
I'm Just An Ambiverted Dude

In 2050. A dude kinda just exists and interacts with his friends, family, teachers, coworkers, and other random people. In all, 18 year old Denshi Aoyama lives in a future in which Japan has been a part of the USA for 20 years where they mostly speak English and guns are legal. He works at a Del Burrito and looking for love. Enjoy? And for those that aren't gonna read this because it doesn't have many chapters. I'll try to post a chapter daily. At the very least 4 chapters a week unless circumstances don't allow. AND IF YOU ENJOY PLEASE COMMENT.... Even if you don't.

Kimyona_8486 · Realistic
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42 Chs

Chapter 36

"DANG this place is hella boujee!" Freedom exclaimed.

We go into the gym at the bottom room.

"Yo..." Freedom was surprised how nice it is down here.

There wasn't a basketball court, but I mean there's still the gym.

We work out in the gym for a bit. What's cool is that they had blown out the wall to the bedroom so that all the machines can face the theatre so we put something on I forgot what.

After that I cooked (I can't trust her with cooking anymore after that poor, poor TURKEY BURGER like seriously, how did she mess up one of the easiest meats to cook, ground turkey?), I made pizza.

"Dang this is good. I wish I could cook good." Man even she knows she's a bad cook.

"I can teach you I dunno tomorrow or something."


We forget that we were dripping in sweat. We showered in each of the bathrooms. I love having 2 bathrooms. Reminds me of when mom was around before she left and we had to downsize to the 2 bed 1 bath.

We play pool for a bit, it was fun. She kicked my butt, she won every game bar 2.

She leaves after a bit and I get the whole house to myself. I kinda just chill the whole time.

Work happens, I taught Freedom how to cook a steak medium well, and then my dad and Kailani come home after a week...

The shortest chapter! I know. Okay so here's why the filler, this book is going to end soon. Around chapter 40-45. I have two book ideas that I'm working on and I want you to pick. If y'all like both just say both. I might alternate days that I work on them since overall these are passion projects I do for fun at school.

Ok Pick One:

"My Non-existent System" (Psycho-Comedy Realistic Fiction)

"The Empress of Glass" (Rags to Riches Realistic Fiction in the same world as this book)

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