
I'm Not A Hero Nor A Villain! I Am Me

Waiting for rewrite

JosieGan · Eastern
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173 Chs

Date With His Wife

Arriving at his room, Tang Xiao ordered 'Jessica' to return to Jessica's room, and she also gave several other orders, including spying on his next target.




And soon, someone knocked on the door again. And this time, it was Su Rou who was standing in front of the door.




'This damn sex maniac!' Tang Xiao inwardly grumbled in annoyance, but in the end they still made love until dawn.


Yi An Study Room




Yi An was sipping her tea as her eyes kept glancing at Su Rou, then she asked suspiciously. "Where were you last night, Su Rou?"




Su Rou instantly froze as soon as Yi An asked this, and she was at a loss to answer her, because she was in Tang Xiao's room and had sex with him, and she only returned to her room at dawn.




Not getting an answer from Su Rou, Yi An asked again. "Have you slept with Xiao?"




Su Ro panicked at her question, then she looked at Yi An guiltily. "Madam, I-"




Yi An waved her hand. "You don't have to explain anything to me, and I won't meddle in your private affairs, as long as you do your job properly. Got it?"




"Yes, Madam." Su Rou felt relieved after Yi An said that, and she smiled happily.




Yi An herself had always treated Su Rou well, Su Rou had also worked as her personal assistant for years, and She was very satisfied with her work ethic, so she never interfered in Su Rou's personal affairs.




But Yi An also knew that behind Su Rou's seriousness, there was another side of her, and that other side of her was a sex addict. She even changed partners too often, and once Yi An asked why she changed partners so often, and Su Rou's answer was that they couldn't satisfy her lust.




"Can Xiao satisfy your lust, Su Rou?" Yi An asked curiously, as she had never seen Su Rou so happy because of a man.




Su Rou blushed, she nodded repeatedly and answered shamelessly. "Having sex with Xiao overwhelmed me so much, Madam. He's too strong in bed."




Yi An gawked at Su Rou's shameless reply, she didn't expect that Su Rou would answer so blatantly. But she was also shocked by her answer, so she asked in surprise. "Really? He's that strong?"




"En." Su Rou nodded vigorously, then she told Yi An about her experience of having sex with Tang Xiao. Yi An looked at her in shock, and she gulped hard imagining the size of Tang Xiao's dick according to Su Rou's story.


Hawker Area




Since Yi An had already informed him that she had nothing to do for the day, Tang Xiao decided to accompany Tang Yin. But he still kept his 'Xiao' form, because only four people knew that he was still alive.




And he took Tang Yin to the hawker area to enjoy various kinds of food, since they had both been cut off from the outside world for seven years. Tang Xiao is imprisoned, and Tang Yin was being treated in the Asylum.




"I've seen that foreign woman named Jessica, Husband. She's really beautiful, but you treat her as a slave instead." Tang Yin said as she ate the snack in her hand, she herself was quite surprised when she saw Jessica for the first time, because her face is very beautiful, moreover she is British descent.




Tang Xiao wrapped his arms around her waist, and laughed softly. "I know she's really beautiful! I'm not going to lie to you, she's actually the second woman I've ever liked, and our relationship was pretty good back then. But sadly, she chose to join Ouyang Qing to frame me, so I won't forgive her."




"Jessica is the second woman you like? Then who is the first?" Tang Yin was curious, because she had never seen her little brother close to any woman before, and he would rather practice martial arts than waste time with women.




Tang Xiao then held her shoulder, and looked at her with a smile. "The first woman I liked is now my wife."




Tang Yin became dumbfounded, and she couldn't react for a while, before she finally let out a low cry. "EH!? You mean, you've been in love with me a long time ago?"




"En." Tang Xiao nodded. "Actually, I've loved you since childhood, wife. Because you were my big sister, so I never revealed it to you or our parents. But now I'm really happy, I'm happy because my first love is my wife."




"Husband, I-"




"Shh!" Tang Xiao put his finger on Tang Yin's lips, then he hugged her. "You don't have to say anything, I totally understand how you feel."




Tang Yin was really shocked by Tang Xiao's confession, she really never thought that Tang Xiao had loved her for so long. No wonder, he had always treated her so well.




And Tang Xiao actually treated her even better, than he treated himself. But she really never realized his feelings, all this time she had thought that Tang Xiao only treated her as a big sister.




Tang Yin inwardly sighed then she revealed her true feelings. "Actually, I've also loved you since a long time ago, Husband. Because you are my little brother, then I chose to bury my own feelings deeply. And after they violated me, I really didn't dare and I was ashamed to meet you again, that's why I chose to lock my soul in my 'Soul Space'."




This time, it was Tang Xiao who was shocked, because it turned out that they had loved each other all this time, but the blood relationship between them was what prevented them from being together.




He then hugged Tang Yin tighter,even though the two of them had suffered for seven years, but because of that they were finally able to be together now.




Tang Yin also hugged him tightly, because she felt the same as him, especially now that they could feel each other's feelings, and their hearts always beat in sync.




But suddenly the voice of a man's ridicule spoiled their mood. "Aiyo, isn't this the woman who went crazy after being violated in turns?"





- To Be Continued -

Dang... Dang...

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