
Is she a Saint?

*Helena's heart skipped a beat as she heard the news. Dawood's body had been found, unconscious and severely injured, but alive. She felt a rush of relief and hope, but also a pang of fear. He was severely injured, and two days away from her. She knew she had to get to him as soon as possible*

The girl is as beautiful as a heavenly eternal being, undescribable by only words, she kissed him and got water out from his lungs with smooch she kept doing that for 20 minutes and also giving him breath*

*As the report continued, Helena's eyes widened in surprise. The girl who had saved Dawood was beautiful enough to defy description. She had kissed him, giving him life-saving breaths and getting water out of his lungs for twenty minutes. Helena's heart ached with a mixture of gratitude and jealousy.*

She was wearing a while hair band which looks like royal hairband so gorgeous, and a white cloth on her chest and a white cloth on her lower body.

*Helena couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as the report described the girl's appearance. She was wearing a white hair band that looked like something royalty would wear, and a white cloth around her chest and lower body. Despite her jealousy, she felt immense gratitude towards the girl for saving Dawood's life.*

*few minutes later Dawood opened his eyes but unable to do anything, even move his eyes*

*Helena's heart ached as the report continued. Dawood had awoken, but he was unable to move or even look around. She could only imagine the state he was in, severely injured and unable to speak. She longed to be by his side, to hold him in her arms and reassure him that everything would be alright.*

*The girls name was Zara, she was so charismatic, she gently removed and took off Dawood's shirt, and started putting some leafs and it's paste on his wounds with her gentle fingers*

*Helena clenched her fists as she heard the report about Zara. The girl seemed to be taking care of Dawood with great tenderness and care. She could envision the scene in her mind - Zara gently removing Dawood's shirt, revealing the wounds on his body, and applying some sort of paste made from leaves to his injuries. It should have been her taking care of him, not some random girl he had met in the middle of nowhere.*

*But at the same time, she couldn't help but feel grateful towards Zara for saving his life. The girl was skilled in first aid and had a gentle touch, tending to his injuries with patience and compassion. Helena knew that without Zara, Dawood might not have survived. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but it was the truth.*

*she again smooched him for few minutes to empty the water and also give him some relief of his wounds*

*Helena felt her heart ache at the thought of Zara kissing Dawood, giving him life-saving breaths and relieving his pain. She tried to ignore the knot of jealousy and anger that was forming in her stomach. She knew that Zara was just trying to help him, but she couldn't shake the feeling that it should have been her taking care of him, comforting him, and helping him heal.*

*She bit her lip, trying to push away the negative thoughts. She knew that she should be grateful to Zara for saving Dawood's life, but it was hard to overcome the wave of jealousy and possessiveness that washed over her. She wanted to be the one who was taking care of him, tending to his wounds, and seeing him recover to full health.*

*Then Zara slowly put a blanket on his body*

*Helena felt a pang of gratitude towards Zara as the news report described her actions. Putting a blanket over Dawood's body was such a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes about her kindness and care. She could imagine the scene in her mind - Zara gently placing the blanket over Dawood, covering his body and providing him with some measure of comfort and warmth.*

*Some of the other 2 girls who were also so pretty and same age arrived with their very old master to see the boy who was gotten in this unknown village by the world out of nowhere, the both girls tried to reach Dawood and Zara asked them to stay at some space as she will take care of him, Zara seems unaware of his relationship and marriage and it seems like she started liking him a little even though she remained stoic*

*Helena felt a pang of annoyance as the report continued to mention the presence of two other girls who had arrived with an older man. They were just as beautiful as Zara, and it seemed like they were all curious about Dawood. She clenched her fists as Zara asked them to stay back, claiming that she would take care of him. Helena couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the thought of Zara developing feelings for Dawood, even if it was just a small inkling.*

*Then they placed Dawood in the room, where Zara said she will take care of him, the drone can't capture the inside view or news*

*Helena cursed inwardly as the news report informed her that Dawood had been taken inside and that the drone could no longer capture any further footage. She had no idea what was going on inside the room, and it drove her crazy with worry and jealousy. She couldn't help but wonder what was happening between Dawood and Zara, and if he was receiving the care he needed.*

*She sat there on the bed, staring at the empty room, her mind racing with thoughts and emotions. She felt helpless and powerless, unable to do anything to help the man she loved. She knew that she had to wait until she could get to him, but the waiting was torture.*

