
Chapter 124: Duel Demonstration

The straw scattered across the ground proved that the creature had been here.

"Why was it in the backyard of a pub?" Sherlock Forester, the esteemed professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, asked in puzzled frustration.

Hilke maintained her silence, preferring to inspect the yard rather than reply. However, the mess of random objects strewn about made it near impossible to discern any evidence on initial examination.

She withdrew her wand and aimed it skyward; with a casual flick, she silently cast a spell. In an instant, the entirety of the pub's neglected wooden barrels, tables, and chairs ascended to hover in mid-air, revealing the yard's original layout underneath.

Nothing of note caught Sherlock's attention. As he guided the part-time guide, part-time dog Sirius Black around the area, he too found nothing amiss.

Suddenly, the back door leading to the pub saloon violently swung open. A scruffy man, covered filth and sporting an unkempt, swaying beard, squinted distrustingly at them.

"What's the meaning of this ruckus?"

The disturbance had clearly alerted the pub owner and barkeep.

"Apologies for the intrusion, sir, we've uncovered crucial evidence related to a recent attack that took place in your backyard." Sherlock swiftly managed to reply, though he lacked a convincing justification for their meddling. The pub owner, reeking of goats, barely registered their reasoning. With a gnarled hand, he fumbled for his own wand, his other hand gesturing dismissively at his intruders.

"Are you from the Auror Office at the Ministry of Magic? If not, then get out of here! Leave my property this instant!"

"Very well, we'll leave at once, no need to get agitated." Sherlock along with Hilke and Sirius, promptly exited the pub's backyard. Once they were some distance away, standing in a narrow alleyway, they continued their scrutiny of the dilapidated building.

Sherlock, stroking his chin thoughtfully, pondered on their findings while also tackling other considerations. Hilke too was lost in her own contemplative study of the pub. Sherlock broke their collective silence first, suggesting -

"Perhaps it isn't the backyard that's significant. What if it's the pub itself?"

"You know, this town was once overrun by goblins."

Hilke's remark sparked a sudden realization in Sherlock's mind, "Ah, I recall now! The single most monumental event in Hogsmeade's history was when the goblins rebelled, and took control over the town, their command center being this very pub!"

The coincidence of the murderer choosing the Hogshead Inn's backyard, the former goblin command center as his base, was too striking to dismiss. Sherlock proposed -

"The culprit may have been seeking something dating back to when the goblins laid claim to Hogsmeade."

Hilke gave the pub one final, lingering appraisal before softly suggesting, "I'll source some one to confirm these speculations."

As night settled firmly around them, they concluded they had lingered enough, and prepared to return to Hogwarts. However, before his departure, Sherlock took a moment to regard the all-knowing dog at his side. Recognizing a kindred spirit, he felt a pang to welcome the dog to his humble abode.

"If you've grown weary of your vagrant ways and would like to settle down in warm and safe home, you're welcome to be my guest."

Sirius Black immediately dismissed the idea. Joining Sherlock at Hogwarts seemed an opportunity to wander the noble halls of the castle at leisure, but he felt no need for such convenience, having already mastered every nook and corner of the secret paths from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts.

Following Sherlock would only curtail his freedom and any lapse in discretion could expose his secret. Hence, Sirius's reluctance was palpable.

Sensing his reticence, Sherlock dropped the matter. He undid the Transfiguration he'd devised for Sirius's leash, giving him back his freedom. Sirius, eager to preserve his newly acquired liberty, hotfooted it away, fearful that Sherlock might have a change of heart.

However, Sherlock, having released him, had no intentions of reasserting his control over Sirius. They made their way back to Hogwarts under the curtain of nightfall.

That evening, Sherlock was informed about a regrettable incident during Hagrid's first Care of Magical Creatures lesson of the term during dinner in the Great Hall. Fearing the worst, Sherlock rushed to console his friend, reaching Hagrid's cabin just as he'd finished shedding his tears, his eyes red-rimmed, and a crumpled handkerchief in hand.

"Don't beat yourself up, Hagrid, we all have our rough beginnings. Nobody is born an expert," Sherlock soothed him in a reassuring manner.

