
I'm Not A Hero Nor A Villain! I Am Me

Waiting for rewrite

JosieGan · Eastern
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173 Chs

Artificial Doll Part II

Primordial Divine Ark - Prison Area

"How many more 'Artificial Dolls' can you make, Xiao Ai?" Tang Xiao was quite interested in it, as it could smooth out his revenge plot. "And what about Jessica?"

Xiao Ai then checked the supply of raw materials to make the 'Artificial Doll', and only a few moments later did she answer. [The remaining raw materials can only make five more, Master. As for Jessica, I've implanted the Sub Chip in her brain, and the Sub Chip is connected to my Main Chip, that way you can control her as you please.]

"Good! That's what I wanted." Tang Xiao nodded in satisfaction. "And you can start making that 'Artificial Doll' again, Xiao Ai."

But Xiao Ai hastily reminded him. [But one thing you need to remember, Master. Sub Chips can only be used on ordinary people, and you cannot use them on cultivators. In order to control a cultivator, then you must use a cultivator's technique.]

"En, I understand, Xiao Ai." Tang Xiao was not surprised by Xiao Ai's warning, because he knew that cultivators possessed many strange techniques, especially mind and soul techniques. So it is not surprising that cultivators cannot be controlled by modern technology.

Before long, Jessica who had fainted started to wake up, and she abruptly stood up as soon as she saw herself in an unfamiliar room. But she immediately felt dizzy and nauseous, because the anesthetic effect given by Xiao AI had not completely dissipated.

"Where am I?" Jessica muttered as she held back her dizzy head. "I've never seen a place like this before."

Tang Xiao then walked into Jessica's prison room with Xiao Ai and 'Jessica' as he said. "Of course you have never seen this place before, because this is my private place, and you are now my prisoner."

"What!?" Jessica immediately turned to Tang Xiao, and her eyes immediately widened in shock when 'Jessica' appeared in her sight, and her face turned deathly pale. "How... How can there be another me?"

"You don't need to be shocked." Tang Xiao smiled then he rubbed Xiao Ai's head. "She is your clone created by Xiao Ai, so you can bid farewell to the outside world, as you will never be able to leave this place, and 'Jessica' will take your place by your husband's side."

Jessica's body was trembling violently after Tang Xiao said that, she was really shocked by Tang Xiao's words, especially the 'Jessica' in front of her really looked like her. If Tang Xiao really sent 'Jessica' to her husband's side, then her husband would definitely never realize that 'Jessica' wasn't the real her, and her entire life would be snatched away by 'Jessica'.

"Why... Why are you doing this to me, Tang Xiao? I really didn't want to participate in framing you back then, and I was forced to do that because Qing threatened to spread my relationship with our teacher." Jessica explained by crying loudly as she hoped that Tang Xiao could forgive her, because she didn't want to lose everything especially the husband she loved so much.

Tang Xiao sneered and replied viciously to Jessica. "Heh, did you think I would spare you just because you were threatened by Ouyang Qing? It's a fact that you participated in framing me back then! Because of you and them, I had to feel the coldness of the prison floor for seven years, and I even nearly died in prison."

Jessica felt that her last hope was dashed as soon as Tang Xiao said that, she looked at Tang Xiao with tears in her eyes, but it was obvious that her eyes had lost their light.

"No! I don't want to be like this!" Jessica screamed hysterically, and she abruptly stood up, then ran to bang her own head against the wall. But when she got near to the wall, her body suddenly couldn't move forward. "What happened to my body?"

"Heh, you thought I would let you commit suicide?" Tang Xiao asked as he walked over to Jessica, then he grabbed her hair back, and whispered to her. "Now your life is completely under my control, in other words you are my slave. If I want you to stay alive, then you will stay alive. And if I want you to die, then you will die. Do you understand?"

After saying that, Tang Xiao then pulled Jessica's hair, and threw her onto the bed in the room.

Jessica could only cry hysterically because of the suffering she was going through, her life wasn't even under her own control, and she had to lose everything as Tang Xiao's prisoner including her own husband.

Tang Xiao then took off his own pants and ordered Jessica. "Suck my dick."

Even though Jessica didn't want it, but her body just obeyed Tang Xiao's orders, and she immediately sucked his dick while crying.

'Sigh. Master is much crueler than Old Master, he even treats women like Jessica harshly. Looks like I'll have to do something to Jessica later, so she won't be traumatized by Master's treatment.' Xiao Ai inwardly muttered, then she left them to start making other 'Artificial Dolls' according to Tang Xiao's orders.

*Slurp... Slurp...*

As she continued to cry, Jessica sucked on Tang Xiao's dick faster and harder.

"To think you're such an expert, and you seem to be enjoying my dick so much."

Jessica was disgusted by Tang Xiao's words, but she also couldn't deny that she really enjoyed sucking his dick so much, because his dick was very big and long, unlike her husband's.

*Slurp... Slurp...*

"Prepare to swallow my semen."

Jessica was taken aback by Tang Xiao's orders, she had never in her life swallowed a man's semen, and now Tang Xiao was telling her to swallow his semen. She could only surrender and obey, because her head would not stop moving, but instead moved faster.

Moments later Tang Xiao's dick throbbed, and he immediately shot his semen into Jessica's mouth. "UGH..."

Jessica resignedly swallowed all the semen that Tang Xiao shot out, and it lasted a few seconds making her quite overwhelmed.

After he finished, Tang Xiao immediately put on his pants again, and he brought 'Jessica' out of the Ark leaving the real Jessica alone, and Jessica could only continue to cry lamenting her fate as Tang Xiao's prisoner and slave.

- To Be Continued -

Reminder! Tang Xiao would never be merciful to his enemies, be it men or women, and don't expect that Tang Xiao would treat his female enemies with kindness, gentleness, or etc.

JosieGancreators' thoughts