
I'm not Jellal but just some guy with a mustache

Reincarnated with a appearance of Jellal but he's not really Jellal but just some guy with a mustache. I'm telling you... Don't expect anything from this fanfic. I'm just writing this for fun to chill out from my harem fanfiction that I'm writing.

Geraint124x · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 07: I'm just a Teenager boy with a mustache

Chapter 07: I'm just a Teenager boy with a Mustache

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Don't expect anything from this fanfic as I only do it for fun. Thanks.)


(Nero's POV)

More than two years has passed and I'm going back to the guild to report my quest I finished.

I'm not really interested in joining the Guild but to look for more delicious recipe around Fiore needs money. If I need money, I have to do a quest jobs.

I only do quest when I really in need of money and choose the very high paying quest.

The quest was very easy for me because of my abilities and magic that Lolibaba taught me. The Fairy Glitter was already overpowered enough to defeat my opponent.

After I finished my quest, I heard a humor about the legendary secret recipe that has passed down from generations to generations. Looking for it, it took me 4 months going from town to town around Fiore travelling by foot.

As I expected, it was just rumor. I might not found it but is worth it for me because while travelling, I got a lot of simple but delicious recipe going from restaurants to restaurants.


I yawned.

I'm tired from a long travel around Fiore.

I wanted to sleep now.

Right now, I'm using the place where they hid Lumen Histoire or the Fairy Heart underneath Fairy Tail as my room because I felt like Lolibaba is looking out for me and I don't feel lonely or homesick when I'm not at home in Tenrou Island.


Arriving at Fairy Tail Guild, I immediately went inside to report about my accomplished quest.

Everyone inside was looking at me.

I saw Uncle Makarov sitting on the counter.

"Nero, why did take to long to that quest? You're Grandma was really worried about you." he scolded.

"As usual, after finishing the quest early. I went looking for some good recipes. Here's my report..." I took some papers from my bag then gave it to Uncle.

He took and read it.

"This..." Uncle Makarov trembled, can't from what he's reading.

"Those are the things I can only gathered about the western continent for now. Okay then, I'm going to sleep and rest for now." I walked away, going to my room.

"This kid..." Uncle mumbled.


One day later.

(Erza's POV)

Entering the Guild, I noticed Master talking with Gildarts in the counter.

Master held his head in headache.

I went towards him and asked,

"Is something wrong, Master?"

He was surprised,

"Oh, it's nothing... That's right, Nero just returned back from the quest yesterday. He'll come out later."

"Is that true? Why did he took so long to that quest? I was really worried."

"He said that it's recipe hunting."


That guy.

"Okay then, Master. I'll wait for him to come out."

Few minutes later.

Standing, looking around the Guild while waiting for Nero, suddenly,

"What are you doing here early, Erza? Are you waiting for me to settle our fight?" Mirajane said with arrogant tone, approaching me.

Mira is a girl with a blue eyes and long white hair tied in ponytail using a purple ribbon. She wore a gothic-looking, overly revealing outfit matching the tomboyish personality she had at the time. She donned a dark, skimpy sleeveless shirt adorned with some light curved motifs on the chest, a pair of leather shorts held up by a studded belt with a demonic-looking buckle and thigh-high boots with stiletto heels, each bearing a skull adorned by a flower on their upper front parts. She also sported a bracelet shaped like a demonic arm around her right wrist, a ring on the same hand's middle finger, and dark nail polish.


"Onee-chan, please stop fighting with her." Lisanna spoke behind her.

Lisanna was wearing a pink dress while Elfman who's standing beside her was wearing a blue formal clothes. Just like their big sister Mira, they have blue eyes.

"Mira, I didn't come here for you today. I am waiting someone who's not you."

"Huh? You annoyed me just now, Erza. Let's fight!" Mira said angry tone.

"Okay then, since I'm bored waiting here for him. I'll settle things with you for the time being."

Mira and I charged to each other.

"Take this you armor freak!" Mira launched a round house kick that sent me flying.

"Ugh!" I groaned, crashing in the dining table.

I immediately stood up and charged towards her, giving her an wide swing of uppercut that send her flying then crashing on the floor.

The two of us are wrecking a havoc, destroying things inside the guild.

Most of the guild members inside the guild are scared, running away from us.

