
I'm just here (Miraculous ladybug)

Being born in the world of miraculous ladybug is entertaining and scary and the world could be rewritten at any point just because of a wish.

Ed_bear · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: School... Again.

Right let's get this over with I'm 15 and also 26 if you combined both my lives I was born in England and moved to France, why well this is were the story of Miraculous Ladybug begins how do I know that this is the world of Miraculous Ladybug well it's because of me being friends with Felix and how was I able to be in his posh school well it's because I'm also apart of a noble family, since in this world the Harbottle family still has meaning along with other family names, the main reason how I know that this is the world of Miraculous Ladybug is because of the Stonehearts' that appeared yesterday along with Cock-Moth... Sorry Hock-Moth, Ladybug and Cat noir.

As for why I'm moving to Paris simply... I'm BORED like really BORED and while Felix is great sometimes, mainly his reaction to people thinking that he's Adrien, he can be annoying sometimes but the main reason we became friends so fast is because I had a friend just like him and while he's not exactly the same there close enough and if I was able to 'fix' my friend then I could 'fix' Felix.

NOW onto the main reason I'm moving to Paris is because of Marinette simply because I had a massive crush on her when I was younger along with Ruby rose form RWBY which really says something about me I guess... Too be fair my type is nice/innocent girls that are stressed or pressured I think.

As for my plan when I already know that she has a 'thing' for Adrian well it's simple if she was able to change her crush from Adrian to others more then once then I can also have a chance... So watch Adrian for I'm about to be Mr steal-your-girl... God that was cringe.

"The plane to Paris is now landing, can all attendees please make sure they have there seat belt on."

*Time-skip by me not carrying if you disagree with the love interest*

September 3rd 2015 in the halls of Collège Françoise Dupont we see a French-Chinese girl around 14 running up the stairs as she's about too be late for homeroom on the 3rd day of school trip on the last stair luckily or unlucky Edgar Harbottle-Johnson a Thai-English person was able to catch her and was just able to steady her before falling.

"Oww" "Oof" the fell on each other with Edgar being on the bottom and the girl sitting on his stomach so sitting up slowly as he was still dazed resulted in the girl fall back but Edgar was able to grab her hip and shoulders snapping the girl of of her dazed and confused state.

Looking at each other and observing the person Infront of them revealing the girl to have deep blue hair tied by red ribbons and having red earrings on her face she is wearing light makeup only having pink lip gloss and a bit of blush and mascara enhancing her Teal eyes like beach waves she was wearing pink Yoda like pants that on closer inspection are pink jeans that are rolled up showing pink polka dots with having a white shirt with a small pink flower pattern and a black jacket that had the sleeves roll up a bit showing small pink polka dots on the inside just like the jeans along with a small pink and white purse.

Just as Edgar was observeing the girl she was doing the same with Edgar showing that he had round gold framed glasses that matched well with his light brown hair styled in curtains that shaped his face perfectly and having chocolate like eyes he is wearing a light blue checkers shirt that had the top two buttons off showing his collar bone and a small rose petal necklace along with a jacket that was light red near the sleeves but patterned like rose petals which faded to black past the elbow.

"Umm Sorry about that I'm Edgar, Edgar Harbottle-Johnson nice to meet you..." He stated while fighting down the rising boner from the girl who keeps shifting her nice ass who suddenly stopped.

"Oh, Ur. Is. I'm M-M-Ma-rin-n-nette, M-M-Mari-i-inette Dupain-Cheng n-nice t-to me-et yo-uu."

Feeling the rising boner growing and the rising heat on his face he quickly say's "C-Can you please get up now, even if it's nice." He said the last part in a whisper but Marinette was still faintly able to her it along with giggleing from her purse.

"R-Right, SORRY." Marinette said from embarrassment and a small bit of pride and joy but mainly embarrassment, as the two got up from there intermittent position the bell just went off stating the end of homeroom and the beginning of the fist class.

"I Um h-have t-to-to go, ByE." Panicking she quickly ran off but after carming a bit she looked back to see Edgar struggling to find were he was ment to go and pulled from, blue jeans that are a bit ripped around the knees, a night pink sticky note saying something that he finds hard to read so Marinette deciding to go over and help.

"Umm arr. D-do you need help Edgar, i-if not the it's fine." Said the now worried girl wondering if she just embarrassed herself more.

"Ha um, Yes please that would be great I've been having trouble reading French but speaking is fine I think." As they were moving towards his classroom which is the same as Marinette's the talked about things like how she noticed that his actsent sounds a bit English yet well practiced and so on.

When they did reach class the teacher asked why Marinette was late and Edgar decided to help saying that he's new and how he got lost so Marinette decided to help, skipping there embarrassing fall on each other.

"Right well Marinette go sit down then and make sure your not late again. Edgar please go and introduce yourself to the class and tell us about yourself."

Walking towards the centre of the class Edgar introduce himself by saying "Hello everyone I'm Edgar Harbottle-Johnson and I like EJ's music as well as baked food like Macarons, please treat me nice and I hope we can all be friends."

"Right well Edgar it's nice to meet you as for were you can sit please go to the seat two rows behind Marinette, thank you."

When Edgar did sit down only a few thoughts were in his mind first Marinette has a great ass and that his eyes were sore so taking of his glasses to message his eyes he also thought about his 'mission' and how it was a great success.

And now it's time for school... Great.