
The Gargoyle

I been traveling for some time now in this desert now nothing to eat no water left , If am alive its because of my healing power or else I'll be dead by now .

After two days of walking without any food or water I reached the city of yodha (city of warriors) there was a big crowd everywhere I look and lot of arenas too. some people fought for money and some for the thrill of it .I was too hungry to fight but what to do no money ,so I thought I'll kick some but and make some money but there was something else, I had to pay registration fee to fight .now that was bad because I don't have money in the first place remember?

my stomach started to make sounds ,a little girl came to me and told me that some bullies are bullying her moter and destroying their shop,she begged me to help her . I went with her when we reached there half of the store was destroyed .

she took a loan from someone ,now he wants her and the store to be his when she refused his "offer" he got angry and sent mercenaries to destroy the shop and beat her up, I walked in and said stop this or everyone is going to die they looked at me laughed and said what are you going to do you are only one person I said even if I am alone I am more than enough to kill you all, I will give you all a last chance to Retreat or what happens next will be on you guys, they asked me who do you think you are? I replied to them that I am the Maniac, they laugh at me and said then we are Kagaz! I said to them I will give you all a last chance to escape,they ignored me and continued their Carnage (in a low voice) I am going to kill you all now!. everything slowed down I want towards them grab one by the neck and threw outside and other one by the leg and slammed him to the ground and threw him outside grabbed others two by their hands and slammed them to each other and dragged them out of the shop I did this all at a speed that for everyone else they blinked and we all were outside all mercenaries were half dead laying on the floor they couldn't believe their eyes what has happened no one knew what was going on . I asked the mercenaries to pay for the damage that they cause otherwise the life that left in them will be taken as well . I walk towards the kid and said to her that you don't need to be afraid anymore these bullies won't hurt you or your mother from now on, take care bye ,when I stood up and was going to walk away my stomach made grumbling noise again ,I smile and asked the lady if there was something to eat, she smiled and said yes please come in .

man that was some good food I had in agess I said thanks for the food and was leaving she asked me where was I staying I said to her I am not going to stay anywhere I don't stay in one place more than one day .the little girl came to me with a pendant and give it to me and said" something to Remember us in your travel" I smiled and took it when I walked out there was some kind of commotion going on I asked a person what is going on and he said to me that the legendary maniac is in the town and he is going to participate in the contest of power, and i was like really the legendary maniac is going to participate in the contest then no one else could win this year right ?he said this with a pride. hey Sir yeah maybe but we have our own legends the Scarlet Knight is strongest in the city of Yodha there's a lot of power houses that are participating in this year's tournament anything can happen!. I asked them how much do I have to pay to participate they said that I don't have to pay anything I just have to pass the qualification and I can enter competition that gave me so much joy I ask where are the qualification test I went there and took the test it was rather easy for me because all of that was to see how much strength do I have but I did not overshoot anything I just cause I'm perfect mark to get me to the next stage the competitions started in my first match was against some B level being I was suppressing my energy so she thought I will be a pushover and she said get off the stage or you are going to get hurt I smiled and said the same thing she grinded her teeth together came at me with all her strength she was planning to kill me I evaded the and kicked her of the stage everyone thought it was a fluke the next fight was between the so-called Maniac and some guy in the level B he was strong but the maniac defeated him in the end everybody was so thrilled to see this but I looked around and saw some people were disappointed in the fight they were also the contestants fights continued it went for an hour and finally it was my time to fight again I went into the stage and everybody was throwing tomatoes at me I don't know why and was cheering for that guy in front of me his name was Scarlet Knight I thought I get them a show the referee ask me if I wanted to quit the fight because the level difference between us vas too much I told the sorry it is ok I can power if you want everybody was shocked to hear that the Scarlet Knight was at the level A people started screaming and said to me stop bluffing and get the hell out of here you cheater I smiled at them and powered up to the level A everybody was shocked at what they saw I asked him Shall We Dance he said it will be my pleasure the gargoyle I was surprised that you know who I was I asked him how did you know it was me he said I was his inspiration so how would I not recognise my hero this is my dream to fight you and see how much strength you really possess I said to him then there is no point in holding back I will go out on you ,you do the same the crowd was speechless we started to fight the first kick I blocked it but it was so strong it made a crater on ground I punched him back but he blocked it hit made a shock wave everyone felt it some even fell down because of the shear force that was being created by our fight I said to him the warm up is over are you ready to fight he smiled and said yes after you we both floated and started fighting the fight continued for over an hour none of us was holding anything back that what the people thought but I knew I was holding back and I knew he was too I said to him cut the crap don't hold back on me or I will destroy you I was starting to get angry he said to me that you are doing the same thing also I told him if you my full power I will give it to you powered up to 80% hey why did to me and punched my face I stood the like nothing happened to me I slap him back he fell to the ground and was coughing blood he said that he was sorry to challenge the Great gargoyle I smile and say I see a great future for you if you're train even harder you might even become stronger than me I stepped down from the stage and set I quit everybody was shocked I flew out of there in an instant in my travel came across some Demons I landed there and was going to kill them but some kind of energy passed through I was unconscious when I opened my eyes I saw a big demon in front of me he asked me if I do not want to go back to my home even before I can react to that same kind of energy again when I open my eyes this time I was laying on a bed I looked around and I know this I was in a hospital I couldn't believe what happened a nurse screamed to the doctor that I was awake the doctor said to me I was in coma for more than a year all that happened was just my dream couldn't believe it ask the doctor what day it was she said it was 2020 July 13 day before my birthday my father was outside ok mean he was happy see me again my sister was in Australia when she heard the news she came to meet me again the night I still couldn't believe that all that happened was just in my head but my body its felt the same when I was in that world I tried to fly but I couldn't in anger I punched the wall it shattered like a piece of glass then I realised that it was not a dream it was all real but I don't know how to go back to the world where I found my place I jumped out of the hospital twelve stories high and I ran to the place where I had my accident but it was all changed that place is now aconstruction site for some company

stay tuned for the next chapter👍👍😘