Mira and I grabbed each other's hands, struggling while pushing each other with full force.


"Hey, Nero! You said that you'll make us a good meal after you arrived from your quest." I heard Natsu's voice with excited tone.

I glanced at their direction.

"That's right, Nero. You made us food taster for your new recipe so I wanted to eat your new dishes you've got from your last quest jobs." Gray said while shirtless, walking together with Nero and Natsu.

It's Nero!

He's really back.

He walking between Natsu and Gray, still looking sleepy while holding a cup of coffee.

He was wearing a blue pajamas and looked like he just woke up from sleeping.

"You two... I just woke up, you know." Nero said, yawning.

"Nero." I called.

"Stop getting distracted, Erza! Or else."


Mira turned her body and strongly threw me away.


I felt like I crash on someone to the floor.

"Ugh! I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

When I saw the one I crashed, my face went paled.


The cup of coffee he was holding got broke while his clothes was soaked in coffee.

"That's dangerous, Erza. What are you doing?" Nero said with menacing tone while glaring to me.

I strongly shook my head, saying,

"No, Nero! It's not me!"

I glanced at Mira who still have arrogant look on his face.

"What's wrong, Erza? Are you scared of me now?"

A vein popped on my forehead.

I pointed my index at Mira and said,

"She's the one who did it. I was just trying to stop her from wrecking havoc, destroying everything in her path but she just threw me towards you."

"Okay then..." Nero stood up and went towards Mira.

He stood up in front of Mira, looking around.

"Are you the one who did this?" he asked.

"Huh? Do you have any problem with that?" Mira replied with arrogant tone.

Nero glared Mira then said,

"I understand that you're in puberty right now so I'll give you a chance to apologise to me and everyone, fixing the things you destroyed inside the guild."

I noticed that everyone around sighed in relief from what he said.

"Mira, you have to apologise and follow he said immediately. This is one and only chance to save yourself from his punishment." Macao said with desperate tone.

Mira became furious and shouted,

"Why would I follow this blue haired guy said? And who is he anyway? I'll just beat this guy to the pulp."

"So... That's your response... It seems like this is your real personality. I guess you really need some discipline."

"Oh, you wanted to fight? Then bring it on!"

Mira swung her right fist towards Nero's face but just before it landed,


Something repelled away her fist.

"What?!" she was completely shock.


"Argh!" she was pushed away, making her stumble and roll on the floor.

"Onee-chan!" Lisanna yelled, worried about her.

Mira doesn't know how scary Nero because she didn't met him here when she arrived together with her siblings.

Nero might be jerk but spending time with him in this past two years, he was able to be open, befriending us. I learned that he was really kind, as long as your also kind to him.

Learning his personality, if you gave him a small piece of bread, he'll return it to you as a special large cake but, if you throw a stone at him, he'll drop a meteorite on you.

That's why no one wants to fight him in the guild. If someone wants to attack him then prepare for worst payback even you're a girl. He'll find a way to make you pay.

What I came to like about him is how good he cook. He even baked a strawberry cake for my surprise birthday party which is set by everyone. It was really delicious that I want to eat it everyday.

Glancing at Mira who tried to stand up,

"Damn you! You're going pay for this!" she tried to attack Nero again.


Her attack was repelled again, making her stumble on the floor again.

Seems like Mira can't stand anymore.

Nero went towards her, lifting her up from her waist with her butt facing forward.

"Hey! What are you trying to do?"

Nero raised her right hand.

"I don't hold back on those who attack me, even if they happen to be a girl. Bad girls like you must be punish."

"Huh? Wait! No, don't! What are you doing?!"

She sounds like a girl now.


Nero spanked hard her butt.

"It hurts!"


"Stop it! That hurts!"


"The butt!"


"Not the butt!"






"I'm begging you. Please stop it!"


"S-Stop!" Mira's scream echoed from inside the guild.

After that, her butt reddened from his spanking, crying like a little girl.

"Nero... you really overdid it." I said, patting the crying Mira.

"I guess you're right." Nero responded.

"Are you going to apologise to her?" I asked.

"No, she deserves it."

"You know, Nero..."

I glanced at him.

I saw blue haired boy with a black mustache.

I can't recognized him.

"Who are you?!"

"Don't mind me. I'm just a teenager boy with a mustache." he responded.

(To be continued.)


(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later.)