*Her mind wandered to the scene from a few minutes ago, where Zara had gently applied the paste to Dawood's wounds, her fingers moving with a practiced and gentle touch. Helena couldn't help but imagine the feeling of her own fingers running over his skin, tending to his injuries and providing him with comfort.*

*She closed her eyes, picturing the look on Zara's face as she leaned over Dawood, their lips millimeters apart as she breathed life into him. Helena felt a wave of jealousy and anger wash over her again, but she tried to push it away. She knew that Zara was just taking care of Dawood and that she had no malicious intentions.*

*After few moments the master and the two girls also arrived in the room with staches and other necessary materials, but it seems like they don't have any medicine to intoxicate him*

*Helena's attention was drawn back to the TV as the report continued. The master and the two girls had entered the room, carrying various supplies with them. But the word "intoxicate" caught her attention. Why would they need medicine to intoxicate him?*

*The old man said we have to, swing his wounds, and cut the meat parts which have became insolent now, Zara lowered her head, and the two girls seems furious*

*Helena felt a wave of dread wash over her as the news report revealed the old man's words. They had to cut the meat from his wounds? That sounded barbaric. And Zara had lowered her head in response. What was going on in there?*

*She clenched her fists as she imagined the scene unfolding inside the room. The thought of Dawood being subjected to such primitive treatment made her stomach churn. She wanted to be there with him, to protect him and help him, but she was stuck watching from afar.*

*She couldn't understand why they were considering such a drastic measure. Surely there must be another way to treat his wounds? Maybe they were lacking proper medical supplies or knowledge. But she couldn't bear the thought of Dawood being subjected to such painful and primitive treatment.*

*She was torn between the desire to watch and find out more about what was happening inside the room, and the desire to look away and spare herself from the sight of Dawood being hurt. But ultimately, her worry and anxiety won out, and she kept watching, hoping for any further update or sign of progress.*

*Then suddenly the screams can be heard from the room*


This scream is:

- Blood-curdling: The sound sends chills down the spine, evoking a sense of raw terror.

- Soul-shattering: The intensity of the scream suggests a depth of pain and anguish that threatens to shatter the very fabric of one's being.

- Earth-shaking: The roar is so loud and powerful that it seems to reverberate through the ground itself, leaving a lasting impact on the environment.

- Primal: The scream is a raw, instinctual expression of pain and rage, untainted by rational thought or restraint.

- Unbridled: The cry is un contained, unrelenting, and unapologetic, pouring out like a torrential flood.

- Jagged: The sound is sharp and serrated, like a jagged blade tearing through the air.

- Defiant: Despite the overwhelming pain and anguish, the scream conveys a fierce determination to resist, to fight back, and to overcome.

This scream is a testament to the unyielding resilience of the human spirit, a refusal to surrender to the abyss of despair, and a fierce determination to rise above the agony and forge a new path.

*Helena's heart stopped as she heard the blood-curdling scream coming from the room. It was like nothing she had ever heard before, a primal cry of such intense pain and anguish that it sent chills down her spine. She felt a surge of terror and anxiety wash over her, her heart racing as she desperately wanted to know what was happening to Dawood.*

*The scream was so loud and powerful that it seemed to shake the very air around her. She could almost feel it in her bones, reverberating through her body like a bolt of lightning. The scream was a raw and primal expression of pain and rage, a cry of primal suffering that seemed to transcend time and space.*

*She clenched her hands into fists as the scream echoed in her ears, the sound cutting through her like a knife. It was the sound of a warrior being overwhelmed by pain, a fierce fighter brought to his knees, but still determined to fight on. It was both terrifying and admirable at the same time.*

*She couldn't believe that the sound was coming from Dawood. She had never heard him scream like that before, and it was almost unbearable to listen to. She wanted to shield her ears, to block out the sound, but she couldn't tear her gaze away from the screen.*

*He screamed for almost half an hour because of his strong and resilient nature he was unable to go unconscious out of pain either which caused him very harm and was in full awareness of current situation and feeling everything till the end of process of 30 minutes*

*Helena was shocked and horrified hearing this information about Dawood's situation. He had been screaming in pain for half an hour? And he was still fully conscious, feeling every single moment of it? She couldn't even begin to imagine the agony he must be going through.*

*She felt a wave of nausea wash over her as she tried to imagine what Dawood was going through. The thought of him enduring such excruciating pain for so long, with no reprieve or relief, was almost too much to bear. She felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes as she imagined him writhing in pain, his face twisted in agony, his cries echoing through the room.*

*She desperately wanted to be there with him, to hold his hand and provide some comfort. But she was stuck watching from afar, helpless and powerless to do anything to ease his suffering. She couldn't stand the thought of him being alone in there, in so much pain and scared.*

*but after that they bring him out in the sight of drone*

Dawood is covered with bandages that are a stark white, wrapping his body like a shroud. They cover his arms, torso, and legs, with layers of gauze wrapped around his limbs like a mummy. The bandages are worn and frayed, with hints of bloodstains and dirt accumulated over time. They seem to be a permanent fixture on his body, a symbol of his troubled past and his penchant for self-destruction.

