
I'm not Jellal but just some guy with a mustache

Reincarnated with a appearance of Jellal but he's not really Jellal but just some guy with a mustache. I'm telling you... Don't expect anything from this fanfic. I'm just writing this for fun to chill out from my harem fanfiction that I'm writing.

Geraint124x · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 02: Tenrou Island

Chapter 02: Tenrou Island

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Don't expect anything from this fanfic as I only do it for fun. I'll only upload once or twice a week because I'm focusing on my main fanfic. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support, and just give the power stone on my other sh*ty fanfic. Thanks.)


(3rd Person's POV)

In a certain small island, there was a girl sitting happily on a tomb. She has very long, wavy, pastel yellow-blonde hair that reaches down to her feet with a small ahoge; large green eyes with no pupils; peachy skin and a slight child-like build.



She sighed then said,

"I'm bored... I wonder if something interesting will happen."

Feeling the breeze of the night suddenly,


Something exploded, making whole island shook.

"What's that?"

She looked at a certain direction of the island.

"Let's check."

She jumped from the tomb then ran barefooted towards the direction of the explosion.

Arriving at location, she saw a large crater.


Looking around the crater, she saw a little boy with blue hair and red tattoo above and under his right eye at the center of the crater.

She went towards the boy and placed her palm on his forehead,

"He seems to be fine and only sleeping but unfortunately, he won't be able to see me without fairy tail guild's insignia."

(Not Jellal's POV)

"Ugh!" I groaned, waking up.

I slowly opened my eyes.

"Huh? Where's this."

I sat up and looked around.

I was at the center of the crater...

I saw blonde girl staring at me.

We looked at each other.

"...Do you need something?" I asked her.


"You can see me?" She was surprised.

"Yes... Is there a problem?"

"No, it's okay. By the way, what's your name little boy?" she asked me.

To think Mavis Vermillion look like child.

"I don't want to be called little boy by a little girl." I commented.

"Hey! Even though I looked like this, I'm actually several times older than you." she retorted.

With this appearance, I don't want to use the name Jellal and also I don't want to use my previous life name. I want to be named something new and cool. I guess I'm being chunni right now. I'll go with being nameless.

"Actually, I don't have name--"

"Liar! You actually have a real name. Just looking at your expression or reaction, I can easily read that you're lying." she said with squinted eyes, staring at me.

As I expected from Fairy Tail Tactician, she very sharp at observation.

But, I can trust her since she's the only one here.

She's alone here means this is Tenrou Island.


"Okay, my name is not Jellal Fernandes."

"Eh? What's with that answer?"

"This body is actually a copy of someone I knew but I'm different." I tried to explain.

"Hmm... So you mean, you're a copy of someone but the soul dwelling inside which is you is different?"

"That's right."

"Then, who are you really?"

"That's why, I'm saying I don't have name."

I walked towards her.

"Huh?" she closed her nose then said, "Hey! Don't come near me. You stink. Go take a bath-- Oh, since, you don't have a name. I shall name you Nero since you stink when you came 'near' me."

"What? How could you come up a name with that all of sudden, Lolibaba? It sounds cool but the way came up with it was really bad." I replied.

"Don't call me Lolibaba, my name is Mavis Vermillion, the only one living here in this island." she complained.


And that's how my name became Nero.

For the time being, I decided to live with Lolibaba in this island since I'm still too young.

I just learned that the age of my body was around eight years old.


Few months later in the Tenrou island's forest, I was practicing my abilities and skills I got from the Yandere goddess.

"Almighty Push!"

*Piyuuuuuuu~* *Boom!* *Rumble*

A repulsive force covered me, pushing everything around me. But it has small area of effect, creating only a shallow crater below me.

"Needs more training."

"What an amazing magic that you're practicing lately. What was that?" Lolibaba asked me while sitting on the branch of the tree.

Since, this is Ninjutsu. I just called it a magic here in this world.

"This one of my magic called Deva Path Magic, it grants the user the ability to manipulate attractive and repulsive forces with objects and people." I explained to her.

"Wow! Can you try it again. I wanted to see a new magic of yours." she requested with her eye twinkling.

"Sure." I responded grinning.

I lifted my right arm, facing the palm towards her.

"Hey! What are you trying to do to me---"

"Universal pull!"


I pulled her towards me, catching her with both of my hands just like a child.

"See, amazing right?" I said.

Suddenly, she trembled then yelled at me angrily.

"What a ungrateful child you are!"

She pounced me several times.

"Hahaha! Sorry, Lolibaba. I just wanted you to feel it yourself." I laughed.

She stopped then spoke while panting.

"If that's one of your magic, it means you have others right?"

"Well, you're right. I have two other magic ability. One is Counter Magic, it enables me to reflect attacks aimed at me back at my opponent, but with more than double the power. Therefore, the stronger my opponent's powers are, the stronger the my power becomes. And other one is Steal Magic, it steals an item from the opponent. The higher luck, the results is more valuable item stolen."

"The Counter Magic is really good for battle but the steal... it's kind of evil." Lolibaba said.

"Lolibaba, it's depends on the user on how he or she use it. Here, how about I try it on you."

"Okay... Come." she said with determination.

I faced my palm towards her and yelled,


Closing my hand, I felt something soft inside.


Lolibaba slowly blushed, holding down her skirt.

Opening my hand, there was a small white cloth.

I unfolded it, holding it with my two hands.

It was pure white panties with pink small frills.

My cheek twitched looking at it.

"What a perverted magic you have. Now, please give me back my underwear." she said while being embarrassed.

It's really that steal.

Do I have a high luck?

Then why did I die just like that and reincarnated here.

I gave back Lolibaba's underwear.

From here on, I spent my time living here in the island together with Lolibaba.

My life here was to train my abilities and play with Lolibaba like a child if I have free time. To survive in the island, I have to improvise, adapt and overcome everything.

As my relationship with Lolibaba's became really good just like a family, she's been treating me like a grandson. I didn't really mind since I don't have a family and also I'm alone in this world.

Growing up here, she started teaching me the Three Great Magics of Fairy Tail. It took me a more than two year and half to learn Fairy Law, Fairy Glitter and Fairy Sphere.

Lolibaba taught me Fairy Law carefully because it will do something dangerous to the user if it's done incompletely.

She was completely shock when I learned and used it perfectly for more than two years together with Fairy Glitter and Fairy Sphere.

And after three years has been passed, Lolibaba and I are sitting on a tomb, eating together with the food I cooked.

A grilled meat and grilled fish skewers.


"Lolibaba, do you have anymore magic I can learn from you? Uhmm... Not bad." I asked, biting the grilled fish.

*Munch* *Munch*

"You're so greedy, Nero. You already learned most of my strongest magic. You should be contented already. Uhm... Yummy..." Lolibaba responded as she took a bite on a grilled meat, munching with satisfaction.

(To be continued.)


(A/N: I'll be fixing my mistakes later after work.)