
I'm Not A Hero Nor A Villain! I Am Me

Waiting for rewrite

JosieGan · Eastern
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173 Chs

Ocean Hearts

Primordial Divine Ark - Main Room



"What are you two doing?" Tang Xiao asked as he walked over to them, but his eyes immediately fell on the huge amount of boxes, then he wrapped his arms around Tang Yin's waist. "Are those the products you want to sell later, Wife?"



"En, these are all beauty products, and I've tested them all." Tang Yin replied, but then she sniffed Tang Xiao's body, and asked. "Who is she?"



"Eh!?" Tang Xiao looked at her confusedly.



"Who's the woman with you? I smell another woman on your body." Tang Yin asked with a teasing smile, she herself never expected that Tang Xiao would get another woman so soon.



Tang Xiao laughed wryly, then he explained to Tang Yin about Su Rou, he didn't hide anything from her, and told her everything.



Tang Yin giggled after Tang Xiao finished telling the story. "Are you going to make Su Rou one of your harems?"



"No." Tang Xiao shook his head.



"Good." Tang Yin nodded with a smile, she was satisfied with Tang Xiao's answer. She also didn't want a woman like Su Rou to become his harem, especially after hearing his story. In her opinion, Su Rou was just a woman who was more interested and concerned with Sex, and had no feelings whatsoever.



Tang Xiao then hugged and kissed Tang Yin on the lips for a moment, then he said. "You are my wife as well as my queen, so you are the one who will manage my harem in the future."



"En." Tang Yin just nodded, she felt sweet in her heart, because Tang Xiao cherished and prioritized her so much. But she also doesn't want to be a strict and authoritarian wife, because she wants to be the best wife for him, and also continue to help and support him from behind.



Then Tang Xiao asked Xiao Ai. "Is there a weapon I can use, Xiao Ai? I haven't trained with weapons in seven years, so I want to start training again."



[Weapon? There are many weapons in the 'Treasure Vault'.] Xiao Ai then stopped the production of the beauty product first, and soon a flying car arrived in front of them, Xiao Ai immediately got on the flying car. [Let's go to the 'Treasure Vault', Master. And let Mistress also choose a weapon for her as well.]



"What the heck?" Tang Xiao exclaimed in shock as soon as he saw the flying car, because this was the first time he had seen a real flying car, he had only seen it in anime and movies so far.



Tang Yin giggled at Tang Xiao's reaction, she was no longer surprised, because she already knew about everything within the Ark. "Let's go, Husband."


Primordial Divine Ark - Treasure Vault



Tang Xiao was amazed as soon as he arrived at the 'Treasure Vault', because the room was filled with treasures, and they were already neatly grouped together.



Not only weapons, inside there are also lots of armor, shields, and so on. Moreover, they have also been divided between modern equipment, and cultivator equipment. So they can search and choose whatever equipment they want more easily.



[You and Mistress can choose what you both want, Master. But for the time being, both of you don't choose equipment in the cultivator's section, because your cultivation is still insufficient.] Xiao Ai explained as she led them inside. [Oh, there's only one thing that you can choose from in the cultivator's section, the Storage Ring.]



Tang Xiao's eyes lit up when Xiao Ai mentioned the storage ring, because it would be very useful for them to carry and store their belongings.



Arriving at the storage ring collection place, Tang Xiao and Tang Yin's eyes immediately fell on a pair of light blue rings, and their hearts unknowingly beat at the same rhythm. They then took the pair of rings according to the size of their fingers, and both rubbed the two rings.



Xiao Ai smiled as soon as they chose the ring, then she explained. [The names of the two storage rings are 'Ocean Hearts', both made by a dwarf and a fairy. According to legend, only lovers who have an extraordinary bond can wear the two, besides they are a couple destined for each other. And so far no one has been able to wear it.]



Tang Xiao and Tang Yin exchanged glances, then nodded to each other. They then immediately put the rings on each other's fingers, and without a hitch both rings were attached to their fingers.



*Badump... Badump...*



"Eh!?" Tang Xiao and Tang Yin looked at each other in shock, then they stretched out their hands, and touched each other's heart area.



*Badump... Badump...*



Suddenly the two rings shone brightly dazzling them, the sound of their heartbeats grew louder, and their hearts continued to beat in sync.



"I can feel your heartbeat in mine, Husband." Tang Yin said in admiration, as her other hand held Tang Xiao's hand in the area of ​​her heart.



Tang Xiao also held Tang Yin's hand which was still pressed against his chest, then he said with a smile. "I can feel your heartbeat in mine too, Wife."



'I knew it!' Xiao Ai inwardly exclaimed in joy, after seeing the two rings react to them. Because the two rings never found their owner for thousands of years, but now both rings actually recognized Young Tang Xiao and Tang Yin. It means that they have an extraordinary bond, and they are also a destined couple for each other. 'No wonder Old Master never wanted to get married, it turned out that his destined partner was his own big sister, and by that time his big sister was dead. But this means, the future has also changed because Mistress is still alive, and they have become husband and wife. Is this what you expect, Old Master?'



Soon the bright light dimmed, and they smiled happily, feeling each other's heartbeat. Then Tang Xiao pulled Tang Yin into his arms, and he kissed her affectionately, as their hearts continued to beat in sync.



- To Be Continued -


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