
I'm not really Evil. I just don't give a F***

A guy gets a chance to grow up and Save the world to bring peace and spreed love. he became a vergin Buddha that sits in top of mountains to clear his mind... MC "ok you thrust bitch Drop down and **** it!" Peace..and love MC "peace? hell no bitch! you started this war now I'm about to end it." ok.. maybe not peace but love. MC 16 year old Daughter "oohhhh daddy yesss harder!" To..to much love?

Chris_Lake · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

How to train your harem!

"Uh? Neo are you sure about this?" a Unsure Tenten ask out of concern. and Sakura who was standing next to her look down at a pit it wasn't very deep but it was Wide. next to her was Neko who was playing around with a long Spear said "He will be just fine! stop making such a big deal out of it." Hinata and Marry did not know what to think when they seen there Husband/Target laying on a hammock that was step up over the Pit just relaxing as is he didn't have a care in the world. the girls themselves were on a raised platform that stretch all around the pit "actually, is this even Safe?" Sakura Ask a bit unsure of how this will play out

Neo who was Resting with sunglasses on a hammock lifted them up as he sipped from his Lemonade "yes now stop being so worried about this, everything is fine. just get ready the wave is about to Start." Neo reassured the group of his plan. it wasn't even Dangerous at all. all that's going to happen is the ID will spawn slime's and he will just Bait them into the pit as he is the highest level out of the group and the balls of Jello will agro him. after they get in the pit the girls will then Stabbed them up with The spears he gave to them. these spears are enchanted with double XP from some enchantment scrolls he found in the System shop. the only really big deal is the Number of Slimes that come. otherwise it would be to Easy. Neo ran this ID one time and never came back. the only thing these monsters Drop are low level potions that are Trash. it's not to say there is no good XP to be had here it's just without a group like this it's just to tedious and Neo never bothered with it.

but even now as he sat on his ass doing nothing he wasn't getting XP as he wasn't doing any of the 'Work' but he didn't care. this isn't for him at all. no. just like him when he started off, all the Girl Level and skills are at level 1 and it wasn't until later that he found out. no he wasn't weaker than the original 'body' he just assumed that he was. in fact because of gamer body he was already stronger than the 'original' body when he spawned in. him grinding levels and stats only made him much stronger.

now obviously the girls don't have the Gamers body. nor can they get one. but when they got there first 'level' the system rewarded them with a water down version. they can gain levels and Level up there skills. only in the ID they can't just go to the real world kill a Chick and get 1 XP like Neo. but they can gain these things in the ID, as well as never loss them. like say if Marry had 30 stat strength it will never go down even if she doesn't move a muscle ever again. she just won't get the full benefits of the Gamers body like sleeping restores HP and SP. no, she will need proper rest and Treatment.

currently the group set up there 'noob' Farm in a Grass biome there wasn't much in there Vision other than some rocks laying around every so often and a forest far off to the East. sometimes there world be a gentle breeze that would sweep by now and then. other than that it's just a typical place you would find Slimes. in fact it was kinda a nice place to just Relax.

"Kinda makes me wanna listen to some Zelda music?" Just as Neo thought about it he opened the shop and look up Zelda Music after looking around Neo pulled out the wooden ocarina Links Crush gave to him that later he ditched for the ocarina of Time and started to play the and played the Lost wood song after buying the knowledge of how to play the ocarina and the music notes.


I personally Always Imagine Saria was mad crushing on Link idk I always thought that since I was a kid for no reason I just did.


the girls hearing this song look at Neo in surprise and thought that song was very good. even though there isn't much if any music in the Elemental Nations.

