
I'm Kizaru in Konoha

In the bustling village of Konoha, the Chunin Exams, an event eagerly anticipated by all, is about to commence. Amidst the crowd gathered in the arena, a mysterious figure stands out. Clad in distinctive attire, adorned with a striking Justice Marine Cloak draped over his shoulder, this enigmatic individual observes the proceedings with keen interest. However, the peace and excitement quickly give way to unexpected chaos. The tranquility of the village is shattered as turmoil ensues. Unfazed by the unfolding events, the figure known as Kizaru, donning a lazy expression, mutters disdainfully, "It came after all... The Chunin Exam Arc has finally unfolded."

Revelature · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Seeking Kizaru

While strolling down the street, Naruto caught sight of the figure he had tirelessly sought. There was no mistaking it: Kizaru, adorned in his distinctive justice marine cloak.

"Kizaru!" Naruto called out, running toward him with excitement.

Kizaru glanced at the rushing Naruto, his face filled with puzzlement. "Naruto?"

"There you are, Kizaru! I've been looking for you for days!" Naruto exclaimed, eagerly grabbing hold of Kizaru.

"What's the matter? Why have you been searching for me?" Kizaru asked, still perplexed, as he observed Naruto's enthusiasm.

"Obviously, it's to fight you!" Naruto declared, his eyes gleaming with excitement and a burning desire to battle.

"Hmm... Fight me? Why?" Kizaru lazily scratched the back of his head, his eyes displaying a hint of indifference.

"What do you mean, why?! Because you're strong, and I want to measure myself against you!" Naruto responded matter-of-factly.

"Is that so? But I still think you're too weak," Kizaru nodded, not bothering to hide his opinion.

The old monk, who had been conversing with Kizaru, cast a helpless glance at Naruto.

"Too weak?! Don't underestimate me! I've improved my strength since our last encounter. I'm not as weak as before!" Naruto retorted, feeling insulted, his voice filled with dignity.

"If you say so... I can agree to that under one condition," Kizaru said with a faint smile.

"What is it?" Naruto looked at Kizaru with seriousness, nodding as he prepared to listen carefully.

"Escort this old man to the Hokage tower," Kizaru gestured toward the old monk.

Naruto, expecting something more, was taken aback. "That's it?"

Kizaru nodded, his smile lingering faintly.

Hiruzen, the old monk, felt the corner of his mouth twitch.

"Young friend, are you sure he knows the way?" Hiruzen asked reluctantly.

"Of course, he knows Konoha village better than me!" Kizaru affirmed confidently.

"Have no fear, old man. I know this village like the back of my hand!" Naruto reassured him confidently.

"Since that's settled, I'll be on my way," Kizaru smirked, ready to leave, but Naruto stopped him in his tracks.

"Hey, wait! Where can I find you after this?" Naruto suddenly remembered and inquired.

Naruto wondered if Kizaru was playing a trick on him or trying to deceive him.

"You can find me residing in one of the bookstores located in the vibrant entertainment district. Look for Akihara Bookstore, and you'll find me there," Kizaru responded, his back turned as he bid farewell to Naruto, waving his right hand.

"Don't you dare deceive me, Kizaru Akamatsu!" Naruto reminded, then turned to the old man, who appeared quite unwilling to deal with Naruto.


After returning to his office, Hiruzen sat with a contemplative expression on his face. Across from him was Kakashi, positioned in front of him.

"That Kizaru doesn't appear to be a threat to the village... And it seems your students want to engage with him," Hiruzen remarked, exhaling the smoke from his tobacco.

"Those kids... This is what worries me. They're eager to face off against Kizaru, but he's still far too powerful for them," Kakashi replied, shaking his head with a hint of a headache.

"Hahaha... Let them be. Based on what I've observed, I don't think Kizaru would really harm them if they were to fight," Hiruzen chuckled momentarily before continuing.

"Yes... I have also come to a similar conclusion. He doesn't strike me as someone who would intentionally harm others. However, I couldn't be certain at that time. But with your assurance, I can rest a little easier," Kakashi responded calmly. "Yet, when they face someone like Kizaru and inevitably lose, it will dent their newfound confidence."

"That's precisely it. They need to understand that their current strength is insufficient to take on just anyone. It will serve as a valuable lesson for them," Hiruzen nodded in agreement. "And as they experience defeat in their encounters with Kizaru, their determination will grow, motivating them to become stronger."

Kakashi nodded in understanding, aligning with Hiruzen's perspective.


"Sasuke!" Naruto waved at Sasuke, who was perched on the roof of a house, and called out to him.

"What's up, Naruto?" Sasuke turned towards Naruto.

Naruto leaped to Sasuke's position and exclaimed excitedly, "I found him! Kizaru!"

Sasuke, calmly seated on the roof, stood up in surprise and looked at Naruto. "Really? Where is he?"

"Just a while ago, I saw him walking with an old monk, and I had a chance to talk to him," Naruto proudly nodded at Sasuke.

"Oh, so where is he now?" Sasuke nodded and inquired further.

"Well, he promised me that we could fight him after I escorted the old monk to the administration building... I agreed and brought the old monk there, but-" Naruto began, but before he could finish, he was interrupted.

"I don't care about that! Just tell me where he is!" Sasuke impatiently cut off Naruto.

"Well, he left after he entrusted me with the old monk..." Naruto smiled awkwardly, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he saw Sasuke's cold gaze.

"Seriously!? We finally have a chance to fight him, but you let him slip away!" Sasuke grabbed hold of Naruto's collar in frustration.

"Hey! Don't be mad! Before he left, he did tell me where he lives!" Naruto hurriedly explained, trying to calm Sasuke's anger.

"Do you honestly believe that the location he gave you is where he actually lives? What if he's lying!?" Sasuke, after hearing Naruto's words, calmed down slightly before releasing his grip on Naruto's shirt.

"Don't worry, Sasuke! I know he's not that kind of person!" Naruto tried to convince Sasuke, who reluctantly let go of his clothes.

"Your foolishness knows no bounds," Sasuke shook his head in frustration.

"Come on, Sasuke! Trust me on this one." Naruto looked confident and managed to persuade Sasuke.

Sasuke, influenced by Naruto's unwavering confidence, nodded with a sense of resignation.

"So, where does he live?" Sasuke asked Naruto, who nodded and gestured for him to follow. Together, they leaped from one building to another.

Bounding from one building to the next with remarkable agility, they swiftly arrived at their destination in a matter of minutes—the entertainment district.