
Entry 3

Blood, not a lot of it but a decent amount nonetheless. It didn't puncture him too deep, he would be fine in a couple of days but man oh man must it hurt.

[The host has learned the move Stab - An attack intended to puncture the targets defenses and flesh. Can be used with weapons or physical attacks. Current proficiency 1.0%]

[Name: Wooden shank]

[Durability: 12/100]

[Proficiency: 0.5%]

His screams were piercing, it sounded like he was actually dying which drew quite a bit of attention. He fell to the ground clutching his arm, I didn't hurt him that badly right?

It wasn't of the utmost concern at this point, but it felt nice to get a little payback.

Two down one more to go, the last one didn't give me much time to react so I raised my arms to protect myself. He didn't stop punching, the blows descended on me over and over again.

The screaming stopped which was a little odd, I turned around and felt a very sharp pain in my side. I screamed in anguish as I felt a strange weight hanging on me.

A knife, no bigger than my palm was lodged into my side. I didn't comprehend what was going on, it felt like I was simply punched, until the pain set in mere seconds later. My legs gave out and all in my mind was pain.

"FUCK, GOD WHY!" Liam screamed involuntarily. His ability activated but it was to late. I was losing blood, fast.

Leroux smirked towards me, "Oh poor poor Liam. It seems as if I underestimated you, you DOG!"

That bastard had kicked the blade in deeper, deep enough to where only a small portion of the crimson soaked blade was still visible.

[Pain tolerance has leveled up]

Really?!? Then why didn't it feel like it! I was furious, but that didn't stop the darkness to creep into my view. A dull sense of pain washed over me, it was different, it bore into my soul.

Leroux started laughing "Ahhh let me tell you something Liam" He stood directly over me.

"A bastard like you doesn't deserve my sister, no one deserves her. It's a sad existence, but you'd never understand. I'll tell you something before you die as I feel you deserve it."

He grabbed the blade and twisted it sending crashing torrents of pain through my body, I was on the brink of unconsciousness.

"No one will help you, not the guard, not the police, and not even your own flesh and blood. You are nothing but a worthless pile of scum but hey at least you gave me a little fun in the meantime..."

Blood, not a small amount but quite a bit, nonetheless, It punctured deep, there would be little to no chance of recovering and man oh man did it hurt.

[The Host has exceeded the maximum amount of attempts, any more will permanently damage the host, exiting now]

A blinding light filled my vision and disappeared as quickly as it arrived. I was lying face down onto my brothers chest.

Slowly light was fading, dusk was coming.

Vibrant flashes of pinks, oranges and purples filled the sky. The streets were silent all for the shallow rise and fall of Liam's chest.

It felt real, that pain, I couldn't have imagined it. Was I going mad from grief? My mind was racing almost as fast as my heart was.

I wanted it to be fake, I wanted to just wake from this nightmare. It has to be a nightmare it has to be, I kept repeating this to myself over and over.

Two dead cold hands wrapped around me and pulled me into a tight embrace. I knew it was Liam, he was fine after all he was just a little cold right?

Any shred of hope I had that this was faked was shattered when I saw the darkened blade jutting out from his side.

That was the breaking point, I had started to wail loudly. The ever calm voice of Liam was soothing me to silence.

I heard footsteps approaching but I didn't let go of Liam fearing that if I did I would lose him forever. They were fast and before I knew it two guards had shown up.

They attempted to pull me off of Liam but I was not going to let go and it seemed like Liam wasn't going to let go either.

His grip had tightened to hold me in his arms, it wasn't until a few minutes later that they finally managed to tire me out.

I was too tired to cry, I didn't even notice them lifting him up and putting him in the back of a wagon.

A small clinking sound was heard as about 7 or so feet away from me dropped a small knife.

I had attempted to grab it when I saw a large boot stomp down onto my hand. It didn't hurt as badly as I thought it would.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing taking government property!"

He twisted his foot causing my fingers to bend in odd directions.

"Get your hands off the knife, don't make me use force!" he said, gleefully, as he pressed down.

I screamed in pain and let go of the knife, which allowed him to pick it up and pocket it easily. I saw two initials on the blade before he put it away, it was simply L. O.

"Hey! That's my brothers knife! Give it back!"

"Piss off, this is contraband."

I walked in front of him, he was easily twice my height.

"I said give it back! He needs that knife!"

"Well then your brother doesn't know that carrying weapons is illegal!"

At that moment a second guard walked up.

"What are you talking about? A small knife like this isn't contraband, give the boy back his brothers knife… Dick." a very small grin appeared on his face when he finished that sentence.

"Richard, its Richard! God have the shitty blade back runt." He tossed it at my feet.

"Are you alright?" the second guard pondered, "What's your name little man?"

"Jack… Jack Oximourn, and that over…" I looked around confused, "Where is my brother?"

His face dropped, "Err- Well, my name is Ioden it's a pleasure to meet ya."

He looked nervous and was speaking a little fast.

"Now listen Jack, I have to go right now or my boss will be very mad at me and I don't like to be yelled at. Now don't you worry you're brother will be just fine, they are taking him to the clinic as we speak."

"Where is the clinic?"

"Its at 595 East Poduj, across the street from the tavern, you can't miss it." He was quickly walking away towards the wagons.

"I'll see you later Jack, I have more people to help!" he gave one last quick wave before turning a corner.

As night truly fell onto the city a bone chilling cold had taken hold of me. I decided to head back to the hideout and wait till morning.

Now the only problem was I had no clue where I was or where to go, with the knife in hand I chose a direction and started walking towards what I hoped would be my destination.

Chapter 3 people woo! Sorry for the semi long wait, this chapter was a little harder for me to make as it brought up old memories, but hey whats a story without real life influences. Join the discord at this link here https://discord.gg/6vFsv97 . Come in say hi and suggest some things for the story! The first person to join my discord (Mika) Even gets the chance to have a character they made inserted into the story! All they need to say in the hub chat is Banana Bread! Hah

The_1_Authorcreators' thoughts