However, his comforting words did little to alleviate Hagrid's anguish. He mourned, "I had prepared so thoroughly, believing everyone would adore the creatures. I never expected Malfoy to get hurt on the first day. His father is on the board of governors and has always despised me. No way he'll let this pass!"

Sherlock had been informed about the incident and hence chose to pause.

His initial impulse was to admonish Hagrid for allowing third-year students to handle such a hazardous creature without taking the necessary precautions, but as a friend, he was reluctant to voice his criticisms, especially considering that Hagrid had generously provided him with numerous dark magical creatures for his own lessons.

Opting for a more delicate approach, he advised him, "You should consider introducing safer creatures in your future lessons. I believe the students would much rather be intrigued by the lesson rather than overwhelmed by the creature's strength."

That was all Sherlock could part with but whether Hagrid would take his advice to heart, was uncertain.

The first week of the new term had flown by swiftly.

In that time, Remus Lupin, Sherlock's assistant for the term, had received great reviews from his younger students. His teaching style, while different, was about on par with Sherlock's, earning him the students' trust.

Such news must have been disheartening to Hagrid; the new appointees were already making strides in their respective departments while he was still nursing guilt over injuring a student during his first class.

Ever since Sherlock and Hilke had returned from Hogsmeade, Hilke shut herself in the fifth-floor room once again, leaving Sherlock to wonder how she intended to investigate the former headquarters of the goblins at the Hog's Head Inn.

The start of a new week also heralded the arrival of the second lesson for the seventh grade students. Dumbledore had acceded to Sherlock's request to allocate the largest classroom in the castle for the term.

Once home to an abandoned Potions class, the space was thrice the size of a normal classroom, accommodating all the seventh-year students while still affording Sherlock a large area for teaching.

"I know many of you are keen to dive right in, but we must bear in mind the two key principles I underscored during the last lesson,"

"The Shield Charm, coupled with Transfiguration, will be the main components of your practical assessment. As I've said it's essential that everyone masters the Shield Charm. I'll be rectifying your Transfiguration techniques during your hands-on exercises to cultivate a habit of frequent usage."

Upon delivering his instructions, he cleared the front half of the room and offered, "Who would like to join me in a mock duel to demonstrate?"

Almost all the students excitedly thrust their hands into the air, none wanting to miss such an opportunity.

Sherlock's previous position as Auror at the Ministry of Magic was common knowledge. Knowing full-well the nuances of practical exams, a duel with him would serve as invaluable practice. Ultimately, he chose Percy Weasley from amongst the eager volunteers, a small token of appreciation for Percy's assistance with various academic affairs.

The rest of the students shifted to make way for the duel, leaving an unobstructed path for them. As Sherlock squared off against Percy, they both brandished their wands, set for the duel.

"Are you prepared, Weasley?"

Gripping his wand tighter, Percy's palms started to sweat. Confronting Sherlock directly was indeed nerve-wracking.

"I'm ready, Professor."

"Very well. On the count of three, you can attack me with everything you have."

"Three, two, one!"

The moment Sherlock called out 'one', he and Percy simultaneously raised their wands.

"Protego!" They simultaneously invoked the spell. (E/N.: idk why chinese fics always treat the Shield Charm like it summons an invisible set of armor, when that's not how it works at all, but I think most us are used to it by now...)

An invisible barricade enveloped them, serving as a formidable defense against forthcoming spells.

How Sherlock proceeded was now pivotal; under normal circumstances, he could have attacked Percy while he was casting the Iron Shield Charm. However, this was an assessment and he had to comply with the test protocols.

Upon both of them successfully casting their Iron Shield Charms, Percy swiftly turned his wand on Sherlock.


Despite Percy being the first to launch an offensive spell, Sherlock remained calm, deftly brandishing his wand to cast the Iron Shield Charm once again.


This time, rather than creating a double layer of protection, the Iron Shield Charm expanded from the tip of his wand, forming a transparent barrier.

This shield intercepted Percy's Expelliarmus spell, and the colorless bulwark turned a vibrant shade of red upon contact.

The following second, Percy's spell was redirected back at him.

Fortunately, Percy was prepared. He knew that a sophisticated Shield Charm could repel spells cast by the opponent, a fact taught to them during their sixth year by Sherlock himself (a lesson that should have been delivered in the fifth year, but unfortunately, it had been overlooked by Professor Quirrel).

