
I'm No Magical Supernatural Demon, I'm Just A Farmer's Boy!

Damn it... They really think I'm the Demon King? I'm not! I swear I'm not! This isn't fair. Of course it wasn't. Nothing in this World was fair. I'll prove it to them that I'm innocent... no matter the costs, no matter the blood I must shed!

Sweet_Sui · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Drenched in sweat, my eyes opened. Sunlight poked in through the Window, as my room was on the second floor of the main building. I had a balcony view but didn't bother to check it. As far as furniture went, this room was pretty empty, besides the bed and a wooden desk to the side. I didn't care whether or not if this room was fancy. As long as it had a bed, I was fine with it.

I lied for a few minutes, cuddled up into a ball. Mareii's embarrassed red face appeared on my mind. All that happened in such a short while... I'm sure Mareii didn't mean it. Right?

I wanted to convince myself that she truly didn't mean it. But... she was just so... too direct. Her- our eyes- her eyes were all open when she kissed me. Even if she was in a half-awake state, she should've realized at least a bit. Or was she really that passed out Drunk?

Not only that, but just as I left her room last night, she whispered that she loved me... I don't even know where to begin with why she could've said that. If it was a dream, then it was a weird one at that. If she was sleep talking, then were those her true feelings?

Honestly... it was probably just something in the heat of the moment. After all, it could've been on accident.

Damn... no it wasn't! She said that too clearly and boldly for it to be an accident.

A knock on my door disrupted my thought. I got up, shirtless, and waddled to open the door.

Speak of the devil. Mareii stood on the other side of the door with messy azure-like hair, her inky black eyes shone in the sunlight. "Goooood Morning Captain!"

I shut the door on her. Mareii yelled on the other side of the door. "Captaiiinnn! What was that for!?" I couldn't deal with her now, could I? Heh.

Phew. I took a deep breath- inhale, exhale- and prepared myself to face Mareii as I put on the Vrusta Uniform and my leather boots. It was... awkward to have to face her again.

Nonetheless, I pulled open the door. Mareii stood, with dejected eyes and a pouty face. Why'd she have to be so cute...

"Ah, Captain! You big meanie... Why'd you close the door on me?" Mareii's eyes lit up as I opened the door and faced her. She certainly seemed fine, and wasn't hungover or anything. The question was... did she remember what happened last night, or was she completely sobered up? Well, I guess I'll find out based on how she acts around me.

"Sorry, Mareii, I had to change," I gestured to the Vrusta Uniform by pointing a finger at it. She looked up and down at me, staring directly into my hazel eyes that were covered by strands of my light brownish hair. I looked away from her glaring eyesight, a burning sensation of embarrassment taking over me as I felt myself turn rosy red.

"Aww, Captain, you know I don't really care about that, riiight?" Mareii's pinkish lips turned into a sweet, ridiculously endearing smile. "Unless you were embarrassed, fufufu,"

"...Shut up, Mareii," I didn't dare to look back to show her my red face. She was such a tease... ugh. I was the one acting weird. Not her. "Anyways, is there a reason you were knocking on my door?" She must've had something to tell me, or talk about.

"Mmm, ayup! Breakfast is ready, so hurry up, will ya?" H-hahh... breakfast!

"Yeah, yeah, let me just get my stuff, Mareii,"

"Okay, okay, I'll wait."

I went back inside to quicky pick up my gear, precisely the flaming broadsword I had picked up yesterday. I sheathed it on my hip and checked my pockets to make sure I had everything. Once I realized I did, I went back to Mareii.

"Nowww can we go?" Mareii asked as she looked down the hallway, staring into the abyss of the stairs.

"Yeah, let's go eat now, Mareii," I walked out of the room and next to Mareii.

"Yayyyy! I'm so hungry!" Mareii clung onto my arm as we walked down the hallway. Huhhh... she seemed a lot more attached to me than usual.

Then, did she really... mean her words?

I pondered that thought as we walked down the carpeted stairs and past the receptionist, into another room that resembled a cafeteria. Large wooden tables and chairs, with a set of waitresses behind a counter waiting to take orders.

Mareii still clung onto my arm, until we sat down and were attended by a waitress. I ordered some eggs with pancakes and a bit of honey syrup. Mareii only ordered pancakes and a bit of tea. Before the food came, I made some light conversation with Mareii.

"So, Mareii, what're your plans for today?" I put my elbow on the table, my chin on my hand while I stared at Mareii. Jeez... I wasn't even normally like this. She's the only person whose made me feel like this...

"Hmm... I don't really know," Mareii was lost in thought for a moment before coming up with an absolute answer, "But since I'm your assistant... I guess I'll go anywhere you go, Captain!"

Gah. She's so... DAMN ITTT! She's been messing with my head for a while, now! I pushed away those thoughts from my head.

The food arrived. We ate. The pancakes were amazing. They melted into my mouth; the creamy consistency of the flour made it all the better as the sweet taste of the syrup went into my mouth.

After a few minutes, we finished breakfast and paid the waitress. We had light conversation as we headed outside.


"Yes, Captain?"

"We don't have much to do, huh?"

"Not really..."

"In that case, we might as well go on a short walk around the Fortress."

"Oooh, sure!"

