
I'm not a goblin: Mythology of the Mana

In a breathtaking world teeming with enigmatic creatures, I find myself battling them relentlessly, each encounter a desperate struggle to cling to my fragile existence. All for the sake of a promise, a promise that now feels hauntingly elusive.

Leaf_ninja · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 5: Where am I?

Orc was transported to a dark forest with huge trees blocking the Suns rays from illuminating the place.

It's was as if the sun and the forest where no in talking terms.

The green baby, Oric started crying for help but no one answer "hello, anyone? Help me if u are here me" To oric it sounded like words but to his surroundings it's was the cries of a baby that kept attracting the attention of lurking monsters.

Suddenly, A searing heat coursed through his veins, causing him to shout in unbearable pain. Desperation and confusion flooded his thoughts, reverberating through the forest and further attracting the attention of more lurking monsters.

"This burning sensation... This unbearable pain. how is my body on fire? From where does this Molten lava comes from?" Oric's mind screamed, mirroring his anguished cries. His voice echoed, reaching every corner of the forest, drawing the attention of fearsome creatures.

The scorching sensation was unbearable, overwhelming his fragile child's body. Oric's bones twisted and ground against each other, causing him to lose his senses in the midst of this torment. Desperation and the longing for release filled his thoughts, as he yearned for an end to the excruciating suffering.

Amidst the relentless burning and the shattering of his bones, a transformation took hold within Oric. From deep within, the molten magma slowly spread like a creeping vine, encasing his entire form in a rounded stone beneath the earth's crust. In this stony slumber, Oric's sense of time faded away, oblivious to the changes in the world above.

The passage of seven years went by in a blink, and cracks finally appeared on the surface of the stone. With each fracture, Oric's consciousness stirred, gradually awakening from its dormant state. Slowly, he regained awareness, surrounded by darkness, questioning his whereabouts and the absence of sensation.

Uncertain of his state, Oric contemplated the void within him. He felt hollow, as if his soul had yet to find its place in the afterlife. Crack after crack resonated within him, urging him to move, to break free from his stony prison.

With determination in his heart, Oric pushed against the encasing stone, inching his way towards liberation.

But as he struggled, sand began to pour in from above, threatening to suffocate him. Undeterred, Oric held his breath and continued his ascending, defying the ever-filling spaces that sought to engulf him. Each moment felt like an eternity, his lungs ached for air, but he pressed on, his resolve unyielding.

The struggle intensified with every passing moment, as more sand cascaded down, hindering his progress. Yet Oric persisted, his strength amplified by the urgency of survival. And finally, a glimmer of light pierced through the darkness, filling him with hope. Gasping for air, Oric emerged from his subterranean prison, reveling in the taste of freedom.

"I did it! I'm finally free!" Oric exclaimed, his voice trembling with exhaustion and relief.

Suddenly, a foreboding presence gripped Oric, accompanied by the low growls of an unknown creature. The air crackled with an increased temperature, adding to his unease. Turning his gaze, Oric's eyes widened as he beheld a majestic yet fearsome sight—a blue wolf-like creature wreathed in blazing flames.

The creature's entire form was engulfed in ethereal blue fire, an intimidating sight that sent chills down Oric's spine. Slowly rising to his feet, Oric's trembling hand found a sturdy rock on the ground, readying himself for the impending confrontation. "What in the world is that? A wolf covered in blue flames? It wants to use me as it's meal," he muttered, his voice laced with fear.

Without warning, more of these fiery beasts emerged from hiding, their eyes fixed on their prey, ready to strike. Oric took hesitant steps backward, reassessing his options. With a surge of adrenaline, he turned his back and started to run , his every step fuelled by the urgency of survival. Though the pack pursued him relentlessly, drawing closer with each passing moment, Oric remained undeterred, his pace increasing with unwavering determination.

Boom! The wolves unleashed projectiles of blazing fire, their lethal aim accentuating the gravity of the situation. "What! Fireballs? It seems fate has conspired against me," Oric jeered defiantly, his resolve unshaken as he continued his desperate flight.

As Oric took his next turn, a disheartening realization dawned upon him—he had reached a dead end. The wolves closed in, their approach deliberate and menacing. Cold feet gripped him as he retreated, his back pressed against the unforgiving wall. It was in this moment that the crushing reality of imminent death settled upon him. "If I must face death, I will not become your meal without a fight," Oric resolved, clutching the rock tightly, poised to strike at the pack's leader.

Yet, amidst the tense confrontation, a sound resonated from beneath their feet, momentarily diverting Oric's attention. Crack! The distraction allowed the pack leader to seize the opportunity, lunging at Oric's neck. In a desperate bid to defend himself, Oric instinctively raised his left arm, blocking the attack. Their impact shattered the ground beneath them, hurtling both of them into the depths below.

As they struggled for dominance, Oric seized the opportunity, raining blows upon the leader's head with the rock clutched in his right hand. Each strike intensified the clash, their struggle echoing through the abyss. Finally, they crashed into a water-filled chamber hidden within the unknown cave.

Splash! The battle persisted beneath the surface as Oric and the fiery wolf grappled with one another. But as the creature's flames met the water's embrace, their vibrant glow flickered and died. Oric, having gained the upper hand, watched as the wolf struggled to swim, its mouth filling with water, leading to suffocation. The relentless barrage of strikes to its head sealed its fate.

The water turned crimson, tainted by the blood of the fierce duelers. Rising above the depths, Oric emerged victorious, swimming towards the cave's rocky surface, clutching the lifeless body of the extinguished blue wolf in his grasp.

Emerging from the murky depths of the pond, Oric heaved himself onto the unforgiving rocky surface of the cave, unceremoniously discarding the lifeless body of the defeated monster. Seeking respite from the harrowing ordeal, he yearned for a moment of rest. However, as the surging adrenaline subsided, excruciating pain reverberated through Oric's being, emanating from the deep wounds inflicted upon his left arm by the savage creature.

Time passed, each agonizing second a grueling exercise in adapting to the searing torment that ravaged his body. Gradually, Oric mustered the strength to turn his gaze toward the source of his suffering. His eyes fell upon the mangled wreckage that was his injured arm, mashed and broken bones and flesh, mixed with his and the monsters blood.

The shattered bone within made even the slightest movement a painful task. Overwhelmed by the sight, Oric's body revolted, his discomfort erupting in an involuntary expulsion as he vomited, spilling the anguish that had welled up within him.

As his body weakened, a dry throat reminded Oric of his unquenched thirst. With measured determination, he struggled to get up on his feet, but his fragile balance betrayed him, sending him crashing to the unforgiving ground.

Refusing to succumb to his limitations, he resorted to dragging himself towards the shimmering pond, using his feeble yet functioning arm as a lifeline. The arduous journey demanded every ounce of his dwindling strength.

Finally, upon reaching the water's edge, Oric was astound upon his sudden confrontation with his reflection.

End of chapter 5


sorry guys for the wait Im finally done with chapter 5 please leave your comments down below I would really love your support to be able to continue this book

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