
I have planned this

Ohh is it ready dear?

*She glances up as the tea kettle whistles.*

"Almost," she says, pouring the hot water into two cups. "Just let it steep for a few minutes."

*She hands him a cup of tea and takes a seat across from him, eyeing him curiously.*

*She can't help but notice that he still seems restless, his leg bouncing under the table.*

"Is everything okay?" she asks, concern in her voice. "You seem distracted and tense."

Yeah I'm okay *gives a smile*

*She frowns, not entirely convinced by his answer.*

"You sure? You're bouncing your leg and checking your phone every two minutes. Something's up, I can tell."

Bring me my knife and pistol from the cupboard.

*She raises an eyebrow, perplexed by his sudden request. But she obeys, going to the cupboard and retrieving his knife and pistol, handing it over to him.*

"Here you go, what's going on?"

I have to clean them.

*She looks at him quizzically, wondering why he needs to clean his weapons right now. But she decides to not question it too much.*

"Okay, just be careful," she says, watching him start cleaning the weapons.

*disarms the riffles and pistol and knife totally then cleanse them properly and rearrange them after that he puts magazines, bullets and prepare them totally*

*She watches him work, impressed by his precision and attention to detail. Despite his earlier strange behavior, he seems very focused and efficient now. She feels a pang of concern, wondering if he's expecting some kind of emergency or dangerous situation.*

*A call from headquarter, sir the soldiers, weaponry and everything is getting prepared, we will be ready till late night*

*She listens in, her frown deepening as she hears the news. It seems like something big is happening, and her worry for Dawood's safety grows even more.*

*She can't help but feel anxious, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios. She watches Dawood continue to prepare his weapons and gear, his expression focused and determined.*

Are my shoes polished and prepared?

*She nods.*

"Yes, I polished your shoes earlier. They're sitting by the door," she says, pointing in the general direction. "Everything's ready for you. Are you sure you're okay?"

Yes I'm okay, but my enemies won't be!

*She tries to muster a small smile, but her concern shows on her face.*

"I know you'll handle them," she says. "You're the best at what you do. Just... promise me you'll be careful, okay?"

I have no guarantee this time.

*Her heart sinks at his words, dread settling in her stomach.*

"What do you mean?" she asks, her voice suddenly shaky. "Why is this time different?"

This time it's totally different, it's not a normal operation.

*She swallows hard, the ominous tone of his words leaving her feeling more worried than ever.*

"Different how?" she asks, her eyes searching his face for any hint of reassurance.

I have declared a war!

*Her eyes widen in shock, the seriousness of his statement hitting her like a ton of bricks. She pales, feeling a cold sense of dread wash over her.*

"You... you what?" she whispers, her voice trembling.

Yes that's why I was asking you to not waste my energy, now it's my time to give my best.

*She falls silent for a moment, grappling with the enormity of what he's saying. Tears prick at her eyes as the reality of the situation sinks in.*

"But... but what if something happens to you?" she asks, her voice choked with emotion.

Everyone has to die, so what if I die now, even though I Dawood don't want to die, I don't fear death either.

*She takes a shaky breath, trying to hold back tears.*

"But... but what about me?" She whispers, her voice barely audible. "What will I do if something happens to you? You're my everything."

I have already named all my money and property and everything to you.

*She shakes her head, not caring about his possessions.*

"I don't care about your money and property," she says, her voice wavering. "I care about you, about having you by my side. I can't bear the thought of losing you."

*She looks at him desperately, tears streaming down her face.*

"Please... please don't do this," she begs, her voice cracking. "Please don't go to war. I can't handle the thought of something happening to you. I need you."

I will come alive!

*She forces herself to meet his gaze, trying to hold onto hope despite her fear and worry.*

"But how can you guarantee that?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. "How can you promise me that you'll come back alive?"

I have planned everything from the beginning, for 5 years when I was 15, there is a whole army of them of 300 people.

