to his feet only to run away.

Liam then collapsed on the floor, motionless.

Heyyo, welcome to the prologue of my first PUBLISHED book. I have written before but I never published them and I decided, what the hell right? Why not go for it, so I did just that.

I don't know the publish schedule but I'll try to make it be once a week maybe, or I'll stockpile chapters and release them like that. Who knows, anyway thanks for taking the time to read, come join my discord to give me direct feedback and how I can improve the story.

- The Author

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