
I'm Kizaru in Konoha

In the bustling village of Konoha, the Chunin Exams, an event eagerly anticipated by all, is about to commence. Amidst the crowd gathered in the arena, a mysterious figure stands out. Clad in distinctive attire, adorned with a striking Justice Marine Cloak draped over his shoulder, this enigmatic individual observes the proceedings with keen interest. However, the peace and excitement quickly give way to unexpected chaos. The tranquility of the village is shattered as turmoil ensues. Unfazed by the unfolding events, the figure known as Kizaru, donning a lazy expression, mutters disdainfully, "It came after all... The Chunin Exam Arc has finally unfolded."

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Akimitsu Eyes and Light Clones

After the commotion between Kizaru and Naruto's group, Tazuna complained about the delay. As a result, Kakashi and the others had to part ways with Kizaru. Although Kakashi was extremely intrigued by Kizaru, he had to suppress his curiosity until they met again.

Several days had passed.

Kizaru was currently in his room, experimenting with a new technique he had developed using chakra and his Devil Fruit power. He infused his Devil Fruit powers and chakra into his eyes, causing them to turn golden. However, he struggled as the golden color intermittently turned black before returning to gold again.

Creating this technique wasn't as easy as it appeared. Kizaru went through numerous trials and errors, striving to find the balance between controlling his Devil Fruit powers and chakra. It was a challenging task to harmonize two powers that were inherently different in nature, similar to trying to reconcile fire and water.

Normally, combining Devil Fruit powers and chakra externally posed no problem for Kizaru. However, when he released the combined energy in those external techniques, their destructive power was terrifying. Physically and mentally, Kizaru didn't struggle much—it was more like a stress release.

However, his current endeavor involved an internal technique. This meant he was infusing both energies into specific parts of his body, particularly his delicate eyes. As a result, Kizaru started sweating within a minute of utilizing these eye techniques.

Performing a simple hand sign, Kizaru's eyes lightened to a lighter shade of gold. He had just activated one of the abilities of his eye technique. Suddenly, his vision took on a dual-color appearance, with everything appearing luminous. It resembled an X-ray vision, but the view was even more pleasant and clear.

Kizaru's perception improved as he could now see through walls, with normal eye colors completely absent. It was effortless for him to detect and perceive even the slightest details. Kizaru couldn't help but wonder if his eyes had turned into Byakugan, although there were no veins popping at the sides of his eyes.

He had drawn inspiration from eyes like the Byakugan and Sharingan for his own golden eyes. However, it was hard to determine if his eyes held any obvious advantages compared to the legitimate eyes of the Byakugan and Sharingan.

As Kizaru turned his gaze toward the place where his adopted father was staying, he could see through his father's body—his bones, skull, internal organs such as the heart and brain, and even the tiny vessels spread throughout his body. Kizaru surveyed the world with his activated eye technique for ten minutes before he could no longer hold on and deactivated his infused Devil Fruit and chakra eye technique.

Although the combined infusion of Devil Fruit and Chakra into his eyes, forming the eye technique, didn't currently provide any obvious advantage since Kizaru already possessed Observation Haki, he believed it could prove useful in the future. Moreover, this was just one of the abilities of his eye technique, and there was much more to explore.

Standing up, Kizaru floated into the air with the power of his Devil Fruit and muttered, "Uchusen." Instantly, he transformed into a mass of light and sped off into the distance, seemingly moving at the speed of light.

With his newfound advantage in controlling both powers, Kizaru was eager to test his externally combined Devil Fruit and chakra techniques.

It was actually because of the fight against Naruto and Sasuke while posing as Kizaru that boosted his inheritance of power, helping him gain better control over his Devil Fruit abilities.

Now, he can use his Devil Fruit power to travel for short distances without becoming completely exhausted after just using the taxing eye technique, unlike before when he had to walk back to the Konoha gate on foot to conserve energy. That decision led him to encounter Naruto and the others.

After landing in a forested area, Kizaru performed a series of hand signs. A flash of light appeared beside him, and once it dissipated, another Kizaru clone stood there.

This clone technique was made possible through the combined abilities of his Devil Fruit and chakra, allowing him to create a clone infused with the essence of his Glint-Glint Devil Fruit power. Unlike Naruto and others who created clones that appeared in a cloud of smoke, Kizaru's clones appeared with a flash of light.

Due to the infusion of two foreign energies, these clones could only last for a few minutes—precisely seven minutes—before exploding, which could surprise potential enemies. However, the time limit increased as Kizaru improved his control over the unfamiliar energies. If the clones were touched or destroyed by an enemy, they would explode regardless.

After a demonstration where the clones punched and kicked trees, the attacks carried the essence and destructive energy of light, leaving visible burn marks and piercing through the wood.

Once the technique's time limit expired, the clones exploded one after another before disappearing. Surveying the craters and ruined trees left behind by the explosions, Kizaru smiled faintly.

He took out a small notebook from his suit pocket and, holding a pen in his hand, began thoughtfully writing down his improvements and a name for his current technique.

Regarding the eye technique infused with Devil Fruit power and chakra, he simply named it "Akimitsu." Akimitsu was his family name, which actually originated from his biological parents rather than his adoptive father. He chose to use his family name as an excuse he could employ in the future when revealing the eye technique to others, claiming it as a bloodline or kekkei genkai.

After jotting down a bunch of nonsensical explanations he could share when revealing the technique in the future, he felt satisfied and tucked the small notebook back into his suit pocket.

When he was about to use "Uchusen," he realized that his chakra, Devil Fruit power, and even his physical body felt exhausted. Maintaining the three light clones and using the taxing eye technique had drained him, reminding him of his own weakness.

Although he could sustain his energy for days using pure Devil Fruit powers and abilities, he still held onto the idea of harmoniously combining Devil Fruit and chakra.

Although the combination of these two powers greatly limits him, its potential is undeniable. If Kizaru can completely master it, he would have few worries in the future.

However, since he hasn't watched the Naruto series in its entirety, he is completely ignorant of the upcoming plot after the Three Sannin battle.

Just from witnessing the power of Itachi Uchiha alone, Kizaru has already seen enough to understand how dangerous this world can be.

I made a mistake by releasing this chapter as Chapter 7 instead of Chapter 8, and I forgot to publish Chapter 7. However, I have now fixed the error and published Chapter 7.

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