Cheerfully, Mareii ran out and onto the sidewalk of the Fortress. We walked along the border of the Fortress, going around in a huge circle. I should take this time to ask about last night...

"Hey, Mareii," I called attention to her. She was happily frolicking and skipping on the pathway.

"Yes, Captain?" Ugh, I wanted to ask about last night, but I wanted to take care of something first. It had been bothering me for a while now.

"You know... you don't always have to call me Captain," I blurted out to her, already anticipating the reaction she'd give me.

"Aw, haven't we went over this?? It's your title, an-" I cut her off.

"I trust you enough. You should know that by now. Cmon, you don't have to be so formal."



"...Fine." I grinned from ear to ear at Mareii, who had given up in calling me Captain. It was too formal for my liking. Besides, that wasn't my style anyway.

"Anyways, Mareii, I have a question," I gathered up a bit of courage, preparing to ask the big question I had in my mind.

"Aw, what is it?" Mareii looked at me, waiting for my answer. "You're not going to confess to me, are you?"

Pfffft... my spit went out in all directions on the floor.

"Not that! It's about last night," I tried to ignore her last remark. Did I really make it seem like I was going to confess to her?

"Huh... what about last night, Ca- I mean Vanguard?"

"Oh, nothing, you just seemed to have drank a lot, Mareii,"

"Hmm? Oh yeah! It was no biggie, though. I walked back after the party and fell asleep," Mareii explained. She had a carefree and innocent expression on her face.

Hahhh? She thought that she went to her room back all by herself?

Honestly, it could seem like that. If she was half awake, then she wouldn't be aware of what happened.

"Ah, okay, I was just wondering where you went to, Mareii," I tried to reason with her, avoiding the real reason I asked, "I didn't see you after the party, so..."

"Awwh, were you worried?"

"I wasn't! I swear!"

Mareii giggled. We continued on our walk, admiring the neatly trimmed and grown bushes along the pathway and the bushy trees full of yellowish leaves.

After that, we enjoyed the rest of our day wasting around time doing pleasant activities together. We went on more walks, watched the Soldiers train together, shared meals together, and overall had a fun time with Mareii. Sure, she was cute. But as far as I felt... I didn't like her that way. Or rather, didn't see her in such a way. I guess last night was just an accident.

We wasted the day together and relaxed together. It was nighttime again. And apparently, we were departing tomorrow. Oh well. I told Mareii goodnight. Today was a chill day.

The next morning, I was awakened by the sound of knocking on my door. I put on my clothes and grabbed my gear once again, expecting Mareii to be at the door. When I opened the door, it was actually Commander Spark who was knocking.

"Ah, good morning, Captain Vanguard!" Commander Spark greeted me with a hearty cheer. "I see you're up already,"

Hell... I was really expecting it to be Mareii. That's a bit sad, heh. "Good Morning, Commander Spark."

"All is already prepared for you, Captain," Spark reminded me of the idea and plan. "We have prepared a small unit for you, 350 men in total, mostly mercenaries."

"I see... thank you for your assistance, Commander Spark," I thanked Spark. Looks like I was just about getting ready to leave this Fortress with Mareii.

"Really now, I should be the one thanking you," Spark had a sincere look on his face. "Also, unfortunately, Iomene and Mareii will not be accompanying you."

"What?! And why not!?" I blurted out. I didn't care about Iomene. But Mareii... she was supposed to be my assistant. If anything, she was the only person I truly trusted. So why... This was so abrupt, too.

"Now, now, Captain, I'm sure you'll be alright. However, personal matters regarding the Council are involved. Iomene and Mareii will look for the remaining Council members, while you go on and investigate Khurid Kingdom to the west of this Fortress."

No... I don't believe it. Mareii... we had such an amazing time yesterday too. Was I really this unlucky?

"I understand, Sir," I really didn't, "But where is Mareii?"

"Mareii and Iomene have already departed. It was on short notice, Captain. Speaking of departure, I'll meet you in the training grounds!" Just as quickly as he entered, Spark had left and headed to the Training grounds.

...Seriously? This can't be real, right? I know she wouldn't just leave like that, even if it was on short notice. That was too cruel, man. My cursed luck...

I ran towards the training grounds to meet up with Commander Spark. I didn't care about eating breakfast at the moment.

As I caught up, I silently hoped that Mareii would appear out of nowhere, scaring me as this whole thing had been a joke. But... nope.

"This is your unit, Captain," Spark introduced as a whole array of mixed soldiers stood on the field in front of me. "Are you going to leave already?"

I nodded. "Yes, Sir, I must hurry. I can't afford to lose anytime at all." That was a lie. I wanted to catch up with Mareii, find her on the way to Khurid Kingdom. If she had departed today, then she couldn't have been far.

"Captain. I salute you, Sir, and wish you good luck on your journey." Spark put his hand out for a handshake. I handshake him. I mount a horse that has been prepared for me and wave farewell to Spark. He was a good person, honestly. If we had more time, I would've liked to have a longer conversation before I left.

Though, I was too focused on finding Mareii. I led the new troops under my command out of the Fortress, into the wilderness of the nature. I took one last look of Fort Meridian.

Here's to my departure, my new journey!

It'd be nice if I could find Mareii... but I came to the realization that I didn't always need her.

I know we'll meet again one day. Soon.