
A wuxia fanatic's dream

I remember a bright light suddenly appearing in front on me, all i thought was that it is just the rays of the suns as it was the day when it happened.

Now, what am i doing in this huge room with large walls and pillars that looks like it is embedded with rare gems and even gold.

Looking around me, i don't see anybody, it's just a highly decorated room with no one at all, even the floor is shining and it looks so expensive too.

Being in here for about an hour now, looking at the plants, pictures and reading the books I've realized that i am now transported to another world, but not just a ordinary world, it is a world of cultivators.

As a wuxia fanatic, this is the best possible thing that could happen to me, all of my time wasted on reading wuxias back on earth might make me the strongest immortal in this world. All i feel is excitement now, i want to cultivate immediately as soon as i can.

"Right, the books in here they might have martial skills and cultivation techniques, even though i have knowledge in cultivating due to reading a lot of stories it might not work in here and i could hurt myself, so i better just go search the books in here. "

After 2 hours has passed i finally found books that can help me cultivate, although the contents of the book tells that it is the most basic of cultivation techniques it is still better than nothing.

"I wish i have gotten a mythical tier cultivation technique though" he spoke followed by a sigh.

With a lot excitement he grined and started to read and understand the contents of the books he just got.

While being so absorbed in reading the book, a man inside the chamber of the room, woke up and felt the presence of a man other than him residing in his place.

Our mc didn't notice this chamber when he was looking at the place as it was surrounded by lot of runes that makes it invisible.

The man who just woke up, immediately released his aura to make the mc know that he isn't supposed to be in here. As the man is already at the peak of enlightment stage he was able to control his aura just to send of a message.

With a overpowering tone he conveyed the message "Child, speak what is your name and purpose in here. I am ___________ the sect master of the True path sect."

Scared, our mc quickly replied and spoke so fast to plead for his life.

"Sect master, i am just a mortal named Miso please don't kill me, i don't know why i am here all i know is that i got transported in here somehow. I will leave right now as soon as i find the way out, please have mercy on me."

"I understand and i can feel that you are not lying, my servants will lead you out after i call them"

As soon as the the sect leader finish speaking, he decided to get out of his chamber to meet Miso. After reaching the door he released an aura again, this time a lot stronger to activate the runes that also serves as something like a finger print scanner to open the door.

A loud noise was heard as the door opens. Startling miso, which made him instantly put back the book he was reading and sat on the chair nearby.

Sweating because of anxiety, Miso sat on the chair like nothing happened. As soon as the sect leader gets out of the chamber, Miso immediately stood up and greeted the sect leader.

"Greetings sect master, i am miso the mortal"

He spoke just like the how he remembers those heroes in the stories that he have read, although because of the nervousness he just sounded ridiculous.

The sect leader laughs loudly.

"Child what kind of formality is that. Just don't be formal i know your just a mortal and you don't know anything about formalities."

"I'm sorry sect master, i will be just casual as possible. By the way sect master i know this might sound disrespectful but can you please repeat your name, some kind of noise blocked my hear making it sound gibberish"

The sect master looked at miso for a few moment and then raised his two finger lightly in the air. This action was a command sent using aura to order the servants to bring tea in the room.

After that the sect master walks toward miso and sat at the table across miso.

A few minutes have pass miso is already so anxious, he is currently thinking that he might have offended the sect master but he isn't showing it on his face.

The sect master and miso didn't just sat there and looked at each other for a few minutes, the sect master actually told miso about the world where he currently is.

The name of the world were Miso currently is, was Detres a place where cultivators exist, and the continent he was in is Paltros which is divided by 5 kingdoms.

As soon as the servants comes in and served the tea, the sect masters expression suddenly became serious.

My first time ever writting a novel. The story might be hard to understand because this is my first time doing this and also i don't read novels which makes me have no idea how to write one, lastly because I'm writing this 12 am and my thoughts are so scattered LMAOO

I will clarify things on the next chapter also pls critise so i can gain insights.

DefinitelyPuncreators' thoughts