
I'm not really Evil. I just don't give a F***

A guy gets a chance to grow up and Save the world to bring peace and spreed love. he became a vergin Buddha that sits in top of mountains to clear his mind... MC "ok you thrust bitch Drop down and **** it!" Peace..and love MC "peace? hell no bitch! you started this war now I'm about to end it." ok.. maybe not peace but love. MC 16 year old Daughter "oohhhh daddy yesss harder!" To..to much love?

Chris_Lake · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Sakkaku no ryōiki

"yes, it's nice to meet you Sarada-hime" Neo Shamelessly calmed position as Father as he held Sarada in his arms as She slowly turned Red in the face at the nickname Neo gave her Upon hearing Chocho Snickers Sarada Whined "Daaadd Not in front of Chocho!" as she Pushed her face into his gut Trying hide her embarrassment along with her tears of joy.

Anyway Neo didn't want to get his time interrupted so he took the both into a empty ID and slowly made his way back to the village. Sarada was Nervous but Neo wasn't if anything else he is even kinda excited. Even though Neo was excited to finally meet his first Chocolate Snack. but he couldn't in joy in. in fact it had nothing to do with his Daughter this time. he just isn't into young girls. just because you wear a headband and the village seen you as a adult. doesn't mean Neo didn't fear the FBI!! now it would be different if she was of age. Neo is a ferm belives in Legal Lolis he already has several plans for a 300+ year old Vampire Lolli!

Neo could only sigh in regret as he left Chocho at her house alone...Sigh. but anyway, Neo didn't get farther sidetracked then he already was! he took Sarada on a shopping spree the two Enjoy there time hanging out buying Sarada anything she could had wanted. Ice cream? ✓ clothes? ✓ a new kunai set? sure✓ a new movie? new shoes? ✓ an ✓

By the time we Finish the sun was ready to go down so Neo Carry Sarada in his back while he carried the Bags by the time Neo reach the house Sarada was already sleeping soundly in his back.

{Hours Earlier after Neo first arrive}

Neo who wants nothing more than to get started on his plan. soon enter a empty ID and stuck into the Hokage high security Vault. on the in side it took some time but he finally found what he had wanted! DNA of Naruto uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha!

Neo didn't wiast anytime and poured the two containers of blood out on the floor before putting both his hands into the two separate puddles of blood. the blood Riased up into the Air and separated into one small Droplet of blood Each.

Each one of these dros of blood gave shape to a New Naruto and Sasuke. it's unfortunate Neo couldn't get the power of the 9 tails but that's ok. he was still able to make a second yellow flash. or more like 30 of them. and it's not like they will be weaker than the originals either especially not the Sasuke's as all Neo had to do was buy his eye set a bunch of times and transfer it over. Now all of this is very much unless as they don't have a soul. but that's what the Soul crystals are for. small little gems that he can input into there body's and a artificial soul that is completely loyal to Neo alone.

now what will he do with all these you may ask? nothing for now. at least not all of them! Neo sent them one Sasuke and one Naruto to go out a capture the real ones that he knows will be weaken after fighting Shin. then sent one Sasuke to go and Brake Sakura's little Heart.

why do all this? just giving world domination a go. will the plot save Naruto and Sasuke? who the fuck knows!

{present time}

Neo was going to knock on the door but it was already pull open before he Riased his hand "Sasuke!?" Sakura Called out in Tears as the Copy of Sasuke walk out only give me a small nod. "no.no! Sasuke come back!" Sakura Ran out stoping at the door as they watched as Sasuke leave, didn't answer back and inside vanished in a burst of wind. Sakura Glanced at Neo with puffy eyes that were bloodshot from Crying for who knows how long. seeing Neo Carry Sarada on his back there was a mix of emotions in her eyes. uncertainty, Nervous, Confusion and a Strong Dash of Spite. not at Neo but for Sasuke.

Sakura Whip her face and Cough a few times before saying "you..uh much be Neo? S-Sasuke's cousin. I am Sakura Uch-Haru- Sakura, is fine."

Neo gave a Warm smile as he said "I know these situations are not the best. but I do hope you and I can get along, at least for Sarada." Sakura gave a Stronger smile hearing Neo comforting words. and nodded saying "um, please come in. and let me help with these." Sakura gave way for Neo come in and help take some of the shopping bags from him. "then please forgive my intrusion." Sakura Gave him a small smile and said " nonsense p-please come in." Neo had lay Sarada down in her bed before Joining Sakura down in the Living room.

Sakura Brought in two cups of tea and sat down and handed one to Neo. he didn't even hesitate as he took a drink with a content sigh as he thought to himself "Damn, Ninja Ain't got no Heart." as he look at a system notification

[warning! Aphrodisiac detected! detoxify Y/N?]

Neo didn't even think about it and said No to the system neo eyes Flashed the EMS "Sakkaku no ryōiki!" with the thought a invisible wave passed through the entire house before his eyes reverse back to there Coal black. before taking another Drink as the two talked about Sarada who Neo didn't need to know anything about. of course he knows he as the best father already purchased all of alternate Sarada information. but he still continued on as if he didn't know and only 4 minutes passed before the Drug Sakura put in his tea took it's effect and Sakura was the first to notice and started to move a little closer.












[Sakkaku no ryōiki level 5] or Illusion Domain. is a powerful Genjutsu ability in the left eye of a combination of two mangekyou Sharingan eyes that combined being Shisui Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha MS for there eternal mangekyou Sharingan. the abilitys kotoamatsukami and Tsukuyomi are dissolved and fused together to create a new and more powerful Genjutsu that can shatter the boundaries between illusion and reality. giving the user full control over a certain radius of space. once this ability is turned off all effects inside are then whipped away from reality as long as something was created by using this ability. effect of bodily harm inside continue to exist once the pinpoint in reality is fixed. if time is stopped, slowed, rewound or fast forward nothing will take change on the outside world as all meaning of time no longer has a meaning in the Fix pinpoint only once perception. in this pinpoint no one can force there way in or out without having power over reality higher than the user of this ability.