
Where Am I ?

Hi my name is Charles but my friends call me Charlie, I was living a normal boring life until I crashed in to a cursed into something I don't remember what it was but let me get to point now I am somewhere in Japan I think.

when i open my eyes i thought i was dead, then i looked around and i realize that it was not hell, i know that no way in hell I'm going to heaven so.

I stood up and looked around and saw a road so i walked towards it, the place was beautiful, butterflies, flowers everywhere i was mesmerized .

I heard someone yelling so I turned around, and i saw a person on a horse coming in my direction, he fell down.

i ran towards him and tried to help him, he had an arrow trough his chest and i was like WTF!, and i told him to wait, i will call an ambulance, he looked at me and handed a piece of paper, it had something written on it i didn't know what language was that, like in the movies ,he died!

I tried to find my phone but i couldn't find it ,i went crazy ,i yelled at the top of my lungs"my Iphone i worked hard for it why God,why....!

then i remembered something, i looked at the guy ,I know i will get in trouble if i leave him there or took him with me. anyway the both road leads to trouble, but i lifted him and started to walk (man he was heavy) after sometime i saw his horse , i gave the burden of carrying him to the horse and walked beside them because i don't know how to ride a horse.

After a hour of nonstop walk we reached somewhere ,there was a huge gate like in the old Chinese movies .

The gate was a little opened so i pushed and opened a little more and we walked in to it but the site was horrific, dead bodies everywhere the smell of decaying bodies was so strong, i can even smell after i covered my face with my clothes, i wanted to get the hell out of there as soon as possible.

I felt a hit on my head i turned around it was all so blurred ,then i woke up in a prison, everyone looked like a monster.

someone came to my cell and said something and tied my hands and pushed me out, i told him, you got the wrong guy but no reaction ,a guy came to me and asked me something and i was like yep mathematics!

Another dude came to me he was dressed like a wizard and again not a single word was understandable, I told him "bro i don't know your language you know English ?"

he raised his arm and something happened like out of the blue a stick came, it had a red Cristal on top of it, he smacked it on my head, it was painful. then he looked at me and asked me

"do you understand me now ?"

and i said, ya you idiot!

he looked at me and asked me, holding the piece of paper that was given by the horseman, how did i got that .I told them everything that happened .The wizard asked me what was my name and i gave it him and he said my name was odd and i asked his name, now that's an odd name Gavo.

he told me that he knew I'm not of that world ,so he'll fill in the history after lunch, well who could say no to food! while we eat Gavo asked me if i had any combat experience .i said yes i have, I'm a karate black belt (not even a yellow just faking it to get respect but did i know what have i done to myself)

then he hit me with this," you will join the Royal army, we are looking for people with combat experience, there is a war coming we need every able person to help us"

after the meal he starts the history lesson .

it been roughly a 1000 years our country was a peaceful country all was good until one day those begins came to our country ,all was lost they were evil, they had no shame,no honor, they molested the women and made our children slaves.

we tried to fight back but they were too powerful ,they nearly took over the world but so many people fought back .

we knew magic but never used it for combat but we used it. there are different kinds of magic users but all fought together without lookin at their difference. the war was turning, we were winning but then he came, the Demon King, he came with monsters that so strong, they went pass our defense like nothing, the war went for over a 100years, everywhere there was only blood and ashes from that ashes a Hero arose ,he fought with the Demon King.

the battle was so fierce even the demons were scared, their battle lasted for a year .The Demon King was severely damaged also our Hero.

the Demon King retreated the war was finally over as we thought, the peace lasted for 500 years. The Demon King and his army of demons and monsters attacked our lands once again, this time they thought It will be victory but the hero's descendants proved that they can protect our land, it's people, but now the last descendant of the great Hero is missing,we must find her before the demons finds her and kill's her!

now that you know the history of this world and present, now will you help us ? save our Queen and thus save humanity!

(well as much as I wanted to say no I said yes)

then after sometime of thinking I realized something that,

where the hell am I ?

after talking to Gavo ,I knew that I'm in a world known as Masil where magical creatures coexist with humans and demons .

all are divided into groups based on strength and powers goes like the lowest is C grade above is B then A then S And the most powerful SS grade ,The Demon king and the Legendary Hero was SS level after them none has reached that level .

well for me I'm not even a C level so they told me to continue my training until I'm at lest strong enough to help a person next to me .

Gavo took me to a room to check my powers but as expected I had none to tell you all the truth I was a little sad .

I trained for a year still no powers but my body looks like it's carved in marble

if I was a model girls would have died for me hehe .

suddenly I felt a shockwave and saw people running towards the defense tower and the big bell fell down the sirens went off suddenly all stopped I could see the demons coming I lifted my sword and stood there they came running towards me

I sliced one down chopped ones head off I felt a pain in my back and a sword come out my stomach I suddenly turned around and put my sword in that demon's mouth and I fell down blood was flowing trough the wound it was dripping from the sword like a half opened tap i closed my eyes....

wait for the next chapter😀😀