
I'm not a goblin: Mythology of the Mana

In a breathtaking world teeming with enigmatic creatures, I find myself battling them relentlessly, each encounter a desperate struggle to cling to my fragile existence. All for the sake of a promise, a promise that now feels hauntingly elusive.

Leaf_ninja · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 6: Sudden Refections of Thoughts

The cavern exuded an ethereal beauty, adorned with mysterious crystals that shimmered and cast a gentle glow upon the walls and rocky formations. The light played with shadows, creating a mystical ambiance that filled the air. In the midst of the darkness, the cave became a breathtaking sight, as if a hidden realm had been unveiled before Oric's eyes.

As Oric struggled towards the pond, his left arm throbbing with pain, he caught sight of his reflection in the tranquil water. What he saw astounded him—an entirely new face stared back at him. His features had transformed, giving him a unique and captivating appearance. His skin had taken on a shade of vibrant green, complementing his striking sea-blue eyes. Silky, messy dark locks cascaded down his shoulders, framing his face and accentuating his strong, well-built physique. In essence, he resembled a crossbreed of an orc and a goblin, embodying strength and otherworldly charm.

Yet, Oric paid little attention to his altered appearance. His primary focus was quenching his insatiable thirst. He plunged his left hand into the water, greedily gulping it down to satiate his parched throat. The water felt cool and refreshing as it flowed through his body, bringing with it an unexpected effect—his wounds began to heal.

Starting from his broken arm, Oric witnessed a miraculous transformation. The bones rejoined themselves, guided by an unseen force. The intense mending process inflicted excruciating pain upon Oric, causing him to scream in agony. The pain overwhelmed him, and he succumbed to unconsciousness.

After a period of rest, Oric stirred awake, his body fully restored. The realization dawned upon him that the water possessed remarkable healing properties. However, hunger gnawed at his stomach, demanding his attention. His gaze wandered around the illuminated cavern until it settled upon the lifeless body of the wolf.

Driven by an almost feral hunger, Oric lunged towards the wolf's corpse. With primal instinct, he tore into the raw flesh with his bare teeth, consuming it ravenously. The taste of fresh meat filled his senses, satisfying the gnawing hunger within him. The experience was wild and untamed, devoid of any civilized restraint.

But then, an intense burning sensation ignited within his stomach, growing fiercer with each passing moment. In a panic, Oric rushed back to the pond, drinking more of its healing waters. The searing sensation subsided, yet the healing process brought forth another wave of agonizing pain. As Oric looked at himself, he noticed a subtle change. His once dark, flowing hair began to transform, turning as white as freshly fallen snow.

After the incident, Oric sat down, his gaze fixed upon his reflection, lost in contemplation. Doubts and insecurities overwhelmed him as he questioned his own identity. "Why do I resemble an animal? No one would want to see me like this. I look horrendous—green-skinned with blue eyes, short like a goblin, and now with white hair. Why won't you speak? You're just my reflection," he muttered to himself, frustration tainting his words as he lashed out at his reflection showed on the surface of the pond.

In silence, Oric surrendered to his sorrow and began to ponder his predicament. He covered his face with both hands, overwhelmed by his appearance and desperate to find a way back to his own world. "I wish I could just end it all," he whispered in despair.

Suddenly, a deafening roar pierced the air, causing Oric to turn his head swiftly. Once again, he was met with astonishment as he beheld a bear with rocky, blue, crystal-adorned horns—reminiscent of the very crystals that adorned the walls of the cave.

The mystical bear unleashed another thunderous roar, striking the ground with its paws. In response, more crystals emerged, their ethereal blue glow illuminating the surroundings. The crystals began to converge, forming a path directed straight at Oric. Panicking, he dodged the crystalline onslaught, his heart pounding. He realized that his stone, his only means of defense, had been left behind in the water, leaving him defenseless.

The bear charged towards him relentlessly, but Oric managed to evade an instant demise once again. He pondered how he had defeated the fiery wolf, a memory suddenly resurfacing. Standing near the pond, he made a decision. He would wait for the bear to attack, just as he had done before.

However, this time the bear unleashed a barrage of blue crystal projectiles, making Oric's task of evasion all the more treacherous. Each dodge inflicted scratches and bruises, both from the jagged ground and the sharp projectiles themselves.

"This can't go on forever. If I keep evading like this, I'll be playing right into deaths hands" Oric realized, growing increasingly desperate.

Unable to bear the situation any longer, the bear summoned even greater power, causing spear-like crystals to emerge from the ground. They were projected toward Oric with incredible speed and precision.

Oric skillfully dodged most of the projectiles, but four grazed him, while two impaled him in his guts. The impact sent him hurtling into the water. Struggling to maintain his composure, Oric fought against the pain, desperately trying to remove the crystal spear that had pierced his side. With each passing moment, he lost precious oxygen and blood, his survival hanging by a thread.

As Oric's blood seeped into the water, the ripples ceased, and the bubbles dissipated. The bear, convinced that Oric was dead, cautiously approached the stained portion of the water. Standing at the edge of the rocky terrain, it peered into the water, wary of entering. The once-rippling water appeared motionless, but the red stain indicated the presence of blood. The bear cautiously dipped its head into the pond.

Suddenly, an icy blue crystal spear pierced through the bear's eye, eliciting a roar of agony. With its head yanked out of the water, Oric was pulled along, emerging from the depths. Gripping the spear tightly, Oric released it and swiftly climbed onto the bear's back. He retrieved a second spear and thrust it into the bear's neck, intensifying its torment.

The bear, in a frenzy, thrashed its head against the cave walls, shattering its crystalline horns. Yet, Oric persisted, twisting the spear embedded in the bear's flesh, further driving the creature into madness. Eventually, weakened by substantial blood loss, the bear collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain until it succumbed to its wounds.

Gasping for breath, Oric dismounted the bear, his body wracked with pain. He limped his way back to the pond, knelt down, and drank the water. The healing properties of the water began to mend the extensive damage inflicted by the bear's assault, closing the gaping hole in Oric's stomach.

"Arghhhhhhh! The pain! It hurts!" cried the young green child in agony, until the battle wound was fully healed. "Finally, the pain is gone. I wish..."

Oric's gaze shifted to the lifeless, mysterious bear, a realization dawning upon him. "It seems that in order to escape this world, it's a matter of kill or be killed," he muttered to himself.

Approaching the bear, he removed the two crystal spike rods lodged in its body. "It's time to start preparing to see what awaits me beyond this cave," he declared, the transformed young child preparing to venture forth into the unknown.


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