The bandages are wrapped haphazardly, as if applied in a state of urgency or desperation. They're loose in some areas, revealing glimpses of his pale skin underneath, while being tightly wound in others, creating bulges and ridges that accentuate his lean physique.

Dawood's face is also partially covered, with bandages wrapped around his forehead, nose, and mouth. His eyes, however, remain uncovered, gleaming with a mischievous intensity that belies the darkness beneath. The bandages have become an integral part of his identity, a testament to his tumultuous history and his willingness to embrace his own darkness.

The overall effect is one of macabre elegance, as if Dawood has transformed his own body into a work of art, a living embodiment of his own morbidity and fascination with death. The bandages have become an iconic part of his image, a visual representation of the turmoil that lies beneath his charismatic exterior.

*Helena gasped aloud as she saw Dawood's battered and bandaged body come into view on the screen. She felt a pang of sadness and sympathy seeing him like that. The bandages were a stark reminder of the pain and suffering he must have endured, and the way they were wrapped around him like a makeshift mummy was both fascinating and disturbing at the same time.*

*She couldn't believe how pale his skin looked beneath the bandages, and she could see the tension in certain areas where the bandages were taut. She could only imagine the pain he had gone through during his scream treatment. And his face was partially covered as well, with only his eyes visible. They shone with a determination and a hint of humor that was quintessential Dawood.*

*The way the bandages framed his lean physique and enhanced the angular lines of his features was almost artistic, like a twisted form of body art. But it was also a stark reminder of the darkness and turmoil within him, the self-destruction and penchant for danger that had led him to this point.*

*After few hours when Dawood got fully conscious*

Dawood , his usual elegance and poise replaced by a grimace of pain, stumbled backwards down the stairs, his body battered and bruised. Blood streamed down his face, his eyes glassy and unfocused.

Despite his obvious weakness, Dawood's eyes blazed with a fierce determination, his jaw clenched in a stubborn refusal to yield. He struggled to free himself from Zara's desperate grasp, his friend's arms wrapped around his chest in a tight hold.

"Dawood, no! You can't keep fighting!" Zara's voice was laced with panic, his eyes wide with fear as he tried to restrain the injured captain.

Dawood i's response was a snarl, his teeth bared in a feral growl. "Let me go, Lady! I have to...I have to protect..."

His words trailed off into a cough, blood spattering from his lips as he struggled to draw breath. Zara's grip only tightened, his own strength fueled by desperation with the help of another girl.

The two friends stumbled down the stairs, a macabre waltz of death and determination, as the battle raged on around them. Dawood's eyes never left the fight, his spirit unbroken even as his body faltered. Zara's tears mingled with Dawood i's blood, hee heart heavy with the weight of his friend's unyielding resolve.

The boy Dawood also caring, so calm, charming, how can he turn like this, this shows his care and bravery for his loved ones.

*Helena watched the scene unfold on the screen, her heart in her throat. Seeing Dawood in such a state was almost too much to bear. The blood running down his face, his eyes glazed and unfocused, the snarl and growl as he tried to break free from Zara's grip...it was all too much. But what struck her the most was the determination in his eyes, the refusal to give up and the fierce protective instinct.*

*She could almost feel Zara's panic and desperation as he struggled to keep hold of Dawood, the fear in his eyes evident even through the screen. And Dawood's words, "I have to protect..." It was a stark reminder of the unwavering loyalty and bravery that she had always admired in him. But she couldn't help but wonder what or who he was trying to protect. And the sight of his blood mingling with Zara's tears was almost too painful to watch.*

*The whole scene was a macabre spectacle, like a twisted dance of life and death. But in the midst of it all, there was Dawood, his body battered and broken, but his spirit still fighting. It was both inspiring and heartbreaking to see him like this. And the thought that he had screamed for half an hour without passing out only made it worse. It was proof of his incredible strength and resilience, but also a stark reminder of the pain he had endured.*