
Entry 1

I didn't know what to do so I ran over trying to see what was wrong. I noticed that he was clutching his side when he started to cough up blood. He was unconscious so I turned him over so he wouldn't choke, I was crying but no one came to help. I felt angry, I could see them waiting inside their houses, staring at me. They didn't do anything…

I knew I had to do something. I don't know what caused it but I had an innate feeling to close my eyes and focus on my brother as it may be the last time I was ever going to see him.

I felt...different. I was falling down, slowly at first, then it started picking up speed. I looked around and didn't notice the ground rapidly approaching me. I hit with a thud and found myself staring at Leroux, except...I was taller, way taller. I was confused so I didn't realize what was going on until I saw a weird screen showing me all sorts of information about my brother.

My heart was aching and I turned and saw myself standing fearfully. I was so young I thought it was a dream. I didn't even notice the first hit directly to my chest which winded me and knocked me down. It hurt a lot, I felt like screaming when I heard my brothers voice, "As long as they don't hurt Jack I can handle this."

I could swear it was my brothers voice but my mouth wasn't moving. The beatings hurt like hell until I saw the same scene of me closing my eyes in fear when Liam's body shot up without my control and punched the brute in the side of the head so hard it sent him flying towards the wall.

This feeling was different, when Liam was getting hurt I felt it, but something changed about his body, I could feel it. It wasn't until then that I noticed the screen again and saw it once more

[Name: Liam Oximourn]

[Age: 13]

[Ability: Heroism - The ability to increase physical stats when in a state of heightened stress]

[Stats: Strength - 26 (Boosted), Dexterity - 24 (Boosted), Constitution - 21 (Boosted), Intelligence - 12, Wisdom - 6, Charisma - 14, Arcane - 2 (Boosted), Perception - N/A]

[Health: 30% and dropping quickly]

[Chance of survival: 5%]

[Current host control: Low]

[Time until death: 3 minutes]

[Current knowledge - Liam Oximourn is fighting for his life currently, his mood is [Enraged], due to witnessing the fight the host has increased chance of survival.]

[Would the host like to forfeit this attempt?]

"What?" was the only word I could get out of my mouth before the body moved on its own, repeating the same chronological events. Liam collapsed on the floor and closed his eyes when the screen popped up once more.

[Would the host like to retry?]


[Sending the host back now]

I blinked once more and saw the same fucking grin on Leroux's face. I thought about why he would fight my brother in the first place when a series of scenes appeared in my mind.

They were from the perspective of my brother, with his voice speaking directly into my head.

"I know what he wants, he wants to hurt me for dating his sister, the bastard. God if only Adaline knew what he was doing, she would kill him. That sweet sweet girl, I hope she can escape that family and live free, but I know it's all just wishful thinking."

"Wait, what?" Once again the only words I got out of "my" mouth before getting hit, except this time I didn't go down. I jumped backwards and assessed the situation. Two lanky boys, Leroux, and the Brute.

I had no idea what I was doing so I tried to copy what Liam's body did before. It felt very strange and awkward but I thought it was the right stance.

[Host has entered a fighting stance, would the host like to switch to battle mode?]

"Sure!" I shouted out loud. The stat screen disappeared and was replaced with a simple layout with screens displaying the stats of my targets besides them. I really had no clue what to do until the brute rushed me. I was going to run but Liam wouldn't move.

"I can't run away now, my little brother will get hurt. I need to stand strong for his sake!"

Great I thought, what should I do? Should I try to punch like my brother did? It's all confusing to me. I wanted to run as far away as possible but my brother always did look out for me. I didn't know how to fight much less throw a punch so I just clenched my fists and swung with reckless abandon at the brute.

It landed which was good, but it didn't do much before I was tackled to the ground again. That same voice popped up in my head again; [The Host has learned the move Terrible Punch - A punch thrown with little to no care for specialization or accuracy. Current proficiency 0.01%]

"Huh?" Man, how I was lost at the time, I didn't even comprehend half the words that were being said to me.

The fight went almost the same except I saw that on the brute stat screen new information popped up, [Brute, Current Health 90%-100%, Dexterity - 15-25]. I learned something about the brute that time, but still ended up in the same outcome except Liam had gone unconscious before using his skill.

[Would the host like to retry?]

"Yes, but what is happening I am so-"

[Sending the host back now]

"Wait wait wai-"

The same scenario, was this hell? Did I go insane? Destined to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome? Whatever it was I was not going to back away normally at least, sure I was scared but Liam was much stronger than me and I wanted to be like him one day.

I don't know if going into Liam's mind made me smarter or I just had the capacity to think, but I do know that I would fight till his last breath.

The only words that came out of my mouth that time were "Looks like we get another go at this."

First official chapter!! Here's to the first one, I'm really excited for this. The current release schedule will be very weird but I'll try to release a chapter once every two days, but if I can't do that I will release one at least once a week.

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The_1_Authorcreators' thoughts