*She listens to him, both amazed and terrified by his detailed planning. She can see the determination in his eyes, but it does little to ease her anxiety.*

"300 people..." she breathes, her voice trembling. "That's a lot, Dawood. What if something goes wrong?"

This time it will not go wrong, even though we are 30, but this time I have forced government to provide army personnel, and they'll send 600 soldiers, I have already controlled their enter and exit, the food supplies and water and I have already did many things, they are at my mercy now.

*She's speechless for a moment, trying to process the enormity of his plan. It's both impressive and terrifying, and she can't help but admire his strategic mindset.*

"You've planned everything..." she whispers, her voice filled with awe and trepidation. "But even with all that, what if something unexpected happens? What if there's a variable you can't control?"

What could that be?

*She takes a shaky breath, searching for the right words.*

"I don't know," she admits, her voice trembling. "It could be anything. A surprise attack, a betrayal, an equipment malfunction, anything. No plan is foolproof, and anything can go wrong in war."

Then I'll face it.

*She looks at him, her eyes filled with worry and love.*

"But what if you can't?" she asks, her voice breaking. "What if you come up against something you can't handle? Something that's too much even for you?"

If I will be too scared, I would never leave the home.

*She closes her eyes, feeling a surge of helplessness and sadness wash over her.*

"I'm not saying you're scared," she says softly. "I know you're brave. But bravery can only take you so far. Even the bravest soldiers can be killed in war."

If death is not written, it protects life itself and if death is the fate, life itself embraces it, if death only causes in the war, the greatest warriors would have never died in their bed.

*She sighs, knowing there's no point in arguing with him. Once Dawood has his mind set on something, there's no changing it.*

"Just... please be careful," she whispers, her voice choked with emotion. "Promise me you'll do everything you can to come back alive."

They simply can't kill me, even all of their strength can't kill me.

*She desperately wants to believe him, to cling onto his confidence and security. But the fear and worry eating at her heart won't let her.*

"Please, don't underestimate them," she says, her voice trembling "No matter how confident you are, anything can happen in war."

Today they will face the enemy, who adores death as much as they adore life.

*She tries to quell her fears, taking a deep breath. But the thought of him facing danger haunts her, her mind conjuring up worst-case scenarios.*

"I know you're brave, and I know you embrace death," she says softly. "But that doesn't make it any easier for me. I love you. I don't want to lose you."

Hmm... Then come fight along with me.

*She looks at him in shock, completely taken aback by his unexpected suggestion.*

"What?" she gasps, her eyes wide. "You want me to fight with you?"


*She shakes her head vigorously, feeling a mix of fear and disbelief.*

"No, I can't," she says, her voice trembling. "I don't know how to fight. I've never even held a gun before. I'd just be a liability."

Come on I'm just messing with you.

*She lets out a shaky laugh, feeling a mixture of relief and annoyance.*

"You scared me," she says, placing a hand on her heart. "I thought you were seriously asking me to fight with you."

How can I send my dear to the place like that, when all I'm doing this is to protect her.

*She softens at his words, touched by his protective nature. She can see the determination and care in his eyes.*

"I know you want to protect me," she says quietly. "That's why it scares me so much to think of you going to war."

Don't worry I still have tomorrow's day, I'll go a day after tomorrow.

*She nods slowly, her heart heavy. She knows he'll go no matter what she says, but she can't help but feel anxious.*

"Just... be safe, okay?" she whispers, her voice small and shaky.

Don't worry everything will be fine.

*She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts.*

"I wish I could believe that," she says softly, her voice tinged with worry. "I wish I could be as confident as you are."

Helena, why do you care for me as much as you do? *His voice was calm but a feeling of sadness*

*She looks at him, her expression puzzled by his question.*

"What kind of question is that?" she asks, her voice soft. "Why wouldn't I care for you? You're the most important person in my life. You're my everything."

*picks up his pistol and knife and riffles and palaces them properly on his coat, paint and leg.

*She watches him put on his gear, her heart heavy. The sight of him fully armed and ready for war fills her with both awe and dread.*

I'm ready.