
I'm Not A Hero Nor A Villain! I Am Me

Waiting for rewrite

JosieGan · Eastern
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173 Chs



Tang Xiao's sudden shout startled Tang Yin and Xiao Ai, then Tang Yin asked in confusion. "What's the matter, husband?"

"I do not know." Tang Xiao replied with a shake of his head, then he explained. "I heard a woman calling me in my mind, but I couldn't understand what she was saying, because I had never heard her language before."

[A woman?]

"A woman?"

Tang Yin and Xiao Ai asked at the same time, and it confused them. Especially Xiao Ai who had lived within the Ark for a very long time, but she had never encountered any strange occurrences.

{Help Me}


Tang Xiao waved his hand to stop Xiao Ai. "She called me again, but this time I could understand her words, and she said 'Help Me'."

{Help Me}

"Where are you?" Tang Xiao shouted, as he circled around the area, then asked Xiao Ai. "Do you know anything about this, Xiao Ai?"

Xiao Ai shook her head and replied. [I don't know, Master. It's also my first time experiencing a strange occurrence like this, and Old Master has never experienced it before either.]

Xiao Ai herself found it strange, because Old Tang Xiao and Young Tang Xiao were the same person, but what they experienced was different. 'Is it because of the effect of the Old Master's technique? Since he went back in time, then it rewrites the past differently?'

{Help Me}

Suddenly a red light flashed from a piece of equipment, Tang Xiao then turned his head towards the light. And his eyes were instantly fixed on a gold necklace with a red stone hanging on the wall some distance away from them, and the necklace continuously gave off a red glow.

"What is that necklace, Xiao Ai?" He asked Xiao Ai as his finger pointed at the necklace.

Xiao Ai then searched her database for information about the necklace for a while, and then answered him. [There is no definite record of the necklace in my database, Master.]

{Help Me}

Tang Xiao sighed softly, then he walked towards the necklace, Tang Yin and Xiao Ai also followed him.

When they got there, Tang Xiao was about to touch the necklace directly, but Tang Yin immediately grabbed his hand, and reminded him. "Are you sure you want to take this necklace, Husband? Xiao Ai doesn't even have definite data about this necklace, maybe this necklace is very dangerous."

"I know, but this voice keeps bugging me. So I wanted to find out what this necklace really is, and why that woman's voice keeps calling out for help to me." After Tang Xiao answered that, Tang Yin nodded and let go of his hand.

Then Tang Xiao immediately took the necklace, but suddenly the red stone on the necklace flew and stuck to Tang Xiao's forehead, Tang Xiao and the others were shocked to see that. But what happened next made them even more shocked, because the red stone entered Tang Xiao's forehead, leaving only a red flame mark on his forehead. The gold necklace also went into the back of his palm, leaving a strange mark.

"UGH!" Tang Xiao fell to the ground, his body was enveloped in flames, and he kept groaning in pain.

"What happened to him, Xiao Ai?" Tang Yin asked frantically, moreover Tang Xiao looked in a lot of pain.

However, as soon as Tang Yin reached out to reach out her hand to help Tang Xiao, Xiao Ai immediately grabbed her hand to stop her. [Don't touch that flames, Mistress! This flames is no ordinary flames, and it will definitely burn you to ashes.]

Tang Yin became more and more panicked hearing Xiao Ai's words, she couldn't bear to see Tang Xiao condition, moreover she kept groaning in pain. "So what can we do now to help him, Xiao Ai?"

[This flames didn't injure Master, and it seems to be trying to fuse with Master's body. So we can't do anything to help him, all we can do is wait for the fusion process to finish first.] Xiao Ai explained, because her Main Chip is in Tang Xiao's brain, so she can detect if something abnormal is happening to him, and she didn't detect anything abnormal about him.

Tang Yin continued to wait anxiously, even though nothing bad happened to Tang Xiao. But his constant groans of pain made her heart ache, and she felt desperate because she couldn't do anything to help him.

An hour later, the flames that enveloped Tang Xiao's body disappeared, and he was panting heavily afterward. Fortunately, Tang Xiao was mentally strong, although he was in constant pain but he didn't faint. And after the process was completed, in his mind a strange memory appeared, and the memory depicted a world that was far more advanced than the earth. In addition, the world is ruled by a woman, and he can also remember the woman's name.

Tang Yin immediately hugged him tightly as she cried, but she was also relieved that nothing happened to Tang Xiao. Tang Xiao inwardly sighed, and hugged her. "It's okay, I'm fine now, so you don't have to cry anymore."

"Vesta!" Tang Xiao called out softly.

Soon a red-haired woman appeared before them startling Tang Yin and Xiao Ai, but they didn't sense any malicious intentions from her, so they lowered their guard a little.

The woman herself was truly beautiful, her red hair was too long to touch the floor. And her body was clad in tight golden armor, making her large breasts stand out very much, and her curves were also clearly visible. And she then opened her eyes, but her eyes were really unusual, because her eyes had no pupils, and there was only fire in them.

She looked at Tang Xiao and smiled at him. {Thank you for helping me, Master. If you don't take my necklace, then I will die soon.}

Tang Xiao then sat on the floor catching his breath, and asked curiously. "Who exactly are you, Vesta? From the memories that flashed through my mind, you are the queen of that ruined planet?"

Tang Yin and Xiao Ai also waited curiously for his answer, Xiao Ai herself immediately recognized the material used to make her armor, and it was a long lost material.

{I was indeed the queen of that ruined planet, and my planet's name was 'Atropos'. But now everything has been destroyed, and I am the only one left of my kin.} Vesta answered with a sorrowful expression, then she told him what really happened to her planet, and how she got inside the red stone. And she also taught Tang Xiao how to use her necklace.

Tang Xiao sighed heavily, then he rose to his feet holding Tang Yin up, and he observed the strange symbol on the back of his palm. "So the necklace can turn into any weapon I want?"

{En, That's right.} Vesta answered with a nod.

Tang Xiao then tried it, and soon a golden sword appeared in his hand as he imagined. Then he imagined another weapon again, and the golden sword instantly turned into a golden spear. "Awesome!"

"This is amazing, Husband. You finally found your weapon." Tang Yin said as she leaned against Tang Xiao's chest.

Tang Xiao nodded with a smile. "En, with this I can practice all kinds of weapons."

- To Be Continued -


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