
I'm not Jellal but just some guy with a mustache

Reincarnated with a appearance of Jellal but he's not really Jellal but just some guy with a mustache. I'm telling you... Don't expect anything from this fanfic. I'm just writing this for fun to chill out from my harem fanfiction that I'm writing.

Geraint124x · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 06: The Untouchable Jerk

Chapter 06: The Untouchable Jerk

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Don't expect anything from this fanfic as I only do it for fun. Thanks.)


(Erza's POV)

It's been a day since Nero who's completely look like Jellal came to Fairy Tail Guild. Yesterday, I was chasing that perverted jerk for whole afternoon until he gave back my panties in the evening. Even though he's barefooted, I can't catch with him. He really fast that I can noticed that he's holding back himself so that I won't lost him. What made things hard for me is he can climb trees without using his hands. It's like he's just simply running on the surface of trees without too much effort.

In the end, I wasn't able to catch him or even touch him. He just returned my underwear to me out of pity. It's really frustrating that I wasn't able do anything to him as my revenge.

Even though he has the same appearance as Jellal, his personality is really the worst. He's mischievous, extremely unpleasant and most of all, he's a pervert who can steal girls underwear with his magic. He even didn't think twice to slap me multiple times even though I'm a girl but I don't really mind because I don't want be treated like that. But what about others, won't he attack them also as a payback.

He's a total jerk unlike the Jellal I know who's was a kind and compassionate who cares deeply for his friends. He was always cheerful and optimistic, despite our disposition as a slave in the tower of heaven. But he... He suddenly changed...

Right now, I'm observing Nero who's sitting on the dining table while looking at the map of Magnolia Town, marking each building he chosen.

"Erza, go and talk to Nero if you have something to ask about him. You might have a bad impression of him but he's not a bad kid." Master spoke while sitting over the counter.

I glanced at Master and said,

"But why does he have the same appearance of Jellal? Also he seems to know Jellal, Master."

"Well, I don't know the answer to that but actually, he's the grandson of my relative. She also clearly reminded me that he's not Jellal."

"He's really suspicious." I said, glaring at Nero.


He glanced at me, noticing my glare.

"Erza, do you really hate my face that much because it reminds you of the boy you like who left you deeply heartbroken. I'm telling you this again, I am not Jellal. My name is Nero Vermillion." he said, looking at me with tired expression.

This boy piss me off.

"Nero Vermillion? Hmm... His last name sounds familiar. I think I heard it somewhere." Gildarts who's sitting on the counter suddenly spoke.

He's a tall, muscular man with shoulder-length orange hair and a stubbly beard.


"Anyway, at least try to get along with him. I noticed that he's the same age as you Erza." Master said,

"I'm sorry, Master. But, I can't." I answered, looking away.


Master just sighed on me.

"Nero!" he called.

"What is it, Uncle?" Nero responded.

"Do you want to stay on our house? We have a extra room for you there instead on the Guild storage room."

"No, thanks. I'm fine in the storage room, Uncle. Also inside the Guild, I have peace of mind since I can feel Lolibaba's existence near me."

Lolibaba? Who's that?

"Nero, you know?" Master was completely shock.

"Of course, I know about it. I unsealed the entrance of that place and entered inside. I found what I'm looking inside, scribbling and writing 'Lolibaba' at the lacrima's surface." Nero said with mischievous smile while pointing at the floor.

"You! How could you do that?" Master can't believe what he just did.

"That Lolibaba!"

Suddenly, Nero became very angry.

"While traveling with Uncle, we took a break to eat lunch but when I opened my lunch boxes, it was completely empty. There's was a note left inside and when I read what's written on it, 'Sorry, Stinky Nero. I took a small amount of your food to taste it but it was really delicious that I ate all of it. Thanks for the food.' It was Lolibaba herself who wrote it. After that, I have to hunt for food in the forest just to survive for lunch." Nero angry said while stomping his right foot on the floor.

"Okay, nevermind." Master replied.

"Master, what is he talking about?" I asked.

