
I'm Kizaru in Konoha

In the bustling village of Konoha, the Chunin Exams, an event eagerly anticipated by all, is about to commence. Amidst the crowd gathered in the arena, a mysterious figure stands out. Clad in distinctive attire, adorned with a striking Justice Marine Cloak draped over his shoulder, this enigmatic individual observes the proceedings with keen interest. However, the peace and excitement quickly give way to unexpected chaos. The tranquility of the village is shattered as turmoil ensues. Unfazed by the unfolding events, the figure known as Kizaru, donning a lazy expression, mutters disdainfully, "It came after all... The Chunin Exam Arc has finally unfolded."

Revelature · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Third Hokage's Vigilance

Kakashi stood at the door of the Hokage's office, awaiting permission to enter. The masked Anbu guard nodded at him.

"Please, come in," an aged voice beckoned.

With a creak, Kakashi pushed open the door and stepped inside.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, sat upright with a warm smile on his face. His elbow rested on the desk before him, fingers gently interlaced as he supported his chin. Wisps of tobacco smoke curled from the pipe clenched between his teeth, lending an air of wisdom and kindness to his presence.

Engaging in a sage-like composure was one of the Third Hokage's many skills.

"It has been some time, Kakashi. How is Team 7 faring?" Sarutobi inquired, adjusting his Hokage hat to better meet Kakashi's gaze.

"They are doing well, in fact, their progress has even surprised me during our recent missions," Kakashi replied, returning the smile.

"Oh? Do tell me what transpired," Sarutobi said, lifting his hat slightly to get a clearer view of Kakashi.

Kakashi proceeded to recount the team's experiences and as he continued, the Third Hokage's astonishment grew.

"Remarkable... This report exceeds my expectations, and Naruto's growth is particularly astounding," Sarutobi exclaimed, memories of a mischievous young Naruto flashing through his mind.

Kakashi nodded in agreement. After the Third Hokage's kind praise, Kakashi's expression turned solemn, catching the attention of Sarutobi.

"What troubles you, Kakashi? Are you not pleased with your students' progress?" Sarutobi asked, his face etched with confusion.

"It's not that, Lord Third," Kakashi replied, shaking his head to dismiss any misunderstanding. "Actually, after leaving the village, we encountered an exceptionally mysterious individual."

Sensing the gravity of the situation, the Third Hokage leaned forward and asked, "Tell me more."

Kakashi scanned the room, ensuring that no prying ears would overhear their conversation. Although it was possible that Danzo might already be aware of Kizaru, Kakashi wanted to ensure that his assessment of Kizaru, which he was about to reveal to the Third Hokage, remained confidential. After all, Danzo's perception of Kizaru might be flawed, leading Danzo to have no particular interest in Kizaru.

Moreover, Kakashi was reluctant to divulge information about Kizaru to the Third Hokage himself. He did not wish to invade the privacy of an ordinary civilian who posed no apparent threat to the village, let alone expose a potentially innocent individual to the scrutiny of someone like Danzo.

Kakashi was adamant about preventing Danzo from targeting Kizaru without first fully understanding the stranger's intentions within the village. He believed it was crucial to conduct a thorough investigation to determine whether Kizaru posed any danger or harm to Konoha.

Recognizing Kakashi's vigilance, the Third Hokage reassured him, prompting Kakashi to recount his encounter with Kizaru, who had recently engaged Naruto and Sasuke in battle.

"A fascinating individual indeed, emerging within our village and revealing his true capabilities so unexpectedly," the Third Hokage remarked, his expression solemn. His tone carried a mix of contemplation and self-deprecating humor.

As the Hokage of Konoha, he felt a sense of failure for not being aware of such a capable person living among them. It was a mark against his competence as a leader. The Third Hokage pondered the possibilities—either this individual was innocent and harbored no ill intentions, or they posed a threat to the village.

If Kizaru proved to be innocent, it would be a waste not to harness his potential for the benefit of Konoha. However, if he posed a danger, Hiruzen would not hesitate to employ any means necessary to neutralize the threat.

A pensive expression graced the Third Hokage's face as he contemplated the situation. Kakashi remained unaware of the thoughts swirling within the Hokage's mind.

Expressing his gratitude to Kakashi for his contributions to the village, the Third Hokage nodded in acknowledgment before Kakashi vanished from the room.

Once Kakashi had departed, the Third Hokage summoned the Anbu to carry out an investigation on Kizaru. Several Anbu members promptly appeared, kneeling on one knee before the Hokage. The Third Hokage issued his orders, and the Anbu members, nodded in understanding before disappearing into the shadows.

Standing up from his seat, the Third Hokage turned his gaze towards the window, peering out at the village. His eyes lingered on the portraits of the previous Hokages adorning the nearby wall. Among them, his gaze fixated on the likeness of Namikaze Minato.

"This village would have thrived under your leadership, alongside the younger generation. It's a great pity that you departed from us too soon."


After a while...

Kizaru, who had been leisurely reading and recovering his energy, suddenly furrowed his brow. Despite his outward appearance of relaxation and carefreeness, his subconscious Observation Haki was continuously active.

Through his future sight, he detected the presence of individuals who were secretly observing him.

This brought to mind the encounter with Naruto and Sasuke near the village gate, where he had sensed someone observing him and the others through his Observation Haki. However, since they were mere opponents whom Naruto and the others could handle and Kakashi could easily defeat, he chose to feign ignorance, as it posed no concern to him.

But now, the group of people he foresaw through his future sight had yet to reach him. The mere glimpse into the future triggered a sense of intrigue and caution, his future sight will trigger if it involved something of interest or potential danger to him.

Although the future sight only offered a glimpse of three seconds ahead, it was sufficient for Kizaru to react. His Observation Haki extended across a range of 100 meters, large enough to cover an entire arena. He had already sensed the approaching ninjas, whose intentions seemed directed at him.

Though 100 meters seemed significant, Kizaru noted that from his vantage point in the sky, the Konoha village appeared quite expansive. In comparison to its portrayal in the anime he had watched, it was truly massive. While he hadn't made precise measurements, Kizaru estimated that Konoha covered hundreds of square kilometers. He still had a long way to go before his Observation Haki could encompass the entire village.

After all, it was reasonable for Konoha to be large, given that this world was much grander in scale compared to his previous life's world, although not as colossal as the world of One Piece.

As predicted, after three seconds had passed, Kizaru sensed the presence of the masked individuals observing him from a distance. He concluded that these individuals had come to watch him, a fact that didn't particularly bother him. However, he couldn't help but be puzzled about which person or authority these individuals were affiliated with. Through his Observation Haki, Kizaru detected the diverse array of masks they wore, leading him to assume that they were acting on the orders of the Hokage.

"Did Kakashi's vigilance against me lead him to report me to the old man?" Kizaru pondered, taking a sip of his tea.