Hinata was had been on the lookout for the first wave. open her mouth wide seeing the large number of squishy Balls of all sorts of colors Rolling over to Neo location "Get ready!" Neo Glance over before ignoring the Monster Wave as a translucent barrier Formed around them keeping the Slime's from over running them there was only one small opening on the left and right to filter the Monsters in slowly. and one by one the Smiles got funneled in but completely ignored the Bewilderment Gazes of the Group and Gave pitiful Jumped at Neo before falling into the Pit. The Girls Shared a look before they started to Stab at the Slime's that burst into a puddle of goo before dissolving.

of course if they were using regular kunais that wouldn't be enough to actually kill these Slime's as Neo found out on his first Run. but lucky for these Slime's they didn't have to die by a wild Fire like there deceased kin. inside Neo used the special metal from the Spider Legs besides that Metal the rest is just plain wood that was enchanted to be more durable. but that metal when Neo shaped it with AOE gave a nice Plus 70 in damage Plus 1 damage for every 10 points in strength. now that's not amazing if your not a person who dumped a fuck tone into strength. and still even if you did there is better shit you could get then plus 1. but it will take care of something so Weak a child could kill. Slime? that's fucking OP.

Neo just play his ocarina as he watch the girls Take a shit on these monsters. are they a little too prepared for this Fight? fuck yes. did Neo mean for this to happen? hell no. he didn't think the Damage Stat would be so high when he made it but he didn't care either. if he wants more of that metal he can just go and fight those two spiders again. he didn't really care about resources he has the ID, he can Fram that shit any time of the day and if he doesn't want to? he could just get it from the system Store. or kidnap some Missing ninja and throw them in the ID. there already missing, who going to miss them a second time? by the eyes of everyone missing ninja have no rights. if you capture a Missing ninja there pretty much your Slaves as long as you have the straight to keep them. of course people do this. it's mostly the Horny female's and no one would say to much as long as these ninja are keep a secret.

in hindsight Neo was doing these guys a favor. making every other man loss interest in Wemon after 20 was Driving these Horny female's Nuts. and if Neo wasn't in a relationships and couldn't get in one. fuck yes he would go rogue just to be the secret love slave of some hottie in the Cloud village. a world where Wemon are much more beautiful and got assets that would turn any walking 2x4 into a busty babe. Neo couldn't speak for all men but shit he would so sign up for the reverse Gang bang!

Neo had to whip his bloody nose and Shack his head to get that though out of his head before he went rogue out of nowhere. plus he was getting a Glare from the Sorta Yandere Hinata. or maybe she's not a yandere just a super aggressive woman. Neo wasn't to sure on that part as the Road to ninja Hinata wasn't seen all that much. but he definitely would pick her over the sky and timid Hinata any day.

speaking on Hinata he can kinda understand why who ever made this world put this Hinata here. as the shy Hinata would most definitely die of Shame if she seen this version of herself. a very nice pare of J cup breast that are perky they don't stand up nor fall down all the way. he likes how she puts light makeup on but doesn't even need it at all. it just gives her this Sassy feel like you know she has daddy issues. like you know you walk up to her to talk but she has her friends around her and they are going to throw mad shad on you. and when your talking about her ass it's like one of them Peach shapes that makes you want to just Take a bite from it. her wiast wasn't small like a girl who sticks her fighter down her throat to puck up her lunch to stay skinny. nor was it like she didn't have curves. you could definitely Hold that waist all day. her stomach was this wide mix between ya that's toned up. but it wasn't really noticable to the degree you would think just was a training freak like Neko.

Neo finally took his eyes off of Hinata who was definitely Enjoying the attention she was receiving. He look over at Sakura who not even a week after given Birth was looking Just fine like she never even Pushed a child from her Womb. normally a woman's breast Sag some from all the feedings but not her infact they look just as perky as always and there wasn't any Fat-fat left on her. of course there was some but..hmm? it's more like. oh? she's definitely a MILF kinda fat. it's not off putting at all. infact since giving birth m, Sakura kinda..changed? no that's not it. she's got that feeling around her, like you know she's a mother and just doesn't have time for your shit. it's not bad. Neo would even say it's more of a appropriate feeling like it just fits her kinda. more mature. Neo could definitely contest to the fact that Sakura isn't fat. and god help anyone who said otherwise. I.E. konohamaru. Neo watched as she Punt that kid like he was a football. right out the Hospital window, Assume could only smile in embarrassment of the kids ignorance.

