
I'm not Jellal but just some guy with a mustache

Reincarnated with a appearance of Jellal but he's not really Jellal but just some guy with a mustache. I'm telling you... Don't expect anything from this fanfic. I'm just writing this for fun to chill out from my harem fanfiction that I'm writing.

Geraint124x · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 05: Reminding I'm not Jellal

Chapter 05: Reminding I'm not Jellal

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Don't expect anything from this fanfic as I only do it for fun. Thanks.)


(Nero's POV)

At the coast of Tenrou Island, we're saying goodbye to Lolibaba.

"Stinky Nero, did you forgot anything to bring with you?" Lolibaba asked me.

"Ready perfectly, Lolibaba. My preparation are complete." I answered, shaking the bag on my back.

"Okay then," she glanced at Uncle Makarov and said, "I leave my mischievous grandson to you, third master. Please take care of him."

"Yes... Please leave it to me, Master Mavis." Uncle Makarov replied, bowing.

"Makarov." Lolibaba called him.

"Huh?" Uncle Makarov look at her.

"When you needed an advise, you can come here to visit with that stinky twerp and grumble me about the guild problems." Lolibaba said with a smile.

"Yes, thank you Master Mavis." Uncle Makarov also smiled.

"Also a reminder to avoid problems in the future. Never ever call him Jellal."


"What do you mean, First Master?"

"Just don't call him Jellal because he's not Jellal. He's has just the same appearance as him."


"Lolibaba, we're going now." I spoke.

"Have a safe trip, you two. Don't forget my treats when you two come back here." Lolibaba said,

"Hehe... Look forward to my new dishes, Lolibaba."

Uncle Makarov just nodded at her.

Uncle Makarov and I went inside the boat.

"We're going then."

"Bye~ bye~, Lolibaba!"

"Goodbye, stinky Nero!"

Lolibaba waved at us like a child.

Uncle Makarov and I started to paddle.


- Magnolia Town -

Few days later, we arrived at Magnolia Town.

"Wow..." I looked around in awe.

"Is your first time coming here?" Uncle Makarov asked.

"Yes, the places I only came is at coast of Akane beach to sell the fishes I caught."

"Then welcome to the town, Nero."

"Haha... thank you, Uncle."

Several minutes later, we finally arrived on Uncle's Guild.

"Nero, this is the Fairy Tail Guild. The guild founded by Master Mavis, your grandmother." Uncle spoke, pointing at sign board of the building.

"But, Lolibaba always tell me stories about the troubles the guild members did in the past. Most of it are the destruction they did on the quest."

Uncle Makarov became dispirited,

"Even right now, it never changes. More like it became worst..."

"Let's go, Uncle. I'm excited to see it from inside."

"Sure, let's go." Uncle Makarov smiled on me.

When I entered inside together with Uncle,

"Wow... Amazing."

I saw a lot of people drinking inside while the others are dining. There's also children playing around. There also some people looking at the Request Board, choosing a job.

A beautiful waitress walked in front of us. She turned, looking at us when she noticed,

"Oh, welcome back, Master. How's your trip?" she greeted Uncle Makarov with a smile.

"It's fine."

She glanced at me,

"Who's that boy with you, Master?" she asked curiously.

"Oh, this kid. He's my relative's child. He going to be in my care for the time being."

"Nice to meet you. My name is..."


Suddenly someone furiously shouted. I glanced at the source of that voice and it was little girl with shoulder-length, scarlet hair and brown eyes. She's wearing a long sleeve white dress with an armor on top. She was wearing an eyepatch on her right eye.


Everyone inside the guild looked at her.

"How dare you showed up to me after what you did to them!"

"Huh?! What are you talking about? And who are you anyway?" I spoke with very annoyed tone.

"What's going on?" the shirtless boy said who's confused.

I'm sure that he is Gray Fullbuster.

"What's going to you, Erza? Don't just shout all of sudden." one of the drunk man said.

So this is Erza when she was younger.

"You...! Forgetting it like nothing. You're going to pay, Jellal!"

She charged at me, taking out the sword on her waist.

"Erza, don't! He not--" Uncle Makarov said but he wasn't to finish.

"Jellal! This time I'm going to kill you!" she shouted, swinging her sword to me.

But when she about to land her sword on my shoulder.


A repelling force stop the blade of her sword.


Suddenly, she was pushed away, stumbling and rolling on the floor.


"Erza, are you okay?" The girl with dark brown hair said, worried about her.

This must be Cana Alberona, Gildarts daughter.

"You...! How dare you!" she said, rushing to me again.

This time barehanded.

She threw a punch on my face but I just easily dodge it by tilting my upper body and made a counter attack.


I slapped her left cheek, making it swelling.

"What you did to them are unforgivable!"

She tried to attack me again with her fist but I blocked it with my wrist then,


I slapped her again but this time in the right cheek, making it swell in pain too.

"I'm going to kill you!"


"You bastard!"


"Waaaaah!" she screamed in anger.


"Cana! Gray! Hold Erza and stop her from attacking him."

"Yes, Gramps." they responded at the same time.

Cana and Gray went behind Erza, grabbing her.

"Let me go! I have to kill this guy to save my friends." Erza angrily said, struggling while both of her cheeks are swelling.

She was crying.

This is Jellal's fault for easily being possessed.

Now, I'm being blamed by something that I didn't do. I just wanted to live in peace.

With this happening, I want to go home now.

"Jellal! Release everyone!" she shouted at me.

"I don't know what are you talking about." I replied.

"You bastard!"

"Erza, please stop." Cana said, holding her.

"You have to calm down first before we can ask him." Gray spoke, holding her too.

"Grrrrrr~~~" she was gritting her teeth in anger while glaring at me.

She was growling like a dog.

"What did really happened between Erza and that Jellal you look alike?" Uncle Makarov asked.

"I don't know. Even I knew it, I don't really care. That only between them and I don't have anything to do with it. My goal right now is to find new food recipes for Lolibaba and nothing else." I shrugged my shoulders at her.

"This kid..." Uncle Makarov mumbled.

"Erza stop already!" Gray spoke.

"Leave her alone, if you approach her, she'll bite you. She might also have rabies so it's dangerous." I said.

"I don't know who you are but, please don't provoke her anymore. We're already having hard time to stop her." Cana spoke.

"Oh, before I forget." I glanced at everyone.

"My name is Nero Vermillion. From now on, I will be in your care."

"What?" Erza was completely surprised.

"Erza, right? I'm going to tell you this now to remind you this, I'm not Jellal Fernandes whom you met in somewhere I don't know and I don't care. We might have the same face but I'm completely different to him because I'm more awesome than him."

"Stop lying, Jellal doesn't have any siblings."

"Then, how can I make you believe that I'm not him."


Erza was silent.

"Okay then how about this."

I pointed my palm towards her then,


When blinding light appeared on my palm, I closed my hand.

I felt something soft in my hand.

When I opened my hand, it's was a white cloth.

Suddenly, Erza slightly blushed when she felt something under her skirt.

When I unfolded the white cloth,

"Haha... I hit the jackpot!"

It was a white panties.

Erza hold down her skirt and became flustered.


I spinned her panties on my index finger.

"What now?" I asked.

"I believe in you now. There's no way Jellal turning into pervert like you. Now, please return my panties." she said while embarrassed.

"After what you tried to do to me. You have take it back with effort." I replied.


"Chase after me." I ran away.

"Hey, stop! Give back my panties." she ran following after me outside the guild.

(To be continued.)


(A/N: I'll fix my mistakes later after work.)