
Entry 2

This time at least I managed to block at least once, that was a sign of improvement. It still didn't do much though as I was pushed back by the blow. Liam's body was decently strong but without his activated ability beating the brute was little more than a pipe dream.

The stat points of all of Liam's boosted skills seemed to go up by 1.5x allowing him to fight the brute head on.

It seemed that the two boys hanging back were there in case something went wrong. I couldn't fight the brute with my bare hands alone which caused me to improvise. Searching the area with a quick glance I scavenged for a weapon of any kind.

My eyes fell on a small length of wood, no bigger than a baton. It wasn't great but at least it was something. A quick shift of my leg brought it closer to me.

Looking at it, it was fairly hefty but not very durable. A small screen appeared displaying its current statistics.

[Name: Wooden board]

[Power: 3]

[Element: None]

[Weight: 4.5 lbs]

[Range: 2]

[Durability: 9/100]

[Proficiency: 0.00%]

Well, it's better than nothing. Wielding the board in hand I waited for when the brute would charge like last time. Almost as if on cue the brute ducked down charging shoulder first towards me. I couldn't move away as he would then hit Jack so I grabbed Jack moving him to the side but not before my leg was hit.

Pain shot up my entire side, this bastard was fucking strong I'll give him that. I looked back at my stats and saw my health now sat at 90%, good thing I wasn't knocked to the ground.

Now's my chance, I took the wooden board and swung it down connecting with the back of his skull. A loud CRACK sound was heard as he fell to one knee. The board was partially broken now and had some major cracks in it. The durability fell by 4 and my proficiency increased by .1%.

[The host has learned the move Overhead Swing - A swing with a weapon over the head to achieve maximum damage assisted by gravity with little energy expended. Accuracy is low, Current Proficiency - 0.2%]

"Not bad Liam, and here I thought that my sister wanted to date a weakling." Leroux said while staring at the big guy on the floor.

"What do you want from my brother?" I said through my teeth not realizing at that moment I was in Liam's body.

"Oh, I don't want anything from your brother, he looks frightened out of his mind as is. I just want to hurt you, badly." He turned to the boy on his right. "I brought these fellows along to teach you a lesson, our family is prestigious, we don't need some orphaned low class homeless dirty disgusting idiotic trash coming into our family. My father is especially mad that his daughter is seeing you of all people."

God this insufferable bastard is annoying. I can feel my blood boiling as he is saying this. I attempted to take a step forward when I saw the ground rapidly approaching my face.

I slammed into the floor only to realize that my leg had been grabbed from behind and a huge weight now sat on top of me. "Who...is..this?…" I spat out before the air left my lungs.

"Oh him, he's just a delinquent I paid to hurt you."

"I have a name." His voice was booming and loud.

"Did I pay you to talk or to fight? Worthless piece of sh.." Leroux mumbled.

"Now come on, finish the job and you'll get your pay. Leave the little one, I want him to remember this moment."

It wasn't long until darkness consumed my vision once more, the cold trickling of blood ran down my nose.

[The Host has experienced a large amount of pain gaining the feat Pain Tolerance - A passive skill that reduces the amount of damage one can sustain. Can only be leveled up by experiencing large amounts of pain. Current Level - 1]

Great, now I can get beat up even more, wonderful.

[Would the host like to retry?]

Fuck it, once more we go. The moment my eyes opened I picked up the wooden board and charged right into the fray hoping to catch them by surprise. It worked, or at least I think it did.

They didn't even think that I would charge at them which worked to my advantage as I was able to get one massive hit against the brute simultaneously knocking him to the ground while my board broke in half. The stats for the board had changed when that happened. It now read as such.

[Name: Wooden shank]

[Power: 4]

[Type: Piercing]

[Element: None]

[Weight: 2 lbs]

[Range: 1]

[Durability: 15/100]

[Proficiency: 0.0%]

A large grin broke out onto my face, maybe it was time for a little payback but nothing too crazy.

I grabbed the boy to my left and attempted to plunge the shank into his arm.

Second chapter of the series, sorry for not posting yesterday, I had a timer set but slept through it.

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The_1_Authorcreators' thoughts