However, before the spell could ricochet back towards him, Percy swiftly executed a roll, successfully avoiding it while maintaining his grace.

Simultaneously, while focused on his evasion, Percy subtly flicked his wand, executing another spell cleverly disguised by his movements.

A chair, located behind Sherlock, underwent a rapid transformation!

It morphed into five elongated snakes that advanced towards Sherlock, about to transfigure into ropes when he lightly tapped his wand.

"Finite Incantatem." The snakes reverted back into a chair instantaneously, and settled back in their original places.

Without missing a beat after casting the counter-spell, Sherlock flung his wand again, silently casting a spell.

Upon witnessing this, Percy scanned his surroundings frantically to spot what object Sherlock had transformed.

However, there was nothing out of the ordinary in his vicinity; no object had been transfigured!

Only when it was too late did Percy realize he'd been duped; Sherlock's spell was already cast.


A crimson spell soared straight at Percy, who had no other option than to brace himself for impact. The spell collided with his Shield Charm.

The charm recoiled with a shuddering ripple before it shattered like a pane of glass!

Percy had successfully blocked Sherlock's Expelliarmus with his Shield Charm, but his shield was subsequently destroyed by Sherlock.

As Percy desperately tried to recuperate from the shock, preparing to retaliate and buy himself some time, he noticed that a pair of chains had stealthily ensnared his legs!

Before he could react and raise his wand, the chains slithered up his arms, binding him tightly on the spot!

At that moment, the duel concluded.

Applause erupted from the spectating students.

The duel was nothing short of electrifying. Percy may not have won, but that was to be expected. What was interesting is the fact that he stood his ground for so long against Sherlock was beyond impressive.

Sherlock's effortless spell-casting and swift counter-spells left a deep impression on the students.

His manipulation of the wand didn't feel like a duel but more an artist crafting a breathtaking masterpiece. It was an absolute spectacle to behold!

"Well done, Weasley."

Sherlock undid the Transfiguration on Percy, and Percy was astonished to learn that the chains binding him were actually a chair.

This chair was originally lying in the far corner of the room, out of Percy's immediate focus.

Sherlock's unvoiced wand movement was not meant to deceive, but because his transfigured object was far from Percy, he failed to spot it. Percy had interpreted it as a decoy and was preoccupied with the shattered Shield Charm, allowing Sherlock to carry out his move unnoticed.

By the time he had realized what had happened, it was too late.

"Truly remarkable performance, Weasley. Apart from your clear inexperience, there was no fault in your dueling, in fact I'd say you have equaled most adult wizard already. If this was a real practical assessment, full marks would undoubtedly be yours."

Sherlock didn't hesitate to offer high praise, for Percy's commitment to the duel was truly exceptional. The Weasley family was known for their remarkable talent, and Percy was no different.

However, his aspiration for authority was more intense than his brothers, normally this could be a strength, but Percy was too often blinded by his obsession.

He fell prey to Tom Riddle's manipulations last term due to this power-oriented mindset, a trait that could prove to be hazardous in his future endeavors. That being said, it was not a matter of concern for this practical class, and Sherlock didn't wish to delve into his psychological issues.

Fueled by Sherlock's flattering compliments, Percy strode back to his seat, beaming with pride. Subsequently, Sherlock proceeded to dissect the demonstration, explaining its implications to his pupils.

"The key factor in a magical duel is to control the rhythm. To be more precise, mastering control over the rhythm will allow you to dictate how the duel progresses."

"It means you are in the driver's seat, determining every turn and change and thus, controlling every aspect of the duel, your opponent has to react to your moves, putting them in a passive position. It requires you to remain vigilant, observing and predicting your opponent's movements. At the same time, you must also keep track of your surroundings, making sure you are aware of all potential advantages or hazards. A competent dueler must demonstrate a fine balance of proactive and reactive decision-making."

"In Percy's duel just now, he lost track of his surroundings due to the duel's high pace and the pressure from me at some key moments. That allowed me to manipulate a distant object to trap him. The real key to success in a duel lies in maintaining your composure, regardless of the pressure you're facing. You must never allow your opponent to disrupt your rhythm."

Thanks for reading, everyone! Let me know what you thought of the chapter in the comments or give the book a vote (^ω^)!

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