Neo Switch his view over to Tenten who was no less as beautiful as the two others mentioned before her. of course out of the 3 she had the smallest Breast and ass. but she was almost shorter than them too. and Neo definitely like that. she's like his cute little Panda she currently the only woman he so far had gone out of his way to meet with. she's got this charm to her, like the girl next door that's always cheerful and just really cute. she is currently wearing a different color scheme of her normal outfits today of A white & red Chinese-style top, blue bangles on the wrists, baggy peach pink pants with the slits on her sides show her bare skin forgoing the normal wrappings and red sandals.

In the end of the Farm when the girls were to tired to move there arms anymore one would think that Neo would call it a day. but no. these girls just filled his inventory with low tier stamina potions so they are going to drink them! and continue the grind. all for the Grind!

He had in the end purchased a Storage Ring from one of those shitty cultivation Novels and filled them up and gave them out to the girls.

but end the end Neo fell asleep for a hour and woke up with too much energy to just continue to lay on his ass and Called it a day.

[Sakura Uchiha: Level 1 =26]

[Marry Uchiha: Level 1 =24]

[Neko Dahmer: level 1=27]

[Tenten: level 1 =25]

[Hinata Hyuga: level 3 =29]

"and that's how you train your Harem" Neo nodded at the thought as he look at there level's

The group left the Forest as the girls talk about "it" And Neo honestly no idea what "it" even was because "it" continue to change and when they discussed about "it" they always had a different facial expression or used different Tones of voice. sometimes it was Hush wishper or Pissed off expressions sometimes they laughed. Neo couldn't understand what they were talking about. about this "it" was giving him a awkward feeling. like he was listening to some alien language that was just not meant to be understood but yet if you leave from the hearing range you would soon become the topic of "it" and you just didn't want that.

and if Neo was to be honest he was really started to get nauseous. like he been on the same roller coaster for a few hours with no brakes in-between. and soon labeled "it" as Forbidden Kinjutsu of the talk-no-jutsu section.

the group made it back home and Neo felt like all that energy he just got back from his nap was instantly just gone. but as soon as he seen Sarada he felt like he had never been more alive then..well when he died and came back alive! and as fast as he could he left the house with Sarada to get away from "it" as it started to spread to his two mother's and he didn't wish his precious Princess to catch whatever "it" was.

"might be a pandemic...Maybe we should take you for a check up my sweet princess~" Neo talk with Sarada who waved her arms in excitement as she giggled.

in a Toy shop only Hours later. Neo was walking left and right grabbing everything that Sarada look at as he Cooed whenever she made even the smallest sounds. Honest the store owner was was a little bit more than creeped out and was thinking maybe he should have gotten help from some ninja. and he would of too if Neo's Daughter-con instincts Hadn't kicked in. making him give the man the most chilling look he could have ever imagined being on the receiving end of. he could only thank the Lord for that man leaving it still gives him the chills like the end was near. all he could do was just forget he ever even seen the two. infact it made him feel a lot better! at least the man tipped well.

back at the round table of "it" the girls continue there discussion never even knew the only man of the house was MIA with his daughter. or that was until the door open Drawing everyone's eyes only for them to widen in horror at what was coming in the door. Neo after Neo one after another walked the door with there arms up at there sides in a T pose with Bags one after another up and down there arms some even had them around there necks it only stop after the 20th Shadow clone.

then the real Neo came in the door carrying a red pillow you'd put a crown on for royalty on that pillow sat Sarada she had on a pink princess dress that's said Daddy's princess on her head was tiara made from real diamonds on her face was a beautiful pair of Cat-eye glasses that had butterfly made from Ruby's at the ends in her hand a fairy wand that had all kinds of gemstones on it and to top it all off her face was painted in a cat

we won't even talk about Neo...