
I'm Innocent

A scene that occurred late at night were witnessed by four friends and now, each and every one of them are being haunted by what they saw.

Tari_Foxie_7913 · Urban
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5 Chs


"Will you stop it?" A familiar voice hissed in my ear. I relaxed and shook myself away. I turned back to see Jared. He looked terrible. He had a large gash above his eye and blood was splattered on his clothes. His lips and cheek were swollen. His shirt itself was torn in places and he limped into my house, wincing as he came. I pushed the door further open for him, staring at him intently.

I scowled at him, vigorously rubbing the back of my hand against my lips. I backed away slowly.

"You look like a thief." I murmured, leaning casually against a wall.

He stooped over and rested his hands on his knees, breathing raggedly.

"Well, what happened was..." He began, sitting heavily on the floor.

"...when we ran from the police, I came across a house. It looked abandoned and the lights were off." He murmured miserably, rubbing the back of his neck.

Sitting down beside him, I grinned. "...and being the idiot that you are, you went in." I supplied. Disconcerted, he nodded slowly.

"There was an orgy and they attacked me. They beat me up and threw me in someone's car's trunk. They dumped me around your house after their orgy. It was really musty in there." He said spitefully.

Stifling a laugh, I got up slowly. "Come here, let me get you some food."

I pulled out some cup noodles. I grabbed the percolator, brought the water to a boil and poured it into the cup. "Careful, you could get burned." I warned as I carefully transfered the cup to him.

He snatched it out of my hand rudely and gobbled it up. Rolling my eyes, I sat down at the table. "My phone dropped." I murmured, linking my fingers together.

He choked and looked at me incredulously. "Well, that was stupid." He said. I nodded slowly. " So, what's the plan?"

"Knowing Kita,  she'll say exactly what happened but, that officer is gonna contradict her. She's gonna implicate us. We have to discredit her claims." I said thoughtfully, staring into Jared's cup.

"Yeah, okay." He nodded slowly and forked more noodles into his mouth.

"Where's Jeremy?" I asked. He shrugged and I stuck out my hand. "Give me your phone." He dug in his pocket and shoved his phone into my hand. I quickly dialed Jeremy's number.

"Hello? Jared?" He murmured quietly. Too quietly. I felt a chill sweep through my bones. Shaking my head, I ignored it.

"It's me." I said quickly. "Why are you whispering?" I added forcefully. Straining to hear him.

"The police came back, I'm in the bushes." He whispered. I heard the snap of twigs as he crept around.

"Well, incase they catch you, don't say anything until they let you call me." I said quickly, thinking of the worst case scenario.

"Oka....hey! Step back!" Jeremy yelled as the line cut. I threw the phone at the wall. Jared's eyes widened comically. I paced, thinking furiously. Jared shrugged and ate his noodles slowly, apparently savoring every bite.

About an hour later, my home phone rang. The police had gotten Jeremy. Sighing, I agreed to go over to the police station. I ran upstairs and threw on a dress. It wasn't my best outfit but I wanted to look like I'd been home all day. I threw on a pair of short heels and grabbed my briefcase even though it was empty.Jared decided to come with me. I tried to stop him because of his wounds but, he simply took some pills that he took from my medicine cabinet and dabbed some alcohol on his wounds. Pressing an ice pack on his cheek, he jumped in the car.

"How will you explain your wounds?" I asked slowly.

"I was mugged on my way home from the hospital." He said, shrugging.

I nodded. "Stick to that story no matter what" I warned.

It was a long, silent drive. When we finally got there, Kita was crying very loudly and she wouldn't talk to me or Jared. Jared sat beside her, rubbing her back slowly until she settled into hiccups. I walked towards the desk and an annoyed looking police officer told me that Jeremy was being questioned and I'd have to wait outside.

"I'm his lawyer!" I tried.

"I don't care, you're not allowed in." He said ruthlessly.

A few minutes later, Jeremy came out with a sour look plastered across his face and I grabbed his arm, violently turning him towards me.

"What's happened?" I asked, scared to hear his answer.

"Kita's gotten us all in trouble" He said sadly, shaking his head.

Jared jumped away from Kita as if she was harbouring an awful disease. "How could you?" He cried, dropping his ice pack. It landed on the ground with a loud plop. The officer I talked to before, looked up discreetly.

Jeremy grabbed Jared's shoulder as he advanced towards Kita. "This isn't the end of it Kita!" He yelled as other officers came to aid Jeremy.

"Ma'am, Sir, You'll have to be questioned." An officer said when Jared had calmed down and had slammed his dirty ice pack back on his cheek.

I nodded calmly. Jeremy murmured insults as I walked into the interrogation room with the annoyed looking officer. He left me there and walked outside. I walked around the table, prepared to answer any questions that this policeman had for me. I frowned when I saw the officer that had murdered those people sitting, ready to question me. Before I could run back to the door....

"Take a seat ma'am." He said harshly. I leaned across the table and spat in his face. I hurried towards the door. He moved like a cobra. Wrapping his hands against my waist, he lifted me off my feet and slammed me down onto the table. My head throbbed madly where it had hit the iron. I vaguely heard the sound of jangling metal. My eyes widened as I felt a weird, unexpected, familiar sensation. I screamed and squirmed, squeezing my eyes shut.