
I'm Not A Hero Nor A Villain! I Am Me

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JosieGan · Eastern
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173 Chs

Artificial Doll Part I

Tang Xiao didn't answer her, then he sat on his bed and asked. "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Seeing Tang Xiao like that, Jessica felt a little relieved, then she sat on the chair in the room and asked. "Have we met before, Xiao? Because I feel that I have seen you before, and I also feel familiar with you."

"Why do you think so? I just came from the village, so we shouldn't have met before." Tang Xiao replied indifferently, but in his heart he had already started to think of a plan for Jessica. 'Hey Xiao Ai! Can you do anything about this woman?'

[Hmm? What do you want to do to her, Master?] Xiao Ai asked curiously, as she already knew that Jessica in front of Tang Xiao was the one who framed him, so Xiao Ai was not surprised that Tang Xiao wanted to do something to her.

'I want to capture this woman, but I don't want to cause a stir with her disappearance later.' Tang Xiao himself had thought about it, he wanted to capture his enemies and maybe kill them, but he had other plans for a woman like Jessica.

Xiao Ai giggled. [That's easy, Master. But for now I can only do it to one person, and if you want to do it to several people, then you will have to wait a little longer.]

'Oh?' Tang Xiao's eyes lit up at that.

[Take her into the Ark first, Master. I'll explain it to you after that.]

'Got it!'

Jessica continued to observe Tang Xiao's face, she herself didn't know why she could feel so familiar with Tang Xiao, then she looked into his eyes and her heart immediately jolted. 'His eyes really look like Tang Xiao.'

She then shook her head at Tang Xiao. "I don't know, but one thing is for sure, your eyes are similar to an old friend of mine."

"An old friend?" Tang Xiao raised his eyebrows.

Jessica nodded at him. "En, his name is Tang Xiao, he's an old friend, but it's a shame I heard he passed away."

'She feels familiar to me because of my eyes?' He muttered as his face darkened, hearing Jessica refer to him as an old friend made his emotions overflow. Then he got up and walked over to her and asked coldly. "Are you sure that Tang Xiao is your old friend?"

Seeing Tang Xiao's sudden change in attitude, as well as his cold voice frightening Jessica, she then stood up and continued to step back. "What... What do you want to do?"

Tang Xiao continued to walk towards her, but suddenly Jessica ran towards the door, and Tang Xiao quickly grabbed her hand and gripped it tightly.

"Let go of my hand!" Jessica shouted at him.

But Tang Xiao ignored her, then he tightly strangled Jessica's neck, and he asked coldly again. "What kind of friend framed his friend for seven years in prison?"

Jessica's eyes widened as soon as she heard Tang Xiao mention that, she used her hands to release Tang Xiao's stranglehold, but unfortunately her strength wasn't comparable to his. Jessica was trembling and she asked fearfully. "How... How did you know about that?"

"How did I know about that? Jessica oh Jessica, I didn't mean to capture you at first, but instead you sent yourself to me." Tang Xiao replied as he canceled his transformation technique, and instantly returned to his original form, then he gave a vicious grin. "Do you remember me now, Jessica?"

"Tang... Tang... Tang Xiao! You... You're still alive!" Jessica stuttered as tears dripped from the corners of her eyes, even though in her current situation somehow she actually felt relieved to see Tang Xiao was still alive, maybe because of her guilt. "I... I'm glad you're still alive, Tang Xiao!"

"Oh really?" Tang Xiao didn't understand why Jessica would say something like that, but he still wouldn't forgive her, so he said fiercely. "But alas, I've decided to take revenge on everyone who framed me back then, and that includes you."

Jessica shuddered at his words, she could feel that the Tang Xiao in front of her was not the old Tang Xiao, and he looked really cold and cruel. "What-"

Before Jessica could finish her words, Tang Xiao had knocked her unconscious, and she brought her into the Ark straight away.


Primordial Divine Ark - Hi-Tech Laboratory

"What are you going to do to her, Xiao Ai?" Tang Xiao asked Xiao Ai as his eyes continued to stare at Jessica who was still unconscious in the capsule, then he looked at the other capsule, and inside was a strange white doll. "What's the doll for, Xiao Ai?"

Xiao Ai giggled, then she explained. [The doll is an 'Artificial Doll' that the Old Master accidentally made, and he often used it to trick his enemies.]

"Oh?" Tang Xiao turned to Xiao Ai questioningly, he didn't understand how to trick the enemy with an 'Artificial Doll'.

[You will surely be satisfied to see the results later, Master] Xiao Ai said with a mysterious smile, then she started to run the equipment.

Tang Xiao just stood beside her and watched the process shown on the screen, but he didn't really understand about the process, and only a small part of it he knew, because the screen displayed the structure of DNA and the like.

After waiting for approximately thirty minutes, the process was finally finished. Then the two capsules opened, and Tang Xiao's eyes immediately widened when he saw the figure that came out of the 'Artificial Doll' capsule earlier.

"Damn!" Tang Xiao cursed loudly, then he said in shock. "You are really terrifying, Xiao Ai. You can even do this kind of thing."

Tang Xiao was in complete shock, because the 'Artificial Doll' had now turned into Jessica, and the resemblance rate was one hundred percent.

'It's you who created it, Master!' Xiao Ai inwardly said in amusement as she restrained herself from laughing, then she explained. [I used Jessica's marrow blood and DNA into this 'Artificial Doll', so this 'Artificial Doll' is no different from the real Jessica, and the inside of the 'Artificial Doll' body is also no different from the real Jessica.]

"So your Old Master used this method to trick and escape from his enemies?" Tang Xiao finally realized the usefulness of the 'Artificial Doll', if it was exactly the same as the person being imitated, then it would not be surprising if that person could fool the people around him perfectly.

Xiao Ai nodded to him. [Yes, but making one 'Artificial Doll' takes a long time, at least five to six months.]

- To Be Continued -

Reminder! This novel is a combination of cultivation and advanced technology

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