"It's nothing. It's just about his Grandma." Master responded.


Master is hiding something.


"Hey, kid. What are you doing?" Macao together with Wakaba approached Nero.

Macao is a man with dark blue spiked hair and dark eyes while Wakaba has brown hair with pompadour-like hairstyle.

"It seems like he's marking the places on the map while taking notes." Wakaba looked at the map on what he's working on.

This jerk, I wonder what he's planning.

"Hmm... Wait! Aren't these famous restaurants and shops around the Magnolia Town. You even marked the shops like bakeries, sweet shop and even the cake shop who's been famous for their delicious cakes. What are you gonna do, marking those places?" Macao said.

Delicious cakes?

"I'm gonna visit this places one by one to learn their recipes and make them my own. My goal right now is to learn all the food recipes around Fiore as a young chef." Nero responded.

Nero is a chef? He doesn't look like one with his behavior. More like he doesn't suit for a pervert like him.

"Wow! That's a big goal you have there kid. Good luck with that." Macao smile at him.

"Thank you..."

"You can call me Macao. This guy beside me is my friend Wakaba. If you have some questions about the places around here, just ask us, okay?"

"Thank you very much. Then I'll take that offer in the future." Nero slightly bowed.

While he continued doing his work, Cana and Gray seems reluctant to approach him.

"Gray, go approach him first. I'll follow after you."

"No, Cana. You should be the one who approach him first."

"No, it must be you, Gray. You saw him hitting Erza without hesitation yesterday, right? He might hit me also if I made a mistake in talking to him. And also, he might steal my underwear." Cana said, afraid of Nero.

"Okay then, stay in back." Gray replied, approaching Nero cautiously from behind with Cana hiding from behind him.

"Nero!" Gray called him.

"What is it?" Nero responded.

"We want to talk to with you."


"My name is Gray and this girl behind me is Cana. We just have something to ask you."

"My name is Nero. Nice to meet the two of you." Nero replied while still doing his work then he stopped, turning then glancing at the two of them.

"Then feel free to ask me then, I don't want to create misunderstandings anymore."

I went towards them.

"We just wanted to ask... Erza?" Gray noticed me approaching them.

I looked at Nero with serious expression.

Nero shifted her eyes, staring back at me.

"If you're not Jellal then why do you completely looked like him. It seems like you already known about him."


Nero was silent for a moment then he smiled,

"That's because I'm actually Jellal's clone."

"What!?" We were completely shock.

"I am just copy, more like a fake Jellal and I don't want to that because I have my own personality. My grandma who adopted me more than three years ago gave me a name Nero Vermillion and that's my real identity. I completely different to that Jellal you know that's why I hated being called Jellal." Nero followed.


Then he's not really Jellal that I met in Tower of Heaven who betrayed me.

Becoming a clone of someone and gets blamed for the things he didn't do is kind of...

I guess I have to apologise to him.

"Nero, I'm sorry about the things I did yesterday."

"No, it's okay. You weren't able to do anything to me anyway."


Sounds like he's annoying me again.

"Erza, can I try to use it on you again?"

"Try what?"

He pointed his palm on me.


"You're right, Steal!"

Something lit on his palm with white cloth appearing on it.

Suddenly, I felt a chilling breeze under my skirt.

"Oh, it's white again today." he's holding a white panties with his two hands.

I felt uncomfortable below so I hold down my skirt.

This pervert... he stole my panties again.

"Apology, accepted Erza." he said with a smile.

"You perverted bastard! I'm going to beat you up to death!" I yelled with furious tone, jumping at him but he immediately moved away from his seat.

"Erza, let's play tag again." he ran away outside the guild.

I chased, following after him.

"Come back here, Nero! I'm going to kill you!"

"If you caught me, Erza. I'll return your panties then I'll treat you a delicious cake. Hahahaha."

"Let me join too." Cana followed after us.

"I won't lose to a newcomer." Gray also followed us while being shirtless.

(To be continued.)


(A/N: Time skip after this. I'll fix my mistakes later.)