
I'm not Jellal but just some guy with a mustache

Reincarnated with a appearance of Jellal but he's not really Jellal but just some guy with a mustache. I'm telling you... Don't expect anything from this fanfic. I'm just writing this for fun to chill out from my harem fanfiction that I'm writing.

Geraint124x · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 09: Putting the real Jellal on shame

Chapter 09: Putting the real Jellal on shame

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Don't expect anything from this fanfic as I only do it for fun. Thanks.)


(Nero's POV)

- Four years later, X782 -

In Tenrou Island, I was sitting on the ground with Lolibaba and Uncle Makarov standing in front of me.


Lolibaba is having a headache because of me after hearing the complaints about me from Uncle Makarov.

She was reading a newspaper right now but suddenly, she was trembling.

"Stinky Nero, what's the meaning of this?"

She show me the newspaper.

"Lolibaba, that's not me. It's the real Jellal himself who did that." I responded.

"You ungrateful child! Who will do this kind of disgraceful things? Hanging the panties you stole at the altar of the church with a name Jellal Fernandes written to each one of them. No one but only you." Lolibaba pointed at me.

"Can you at least trust me this time--"

"No! I've been taking care of you for a long time so I know how you really act. I heard about the R-System to Makarov which is near to be finish and Jellal acting as Seigrain, infiltrating the magic council. Now, Jellal Fernandes became a wanted criminal and this pissed you off that because of him you have hide your face from the military." Lolibaba explained.

I looked away from her.

"See, I'm right."

"Nero... Mira complained to me about you stealing her panties and hanging it on the public. She was crying at that time." Uncle Makarov said.

"Hmph! It's her fault for messing the dish I cooked for everyone. She put a lot of chili powder on our meal, hoping that I will be the one to eat it first. Everyone suffered eating it except Natsu. When I known that it was her, I stole her underwear and hanged it in the middle of the town."

"Then, Nero... Do you know about Mystogan?"

"Oh, the Edolas Jellal. Of course, I know him. We already talked with each other about us being the same face as that criminal Jellal." I answered.

"Okay... seems like there's no problem between the two of you. I was surprised seeing that he looked like Jellal too. But still, he was hiding his face with a mask from everyone."


Lolibaba sighed then her eyes twinkled, going towards me.

"Nero, I heard from Makarov that you and Erza are getting close to each other. Are you two dating now? Hey, tell me! Tell me!"

Lolibaba became annoying.

"Shut up, Lolibaba! Not yet." I pushed her face away from me.

"Eeehh! The two of you have been together for six years and still no development happened yet? That's really disappointing. I heard Erza is the one who's making a move on you, inviting you to go out for a date. You're the man, you know! You should be the one who's doing that and not her."

"Ugh!" I felt a little guilty for Erza.

"So, Nero! Hurry up and bring me home a great grandchild already!" Lolibaba complained.

"Lolibaba, stop it! You're thinking advance too much!"

Uncle walked near us,

"My grandson Laxus, Erza and Mirajane are already S-Class Mage. Why wouldn't accept to take the S-Class promotion?" he asked.

I glanced at him and answered,

"I'm not really interested in becoming a full time Wizard, doing job quest. I'm going to become a professional Chef, building my own restaurant and becoming a Fairy Tail Wizard is only a sideline." I proudly said.

"Still... you have to at least take the promotion test and become S-Class Wizard. Erza and Mira can't win against you who is not S-Class and I don't know about Laxus. Gildarts already went for 100-year mission so he's out."

"Do I have to? It's pain in the neck."

"Just take the test. Erza is begging me to convince you to take it and become S-Class. I already prepared one now just for you."

"Just go, Stinky Nero. You might find some good ingredients in a S-Class mission." Lolibaba was drooling.

"Lolibaba, Erza is already bringing me some good ingredients from her S-Class mission. I think that'll be enough."

Lolibaba became angry,

"Nero! It's a man's job to hunt! Not your girlfriend!" she yelled, pinching both of my cheeks."

"Fine! I'll do it, Lolibaba!"

She let go of me.

I glanced at Uncle Makarov.

"When we will have the test?" I asked.

"After we arrived on the Fairy Tail Guild." he answered.

"Huh? Isn't that too early? It's still very far from December."

"No, we have to do it now as early as possible since you might get lazy and don't attend if we wait for the last month to arrive. Let's do it while you're still motivated."

"Okay then..."


Four days later.

(3rd Person's POV)

Outside the Magnolia Town in the open plain, everyone in the guild was watching.

"What the meaning of this, Old man?" Laxus angrily asked his grandfather.

"That's right, Master. Are we going to take him down together?" Mirajane asked, being anxious right now.

She was really scared.

"Why me too, Master?" Erza asked, pointing at herself.

"You asked for this, Erza. This is Nero's S-Class promotion trial. The three of you including me will take him on." Makarov said, changing his clothes using Requip.

He's now using his Magic Council uniform.


The three of them are really shock.

Laxus became more furious,

"Old man! Are you kidding me? Three S-Class together with you ganging up at him!" he roared in anger.

Everyone who's watching on the sideline was completely shocked from what they heard from them.

Mystogan took off his mask, watching not far away from them where no one can see him.

"Laxus! Also Erza and Mirajane! I'm gonna reveal his real identity to all of you."

Makarov glanced at Nero with serious expression who's standing in front of them.

"Even though he's like that, he's actually the adopted grandson of Master Mavis Vermillion, the founder and the first guild master of Fairy Tail Guild."


Everyone was shocked again.

"What he shown you in the past was only a glimpse of his real power. This time we will try to see if he take us together."

"Are you guys ready? I'm already sleepy from a long travel from Tenrou Island."

A vein popped on Laxus temple and became angry because of Nero's lazy behavior.

"I'll end this immediately..."

Laxus raised his clenched fist in the air and chanted,

"Resounding through the air, the roar of thunder, plunge from the heavens and reap destruction!."

A large bolt of lightning descended from the sky, landing on Nero.

But suddenly, Nero quickly moved away, dodging the lighting strike, making it landing on the ground.

He had a very good replexes.

Nero just picked up a stick branch on the ground beside him.

"I guess this is already good enough."

He swung it around like a child.

This made Laxus pissed off even more.

"Stop playing around! Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic... Lightning Dragon's Roar!"

He generated lightning in his mouth then released it towards Nero in a concentrated, destructive blast, capable of destroying everything in a wide area in front of him.

Nero just stood there, not trying to dodge.

He was about to be hit but suddenly,

"Full Counter!" he swung the wooden stick at the lightning blast.

He returned it to Laxus but the size of it is doubled.

"What! How?"

Laxus was surprised.


He was thrown away by the returned lightning blast, exploding to him.

He crashed into several trees.

'As I expected, he wasn't really affected but only thrown away by the explosion.' Nero thought.

He immediately dashed towards Mirajane with his palm facing her.

"Not again!"

Mirajane took a step back with her face went paled.

"Steal!" Nero yelled.

"Kyaah!" Mirajane sat down quickly in embarrassment.

In the hand of Nero, there was a black panties he's spinning in his finger.

"One down."

He glanced at Erza, pointing his palm on her.

"Sorry, Erza. But you're next."

"Come at me!" Erza prepared herself to fight him.




Erza was smiling confidently.

"What?!" there was nothing in Nero's hands but a small coin.

He was completely shock.


"Nero... You cannot steal my panties if I didn't wear any in the first place." Erza said with proud tone.


Everyone was silent.

Nero's cheek twitched hearing that from Erza.

He remembered that Erza can be like that too.

(To be continued.)

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(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)