
I'm Kizaru in Konoha

In the bustling village of Konoha, the Chunin Exams, an event eagerly anticipated by all, is about to commence. Amidst the crowd gathered in the arena, a mysterious figure stands out. Clad in distinctive attire, adorned with a striking Justice Marine Cloak draped over his shoulder, this enigmatic individual observes the proceedings with keen interest. However, the peace and excitement quickly give way to unexpected chaos. The tranquility of the village is shattered as turmoil ensues. Unfazed by the unfolding events, the figure known as Kizaru, donning a lazy expression, mutters disdainfully, "It came after all... The Chunin Exam Arc has finally unfolded."

Revelature · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Sasuke's Sharingan

Kizaru, who was no longer under the observation of an Anbu, activated his dojutsu—his golden eyes—by performing a simple hand sign. With a swift motion, he fully unlocked his X-ray vision.

The entire area came to a standstill as Kizaru's vision zoomed in, allowing him to see the people within a radius of 100 meters.

Kizaru then shifted his gaze towards the sky and noticed a faint barrier surrounding Konoha.

Unsurprisingly, Kizaru wasn't taken aback by the appearance of the barrier. When he had attempted to sneak out of the village earlier, he had already sensed its presence using his Observation Haki alone.

He understood that breaking through the barrier would require immense strength, but he decided against it. Instead, utilizing his enhanced observation Haki, he had discovered a secret passage that allowed him to occasionally sneak out undetected.

While testing his eye technique, he caught sight of Naruto and Sasuke approaching his current location. Judging by their expressions, it was evident that they had come to find him, and Kizaru couldn't help but smile.

Although he hadn't initially wanted any involvement with these individuals, it didn't mean he would completely avoid interacting with them or forming relationships.

Considering Naruto's role as the main character, it would be wise to establish a friendship with him, as it could prove crucial in the future.

Naruto and Sasuke drew nearer to Kizaru's position, approximately 30 meters away.

"These guys are quite interesting... I wonder if they possess the ability to learn Haki?" A faint smile escaped Kizaru's lips as he pondered whether Naruto and Sasuke were capable of harnessing Haki.

"It doesn't appear to be too bad."


Naruto and Sasuke leapt from one rooftop to another until they finally caught sight of a bookstore named Akihara. Intrigued, they made their way towards the store and stepped inside, where they were greeted by a middle-aged man dressed in a traditional Japanese white robe. He was seated at a desk located at the back of the store.

Approaching the middle-aged man, Naruto spoke up, "Hello, sir. Have you heard of someone named Kizaru?"

Akihara, who had been observing the two youngsters, suddenly displayed a surprised expression. "Kizaru? You know that young brat?"

Naruto and Sasuke nodded in affirmation, prompting Akihara to break into a delighted smile. "Oh? I had no idea that brat had finally made some friends..." he exclaimed, clearly relieved.

Naruto and Sasuke felt a sense of relief upon hearing the man's words. This meant that Kizaru truly resided here, and at least this middle-aged man was acquainted with him.

"Wait right here. I'll go find him," Akihara offered warmly.

"No need, I'm here," a voice from behind interrupted.

Akihara, who had been preparing to head towards Kizaru's room, halted in his tracks. "Oh, you're already here. Look, your friends have come to find you."

Kizaru stepped forward, and Naruto and Sasuke couldn't contain their excitement and happiness upon finally encountering him. They anticipated a thrilling battle with Kizaru.

"Well, my friends, let's venture out and have some fun," Kizaru said with a playful smile.

The expressions of Naruto and Sasuke froze momentarily. It was evident that Kizaru still believed he could defeat them easily.

Akihara, having witnessed the entire exchange, felt a sense of joy. After exchanging warm words with Naruto and Sasuke, he gave them his blessings and allowed them to depart.


After leaving the village, Kizaru, Naruto, and Sasuke ventured into an isolated area. Kizaru spoke in a lazy tone, "Well, since I made a promise, I'll fulfill it. I'll take on both of you at the same time."

Sasuke felt insulted and retorted, "Are you certain you can handle us alone? We're not the same as when you last fought us."

Naruto nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "That's right! We've improved significantly since then. We can even stick to trees with just our feet."

Sasuke's eye twitched at Naruto's boastful statement, sensing his arrogance. Kizaru responded, feigning seriousness as he locked eyes with Naruto. "Really? That's quite impressive. It seems I'll have to be cautious."

Sasuke couldn't believe that Naruto's words had made Kizaru take them seriously. He thought Kizaru had finally acknowledged their strength. However, his hopes were dashed when Kizaru continued, nonchalantly adding, "Despite being cautious, your chances of winning are still slim if you both attack together." With his hands in his pockets and his Marine cloak fluttering, Kizaru's expression shifted from serious to carefree.

Naruto felt annoyed and insulted by Kizaru's dismissive attitude. "Is that so!? You'll regret underestimating us!" He shouted angrily, reminding Kizaru of the consequences.

"Don't waste your words, Naruto. This guy is too arrogant. We'll take him down together!" Sasuke, prideful as ever, decided to team up with Naruto to teach Kizaru a lesson.

Sasuke moved faster than Naruto, launching a punch towards Kizaru, who effortlessly evaded it while he were casually brushing some dirt off his shoes. While Sasuke had predicted that Kizaru would anticipate and dodge his attack, he didn't expect him to do so while pretending it was an accidental movement while acting cleaning his shoes.

Frustrated, Sasuke followed up with a kick, but Kizaru gracefully sidestepped it while continuing to clean his other shoe. Naruto joined the attack, but Kizaru avoided it while pretending to stretch his back as if in an exercise routine.

As Naruto and Sasuke continued their assault, Kizaru evaded their attacks in a humiliating manner. His carefree and lazy demeanor, combined with his seemingly coincidental and unconscious avoidance, slowly chipped away at their self-esteem and the confidence they had gained from their recent mission.

Hurt and angered, Naruto and Sasuke found themselves astonished and confused. After creating some distance between them, Naruto asked Kizaru in amazement, "Kizaru! How are you able to dodge all of our attacks so effortlessly?"

Sasuke chimed in, "Is that a technique you developed?"

Kizaru looked at them and replied, "If you can land even one blow on me, I'll tell you."

Naruto and Sasuke weren't surprised by Kizaru's response. "I thought as much," Sasuke said coolly.

Sasuke, undeterred, decided to activate his one-tomoe Sharingan. As his eyes turned red and the swirling tomoe came to a halt, Naruto and Kizaru observed Sasuke with different expressions.

Kizaru, feigning surprise, widened his eyes behind his yellow-tinted glasses and exclaimed, "How frightening! Your eyes have turned demonic..."

Naruto also recognized the resemblance between Sasuke's eyes and Kakashi's single Sharingan, which gave him a vague understanding of the power within Sasuke's eyes.